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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1358282846' post='1936405'] It wasnt meant to be taken seriously! Pmsl lolz.. [/quote] Don't matter a jot. [i]"Website hosts and internet service providers are forced to assume editorial responsibilities in the same manner as traditional outlets such as newspapers and magazines. "[/i] If this is what we have to deal with in terms of legislation, I don't seriously believe that any member of this community would like, a) Basschat to cease to exist because we had a lawsuit filed against us, or The owners of the site having to pay for a legal battle that would have dire financial consequences. Believe me, it's not worth it.
  2. Mod hat off Oh, and don't whatever you do highlight an issue with a Musicman bass on the EBMM site, or Big Bopper, hopper, shopper or whatever his name is is on your case within a millisecond of you posting it. Mod hat on!
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1358264753' post='1935926'] Naming and shaming seems fine to me IF the full facts have been aired, tested and proven. An analogy might the gutter press stirring up a sh*tstorm against someone who is accused of something heinous versus a report of a criminal trial where due process has been followed. It's also wise to give an offending company every opportunity to resolve matters when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes - it's how they handle things afterwards that is the really important thing. If fact, as has been previously noted many times, a company cock-up is usually the ideal opportunity to really discover how seriously they really take customer service. I've certainly been on the receiving end of poor quality goods where the supplier has juped through hoops to get resolved and left me feeling better about then than I did before the problem! [/quote] One thing to remember about name and shame threads is that if Basschat have any reason to believe that the facts are NOT correct and therefore the site is at risk, the threads will be removed. While we do try to be fair in these situations the integrity of the site must come first.
  4. So now we know he had a few issues during the building work, if your orders late, pick up da phone and call him. Simples.
  5. Time for a rather belated update. Not unsuprisingly, Mr Shuker did an absolute first class job of repairing the neck and its almost as good as new. Jon also found that the fret next to the nut has been boshed in as well, so put a new fret in it. My mate has played it a quite a few rehearsals since it was repaired and he says he can't tell there was ecer a problem with it. My mate also has a Les Paul Slash signature that's been unplayable since another luthier cocked up a nut replacement, and also a limited edition Gibson Flying V that was just horrid. Both have been to Jon Shukers and been sorted, so all in all my mate is one happy boy.
  6. This is my old bass. I bought the body complete and then bought the Status neck and had Jon Shuker install it. The original neck was broken by the guy who had it before me. Its a cracking bass and plays great
  7. Having read most of the thread I can understand the frustrations, but lets try to keep it civil eh.
  8. [quote name='davebass66' timestamp='1357953741' post='1931128'] This is beautiful! Where are u based?.... [/quote] PMed
  9. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1357909657' post='1930380'] That's why I like this forum. Nice people on it it's been a laugh but time to stop now. [/quote] The voice of reason. Please lay off Mark now. He's either found a new bassist or he ain't.
  10. Johngh


    [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1357823912' post='1928961'] Just stop logging on to BC and forget about it? [/quote] That's about it !
  11. I think that if you look in the items wanted section someones been after one of these
  12. This used to be my bass. It's actually an off colour creame and yep it looks stunning.
  13. [quote name='Beneath It All' timestamp='1357410601' post='1922350'] Condition? [/quote] PM'ed
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357299995' post='1920522'] Sly and Robbie. [/quote] Word. Peart / Lee
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357248889' post='1919962'] P-Bass, surely? [/quote] I never hide the fact I dislike P basses with a passion. But in terms of the criteria that Cloudburst laid out above, a P is the bass that other modern basses were judged against, and many would argue still are. So a P would get my vote. Still think they are horrid far*y things though If you are looking at next generation "Classics" though, it would probably be an Alembic, as they were really the ones who set the standard in terms of actives. Oh, and +1 for Status S2's
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357245507' post='1919885'] Joe Public can only just recognise an electric guitar at ten paces - they haven't sussed the difference between guitar and bass yet, that's for sure. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color] [/quote] He's right you know. At gigs the conversation normally goes like this when I play my Status 6er. Punter - Thats a big guitar. Me - It's a bass guitar Punter - But its got six strings, only guitars have six strings. Bass Guitars only have four Me - No, Basses can have 4, 5 or 6 strings or more. Punter - Oh, never seen one before. (normally scratching their head by now as well) This is normally at a pub that has bands on all the time. And while 6ers may not be that common, you can bet your life plenty a bassist has been there with a 5er before. You can have a 10K Fodera round your neck and a punter with think that only Fenders or Gibson's are any good, and the Fodera is crap.
  17. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1357170706' post='1918773'] UPS via Interparcel for me [/quote] +1 That's who I use, I've used them to ship basses as far away as Hungary and Australia with no issues.
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