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Posts posted by Johngh

  1. Time for a rather belated update.

    Not unsuprisingly, Mr Shuker did an absolute first class job of repairing the neck and its almost as good as new. Jon also found that the fret next to the nut has been boshed in as well, so put a new fret in it. My mate has played it a quite a few rehearsals since it was repaired and he says he can't tell there was ecer a problem with it.

    My mate also has a Les Paul Slash signature that's been unplayable since another luthier cocked up a nut replacement, and also a limited edition Gibson Flying V that was just horrid. Both have been to Jon Shukers and been sorted, so all in all my mate is one happy boy.

  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357248889' post='1919962']
    P-Bass, surely?

    I never hide the fact I dislike P basses with a passion.

    But in terms of the criteria that Cloudburst laid out above, a P is the bass that other modern basses were judged against, and many would argue still are. So a P would get my vote.

    Still think they are horrid far*y things though :P

    If you are looking at next generation "Classics" though, it would probably be an Alembic, as they were really the ones who set the standard in terms of actives.

    Oh, and +1 for Status S2's

  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357245507' post='1919885']
    Joe Public can only just recognise an electric guitar at ten paces - they haven't sussed the difference between guitar and bass yet, that's for sure.

    :lol: :lol:

    He's right you know.

    At gigs the conversation normally goes like this when I play my Status 6er.

    Punter - Thats a big guitar.

    Me - It's a bass guitar

    Punter - But its got six strings, only guitars have six strings. Bass Guitars only have four

    Me - No, Basses can have 4, 5 or 6 strings or more.

    Punter - Oh, never seen one before. (normally scratching their head by now as well)

    This is normally at a pub that has bands on all the time. And while 6ers may not be that common, you can bet your life plenty a bassist has been there with a 5er before.

    You can have a 10K Fodera round your neck and a punter with think that only Fenders or Gibson's are any good, and the Fodera is crap.

  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1357074962' post='1917279']
    I've got a feeling that people are going to start falling out over this one very soon , so before it kicks off let me put in my two pence worth and say that whereas a Jazz bass will give you a reasonable working approximation of a Precision sound , the converse is not true ;[b] a Precision cannot give you the characteristic Jazz Bass tones[/b] ( I love both basses though , so either would make me happy ) . If you were called on to play dub reggae , punk , heavy metal , funk , soul , pop , electro , techno , dubstep or , God forbid , some good old fashioned sing - along tunes down the local pub , a decent Jazz style bass played with your fingers , a pick or very occasionally your thumb will give you the appropriate sounds you need for the given style of music . A versatile and supremely comfortable design .

    That's just it, a Precision can't give you any tones other than a horrid farty thud, they're useless.

    Puts on tin hat. :lol:

  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1357070396' post='1917179']
    There is no one bass that suits all players and all styles.

    And it's definitely not a Fender. Given the choice of a P or J bass or nothing, I'd be playing synths or guitar instead.

    I wouldn't quite go down the route of BigRedX with just synths, but he's right it ain't a Fender.

    Personally I don't like passive basses, I prefer actives. I've taken Jazzes with me on numerous gigs and played them alongside any one of my Status S2's and the jazz haven't come close to the Status. My last Fender jazz went about 2 weeks ago, and I'll probably not bother with another.

    Horses for courses though innit.

    As a good all rounder a half decent 5 string active with medium gauge strings would do it for me.

  6. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1357060365' post='1916980']
    Who am I , though , to not take the opportunity to learn from you - or from anyone else. I've learned stuff from players who many would say aren't fit to carry my amp as well as from world famous names.

    +1 That about sums it up for me.

    As a bass player I'm classed as a musician, but there is no way I'd class myself on a par with the guy who plays bass in a world famous orchestra. Could I learn from him, without a doubt, could he learn from me, maybe.

    I never really like the elitist BS that some players like to give off. Music is Music, some can maybe be classed as art, others not. I never really care. If my ears tell me its good, that will do for me.

  7. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1357060927' post='1916993']
    No Sir. Sorry. :blush:

    But these are quite emotive questions I guess...

    Theres nothing wrong with a debate as long as we respect others opinions and don't make it personal.

  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1357060351' post='1916979']
    Shall we lock this one too?

    Probably the way it's going.

    Can you lot calm down, if this behaviour continues, it'll be warning time. And being New Year and all that we don't want that do we?

  9. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1357058914' post='1916938']
    I wasn't aware of any "hardman" vibe, but yes - this thread has got well out of hand. It's one of the side-effects of being arrogant, mediocre and ignorant I believe.... Sorry :blush:

    Ok that's it

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