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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1342039879' post='1728703'] What?! Who organised this? Why wasn't I invited? I'm so alonnnnnnnnnnne... [/quote] We tried to get you via video link, but Ped hadn't paid the leccie bill, so it went phut!
  2. The Basschat team have just held their first conference in Grimsby Amoung the topics discussed were. Who buy's the doughnuts. Where is Tim and Mark King versus Flea. Here we all are in the post conference photo, still undecided as to who should buy the doughnuts. [attachment=112891:catlins p 2 (2).jpg] Yes I know, I'm sorry, just bored.
  3. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342038417' post='1728664'] It depends on your ears. I know bassists who can't tell the difference between makes of bass let alone the components used yet they will go ahead and tell you such and such sounds punchy or has more mids etc. etc.. When gauging this sort of thing you need to go into it with an open mind (in fact a fair degree of scepticism is advisable) and grip on reality. I am very pro "expensive" pups because time after time it has been proven to me that you can tell the difference... and that difference isn't as slight or subjective as tone woods or something either. [b]What they always bring is an extra dimension or layer to the tone[/b] which those produced on the cheap can't. If you disagree with this fine, go stick a £10 set of pups off ebay in your bass and we'll say no more. [/quote] That's it, that's the phrase I was looking for to describe the fralin's on the Geddy
  4. My Geddy jazz has Fralins in it and they are a massive improvement over the originals, they have added a great deal of punch to the sound, and sound great wherever you play on the neck
  5. For sale is my Geddy Jazz with Lindy Fralin pups. I've had 2 Geddy's before this one, and the Lindy Fralin's make all the difference, this bass sounds incredible. No trade offers please. Bass has black pick guard. I don't have the white pick guard, or the std pup's. Comes with functional Fender Case Price is £630 inc p&p. [attachment=112864:Geddy Jazz.jpg]
  6. East River Drive / Stanley Clarke.................sublime Moving Pictures / Rush.......................The Gedmeister at his best In Persuit of Accidents / Level 42..................The Kingotron at his best
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1341841982' post='1724937'] Better keep 'em there, or we'll have the anti-fun brigade in here any minute. [/quote] Too late, they're here [attachment=112640:fun police.jpg]
  8. Maplins may have them. Failing that, try Status Graphite. I should imagine they are a standard unit so one from Status should fit. i think they have them for sale in the spares section of their website
  9. New Black Country Communion album set for worldwide release on 30th of October. No title set for it yet
  10. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1341595634' post='1721652'] That said, it would not surprise me if the whole episode had left such a sour taste in Rob's mouth that he didn't want anything more to do with the Buzzard. [/quote] I was lucky enough to play one of John's Status Buzzards at the Status factory, Rob was delivering it to John the next day. It was jaw droppingly brilliant. If there is any regret I've had bass playing wise, it's not buying a Status Buzzard while they were still being made. Can we have this as the last word on the Status/Warwick episode please. Thanks
  11. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1341595719' post='1721654'] hijacking someone else's post to flog your own bass seems a bit out of order to me [/quote] Totally out of order, Bassthing your post will be removed and you have a PM.
  12. Decent set of ear plugs might not go amiss once you get this lot cranked up. The band must be friggin loud to warrant you getting this.
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340119212' post='1699403'] IMO boiling string is a complete waste of time. I tried it once and the D string snapped when I put them back on. I couldn't hear any significant improvement in the others. Too much effort for too little gain. [/quote] +1 I don't even bother to try it any more. Mind you, it didn't help when I tried it once and forgot I'd put the pan on and sat down watching the tele, and then wondered where the burning smell was coming from. Result was slightly over boiled (dry) Rotosounds. Wife wasn't too happy as it ruined her pan.
  14. [quote name='grelum' timestamp='1341162388' post='1714541'] I have an '89 MM RAY 5 that is elsewhere on this forum in case you're interested. [/quote] PM'ed
  15. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1340711098' post='1708353'] What sort of "ash" are you looking for Great looking 5 btw. [/quote] Just goes to show you were paying attention
  16. Status Graphite Empathy 5-string headless bass in excellent condition. Carbon graphite/composite through-neck. Phenolic fingerboard, 24 fret. Scale length 34-inch scale. Flame maple facings/maple laminated wings, walnut core. 2 x Status Hyperactive pickups. 3-band active EQ. Controls: Volume, Pick-Up Balance, Treble cut/boost, Bass cut/boost, Mid freq sweep with 3-way cut/off/boost selector switch. 2 x 9V battery in quick-release compartment to rear. Currently strung with Status Hot Wire 40-125 DBE strings. Bass comes with flight case Slight cosmetic wear to black anodized finish on volume control. Some very minor (near invisible) scratches in lacquer to rear. Price is £1200 firm.[i]i[/i][i]nc p&p.[/i] May trade for a 5 or 6 string bass with cash either way [attachment=111456:emp 1.jpg][attachment=111457:emp 2.jpg] [attachment=111458:emp 3.jpg][attachment=111459:emp 4.jpg]
  17. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1339815344' post='1694909'] Lemmy. [/quote] Geddy
  18. Nick just bought my bongo off me. Superb guy to do business with. Can't really add to any of the above. Thouroughly recommended.
  19. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1339537066' post='1690319'] I would but there's a Big Stumbling Block - cheapest ticket £65. Has to be no, then. Pity. [/quote] 65 SQUID !!!! I'd want Stanley to come and play in my living room for that. I'd give him coffee and biccies though
  20. [quote name='lazzer' timestamp='1339528512' post='1690042'] Look no further than the late great Philip Parris Lynott!! [/quote] Phil had got the banter with the fans down to a tee. Everytime I saw him it was like you were catching up with an old mate.
  21. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1339530354' post='1690103'] meh, I'd add Adam Clayton to this list but I can't be arsed. [/quote] I'll second that. But he could be added to the crap list or wealthy list.
  22. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1338674334' post='1678024'] Saw this pic via FB the other day, will look forward to reading the interview. Anyone heard if BCC are touring this year? Joe Bonamassa has just finished a run of 54 dates so he's now (possibly) free although GH has mentioned BCC recording their third album so that's sounding more likely. [/quote] Glenn's confirmed that BCC are recording their 3rd album now. If it's anything like BCC 2 it will be a cracker.
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