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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1360588328' post='1972754'] i totally agree about professional traders, and i'm sure pretty much everyone on this thread will agree that they aren't very welcome and don't do the site any service, although personally i've not seen any examples of this 'flipping'... what i do object to is this notion that as a non-trader bass player, buying and selling a few basses per year, you are [i]morally obliged[/i] to sell it for the [i]same[/i] price you bought it, and now this is even being suggested by the mods?! it is [i]for example[/i] in my opinion totally reasonable to think that some fender MIJ signature models are increasing (slightly) in value purely because they are becoming more sought after now production has moved to mexico. i don't think its unreasonable or insulting or anti-comunity to put it up at £100 more than you bought it for a year ago, knowing full well that what usually happens is that the seller is going to make you an offer of what they consider reasonable anyway. i put my MIJ Geddy Jazz up for £600 having paid £500 six months ago. it sold for £530 inc post, which once you take off the postage strings and setup equates to roughly £30 loss. its hardly the housing boom! and yet me and a few other people on here are getting labled as the 'types that will screw you into the ground' over price just because we don't object to someone trying to make a few quid on an occasional deal. i think a bit of perspective is in order! [/quote] I am a mod, so it wasn't being suggested by the mods, and if you look closeley enough, you'll find the words just my opinion.
  2. The only time I think it's acceptable to sell a bass on for more that a member paid for it is if new strings have been added or if a bass has been bought and then had some luthier work done on it to make it straight. In other words if a buyer has had considerable expense in getting a bass straight. Even then there is a market value. Just my opinion. Some of the basses I have bought on here at some time or another end up with Jon Shuker for a good set up and fret dress to get them spot on. Also, the last bass I bought on here was delivered to me with no strings on it at all, and were talking a high level bass. When i opened the case I thought the seller had taken them off for transportation and they were in the compartment in the case....nope, nothing there. The word gobsmacked come's to mind. There has been a few sellers on here who seem to buy basses from ebay for example and then try to sell them on here for a profit. They are being watched. While it is not against forum rules, there must come a time when when if someone does it once too often they have a danger of being classed as a trader, or an amateur one at that. If it becomes too regular with any one individual, we will look into it.
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1360527442' post='1971882'] To be fair, we don't know what's gone on behind the scenes. Presumably the OP does, and he seems happy enough, so maybe it can be filed under 'extenuating circumstances'. Forgiveness is one of the more pleasant human traits. [/quote] Well to be fair, I have dealt with my fair share of deals on here that have had problems. Including driving a 60 mile round trip to pick up a bass that a seller didn't send, the bass was bought by a guy in Germany. And having to organise the courier and pack the bass. What I find inexcusable is that PM's are not answered, but just ignored. In this instance the OP's PM's were ignored and mine were as well. It takes 2 minutes to send a PM to explain the situation and take the pressure off, then the member having the problem understands and will get a resolution, and the moderator can move onto other stuff and just keep an eye on developments. Instead PM's are ignored which leads to the member who has bought the item having more anxiety, and the moderator having to file endless reports to the other mods and admins on what is happening. TBH we have a dim view of poor comms, and PM's being ignored. Comms are king, because we're a forum innit !
  4. Much as I hate to say it Rush. Snakes and Arrows is the first rush album I didn't buy in their entire career. The latest one ain't much better.
  5. mcnach wins post of the year 2013 and were only in February.
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360241124' post='1967178'] Of course If it moves you that's all that matters. [/quote] Nail on head mate. I've been recommended CD's and after buying them I've only played them once because I've thought it was nothing but a din. But the music has moved someone, maybe to take up playing an instrument. Which is brilliant. My favorite saying........You don't listen to music..you feel it. If my ears and brain give the music I hear a big thumbs up...top notch. I won't loose any sleep if i see a guy play bass and there's a little fret buzz or his technique is crap...it's all in the ears...thumbs up or down. I don't really care if some techno bass playing wizzard thinks my playing is crap......I go out with the band, have a good time, get loads of satisfaction when the band locks together and rocks and wait for it...................have fun. I have no desire to be a bass playing wizzard because the music I play don't demand it, and I don't have time to put in as much practice as I should. There are more important things in life.
