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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1351189096' post='1848514'] I see he's come up with a new unit of measurement after his "micro wotsit" was derided by all: [size=4]to move all the strings "an even gnat's cock" towards the center.[/size] [/quote] Great, I can use that. We make precision parts for Rolls Royce. next time they ask me what I used to measure the parts, I'll tell them "an even gnats cock" Should imagine they will be well impressed
  2. Here are two photos of me at a jubilee gig we did in the summer. One is when I've got beer and the other is when I ran out and my wife wouldn't get me another. Soz for the dodgy quality of the photo's. [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f386/johngh/J2a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f386/johngh/J1a.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1351674696' post='1853921'] John, where did you find out about the band? I've been looking for this type of thing for a few months around Notts/Derbyshire but don't recall seeing an ad that fits your band's description. Just checking if there is somewhere else I should be looking. [/quote] Kev, I found them on Musofinder, I think they had also been on Partysounds. I'll give my old band a call tonight to see if they got a replacement and let you know if they need someone. I'm really chuffed with the new band. The originals they do are very good, and they told me to play whatever bass parts I want on them and not to worry about the original parts. At the end of the night the singer said he thought they had now gone up another level and was very happy with what I'd done in only the first get together with them. They have just sent me through the full set list, so I'm going to get stuck into those ready for next week. really looking forward to it.
  4. Well, time for an update. After 2 months of mainly dealing with idiots and timewasters, I've finally found a band again. I answered the add last week and got given 4 of their original tunes to learn, plus 2 covers. Went to the audition tonight and I'm in. Bands currently going through a name change at the mo. 5 piece band who can play, with good gear and nice guys to boot, so I'm really chuffed as this bands right up my street. The singer is excellent and their tunes really grow on you, it's rock stuff, but I'm really looking forward to working with them.
  5. Since I left my last band about 2 months ago, I havn't really played at all. just got totally hacked off with the whole thing. Trying to find a new decent band and dealing with the normal constant stream of idiots, dreamers and timewasters don't help. But hey, there's light at the end of the tunnel, got a try out with a new band tomorrow night, so hoping it goes well. May even get me wanting to start playing between gigs again.
  6. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1351192833' post='1848587'] I would start here .. [url="http://www.richersounds.com/hifi"]http://www.richersounds.com/hifi[/url] [/quote] +1 Bought all my Hi Fi from them for a long time. Always exceptional value. I'd look at Cambridge Audio stuff, it's not overly expensive from Richer's and it'd top knotch.
  7. [sub][size=5]Fender Precisions, horrible things. Never been able to understand people paying out thousands for a vintage one.[/size][/sub] [sub][size=5]Unless you manage to get one with LED's, then it may be cool [/size][/sub] [sub][size=5]Warwick Buzzard[/size][/sub]
  8. Don't let the fact that Dudi is in Hungary put you off. The sandberg is my old bass, and Dudi is a top guy
  9. There seems to have been a lot of confusion regarding this bass. I don't think the language barrier has helped. So I've done a little digging. The bass was supplied to solartron by GMR with the hardware fit to it, but minus the pups and back plate, which solartron had fitted. For some reason GMR didn't fit standard hardware. And at the end of the day its up to solarton to ask what price he wants for the bass. I have also sent a e mail to GMR but as yet had nothing back. We decided to close the thread temporarily while we checked a few things out, but I'm happy for now to let it run. It's a cracking bass for the money EDIT I had word back from GMR that this was a one off made for Solartron as settlement of some money that was owed him by one of the owners. So what he's been saying adds up.
  10. Beautiful bass, good luck with the sale
  11. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1350413523' post='1838547'] eeeeeeer [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCxheMhiK1c[/media] [/quote] Quality
  12. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1350142125' post='1835105'] I have had 3 Status Graphite basses. Sounded pretty dead to my ears, action was good but not as good as the Vigier Passion II's [/quote]
  13. Johngh


    [quote name='ped' timestamp='1349958288' post='1832688'] Just been browsing our analytics and I have found that we've had just over 106,000,000 pageviews since our launch in May 2008. That's approximately 3 times the population of Oceana and about the same as the number of people in the USA who own a smartphone. I was quite impressed!! [/quote] Ped, you really need to get out more mate. It is a terrific achievement though. It's now't without the members though.
  14. Gary has just bought my Fender Geddy Jazz, very easy comms throughout and payment made straight away. Great guy to deal with, and he even took the time to call me when the bass arrived to say thanks. Thoroughly recommended
  15. OK, I think we now have this straight. I've edited the OP's comments in the original post. Great bass by the way.
  16. Marcus, you need to put a trade value in your add please
  17. As previously stated. This is not a general discussion thread. Please keep it to a for sale thread or I'll start deleting posts again
  18. Posts have been deleted from this thread to get it back on track. Can we all just leave wishface to sell his bass please
  19. I've gone through so many basses in the last 10 years I've lost count. I've had Alembic's, Sei's and countless boutique basses, but I've always come back to Status. The 6 string headless and the 5 string headed that I have are actually basses I bought new from Status and then sold later, only to buy them back because they were so good. Searching for Bass utopia is a pointless task, as I've found out. The 5 string headed came up for sale unexpected a few weeks ago by the guy I sold it to, so I snapped his hand off to get it back, it's brilliant. The 6 string headed is a one off with an extra pup in it. As well as having all the Status normal vibes, it also has bass boost on it which makes it a dub monster, if that's your thing. I've also just bought a pimped 75 re issue CIJ Jazz, that has trick pups in it, an Aguilar pre and hipshot tuners. It way out Marcus' a Miller. So yeah, I like my basses and can't see any of them going anywhere soon.
  20. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1349026408' post='1820833'] A mate has just imported one of these from the US - he bought it up for a set-up today. Wow - just WOW. Lovelly bass - not a Geddy Lee fan at all, but it was a beautiful instrument. [/quote] The action on this one is very low for a Fender, it plays great
  21. i ordered a set of Elixirs for my Jazz on Friday morning, they arrived Saturday morning. Postage included in the price, outstanding value and service. Well done Strings Direct
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