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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1364244336' post='2023813'] The site is becoming very unreliable. What will it be next? [/quote] The end of time probably. Stop being so negative. We try our best to keep BS running. There are times though when things happen beyond our control. Up until the last few week BS has more or less been trouble free for years
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1364243868' post='2023791'] Mate, you can't keep thinking of Basschat as a professional business. It's a cottage industry that's grown. The guys are doing their level best to provide the bast Basschat possible, and they are cognisant of the options for testing the site. They have a life too. [/quote] Thanks Nige
  3. As I'm sure it has already been pointed out. Keeping this forum up and running to the standard everyone expects isn't cheap and it can't be expected that people dib into their own pockets to keep it up and running. None of the mods get paid a bean, and don't expect to. money from the adds goes to maintain the upkeep of the forum, it's as simple as that. What really riles me though is when certain individuals show no repect for the members that pay for their adds by trying to fee dodge, and then when they get rumbled resort to leaving childish remarks on their Twitter and facebook accounts. I can't think of anywhere on the web where there is so much gear up for grabs
  4. Kings of the Realm...Sheffield O2 Academy. My first gig with this band. We did this gig in aid of a local hospital cancer charity. Surprising good turn out given the crap weather. We were the only originals band on the bill. Got to say we couldn't have played better, songs went down very well. Sound was very good out front so I as told after we came off. Had a slight problem at the start of the set as there was no bass coming out of the monitors and I couldn't hear sod all, eventually got the attention of the monitor engineer and got him to turn it up. Really enjoyed the experience, TBH I thought the gig may well bomb due to the weather, but all was good.
  5. Wee bump for a great gig tomorrow in aid of a great cause
  6. What time are you on Pete?
  7. Glenn Hughes' is also very good. But then agin I'm a huge Glenneth fan. Also enjoyed Lemmy's. Next on the list will be Dave Lee Roth's
  8. Listening to some of this it quickly becomes apparent that one mans ripe banana's is another mans lemon. For me it's Buckethead, even breaks a string halfway through and still carries on.......true Gunsligeeeeeeee. [media]http://youtu.be/m8C8fD6zWXM[/media]
  9. [quote name='pataleks' timestamp='1363100972' post='2008477'] And i now have a STATUS 5st Emphaty headed for trade.... [/quote] I have a Status S2 5 and a Status S2 6. Not really interested in trades unless it's for a Ricky
  10. [quote name='busccini' timestamp='1363032223' post='2007398'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/201249-fender-fmt-nordstrand-pickups-glockenklang-3-band-video-added/page__p__1998230#entry1998230"]http://basschat.co.u...30#entry1998230[/url] trade????? [/quote] Not for me, but thanks for the offer
  11. It's obbm I think. or ommb or somethink like dat
  12. My band Kings of the Realm are playing at the Sheffield O2 Academy on Saturday the 23rd of March to raise funds for the Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity. Tickets are £10 and doors open at 6.30pm Other acts on the bill are Riffler, Junction 25, Steve Songhurst plus others
  13. [quote name='bassicinstinct' timestamp='1360769760' post='1976185'] You got my old band mate Steve Flowers on Keys, or has he moved on to pastures new? [/quote] Ditto
  14. TBH, I've been wanting to see one of Nige's bands for ages, plus Clarky's All The Queens Ravens. It would mean I'd have to travel down from Derbyshire and stay over, but it would be worth it IMHO. Have to sort it out.
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