  7. One man's Irn Bru is another mans Coca Cola. One man's beautiful sonata is another mans ear bleeding racket. It's all getting very Ground Hog day isn't it. Personally i think Mark King is Better than Flea, so Tim.
  8. He's sent me and the OP a message to say he's sending the bass, so it should be resolved quickly. The guy is going through a bit of a tough time it would seem. We also now have his address as well. I agree with Hutton. Sh*t happens to all of us, so maybe he should be cut a little bit of slack, as it is out of character going by previous feedback.
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1359900806' post='1961747'] Wasn't something like this done once before on this forum, a few years ago in similar circumstances? If not I have seen it work on another forum. We don't need any names on a public forum, either real or User-names. If it looks like it's not going forward the normal way, maybe just put the regional area of the OP & seller & see who's up for helping out. Any posts which start hazarding a guess as to who the seller is are immediately deleted upon pain of It's do-able; when all else has failed. [/quote] There was another instance similar to this. Guy from Germany bought a Jazz from a guy in Rotherham that wasn't sent. A few members tracked the guy in Rotherham down and managed to get his phone number. Long story short, I ended up phoning the guys mum, told her what a naughty boy she had, and could I have the bass please. I ended up collecting it and sending it off to Germany to the new owner. Turned out the same guy had been selling BMW car parts through a BMW forum and not sending them.
  10. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1359884648' post='1961444'] Sorry to hijack this very insightful exchange of posts but to the OP, did you get anywhere with the guy? What was the outcome? Did the mods get involved? Should we get our pitchforks on standby? Hammers? Will kneecaps be shattered like those with broken dreams? [/quote] Were involved. PM's and e mails have been sent by me to the member who hasn't sent the bass. He read my first PM, didn't answer and hasn't been on the forum since. I've been in constant contact with the OP, and spoke to him on the phone yesterday. The member who hasn't sent the bass has generally got decent feedback, and he's had a few personal issues, but the bass should have been sent no matter what. At the moment it's up to the OP to name and shame. I just want to try to help him get his bass.
  11. Yes it is being monitored. I've found other for sale items from this member and unapproved the topics so the OP can't access them and members can't see them. I can understand everyones concern, but i am dealing with the problem and keeping the other mods informed.....just give us a bit of time eh
  12. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1359664099' post='1958558'] Why don't you go round his recent posts start quoting them and asking for some attention , he may get the hint if he is following some threads , it probably is a bit dodgy forum ettiquette , but might just kick something into life [/quote] Because at the moment I'm dealing with it mate.
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1359467755' post='1955153'] So are you selling a Moderator or not? Is this the Japanese-made Moderator or the cheaper Korean copy? [/quote] Or a Tesco Value one like me!
  14. Richard has just bought my Lakland, superb deal, straight comms, done dusted sorted super quick time. Highly recommended
  15. Welcome Willbert You'll love it here, Yoricks already been here yonks
  16. Stumbled across a guitarist called Buckethead. I've been listening to a lot of his stuff over the last few nights via You Tube, right up my street. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=t2vqhWZyrwM"]http://www.youtube.c...e&v=t2vqhWZyrwM[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ptKIjo2oLBI#t=27s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ptKIjo2oLBI#t=27s[/url]
  17. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1358525592' post='1940890'] Glad it sold for ya matey, who got it? [/quote] Chardbass got it. He'll be very pleased with it methinks
  18. [quote name='Francesco' timestamp='1358511917' post='1940519'] Advertising this way, you get the impression the seller has something to hide. To me it is. [/quote] And maybe it's not. Until he answers can everyone stop derailing the thread Thanks
  19. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1358460803' post='1939827'] awe do we have to? [/quote] Yep
  20. Come on guys, lay off the seller, give him chance to come up with more info. ta
  21. [quote name='Barefootbassplayer' timestamp='1358425844' post='1938859'] Take dog biscuits and give Ruby a stroke for me!!! You'll have a blast, Jon is fantastic! [/quote] Yeah, I was going to mention Ruby, she likes a lot of fuss. I'll also be up at Jon's on Saturday morning to pick a bass up. I've also thought about doing the course so I'll maybe ask him about it while I'm there
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