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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. [quote name='Beedster' post='1326343' date='Aug 4 2011, 12:22 AM']And what a polite response. You never tried to haggle before Rob? As a mod you should show members more respect. Chris[/quote] Chris You have a PM
  2. Final price drop bump. The sound from this bass is incredible for the price. Had some sniffs but it's still here.
  3. I've never left my boutique stuff at home, can't see the point in having it if it don't get gigged. I always take my Status 6 as my main bass when gigging. The back up bass varies depending on where we are playing. If I know it's a lively venue with the prospect of plenty of punters up and dancing, and were at floor level the same as them then a cheaper bass goes, if were up on a stage, then my Status 5 goes. Bearing in mind at the last gig a pissed punter fell over a monitor and into us and ended up knocking the drum kit for 6.
  4. I knew it would happen one day. Played last night in Matlock, went down realy well, packed venue, loads of them up and dancing and a really good gig despite one of the punters falling over a monitor at the end of the gig and knocking our female vocalist flying. Then it happened. I saw a bloke watching me very closley all night, so at the end of the gig he strolls over. Punter "I notice you play a 6 string bass" Me "That's right" Punter "But the songs you play only warrant a 4 string" Me "Not really, I use the bottom B string quite a lot" Punter "But what about the 6th string" Me "I use that quite a bit as well on some chord stuff" Punter " I didn't see that" Me " You wern't paying attention then, are you a bass player by any chance" Punter "No, I just like bass, it must be really frustrating for you having to play what you play" Me " Not really, I just play what the song requires, I don't need to play flash (like I could anyway ) Somehow I expected this at the end of the night, you could just tell. There was more, mainly about how I didn't use my second bass all night that was on it's stand, I told him I did use it for 5 song's, he said he must have missed it when he went to the bar for a drink.
  5. [quote name='blackmn90' post='1319734' date='Jul 28 2011, 08:41 PM']no competition.... FLEA[/quote] Really !!! [attachment=85975:flea.jpg]
  6. I recently sold my Yamaha 6 string John Patituchi to So. He's been an absolute gentleman through out despite him having to send me an international money order because of problems with my pay pal account, and then having to wait as I was away on holiday when the payment eventually arrived. Absolute pleaseure to do business with.
  7. [quote name='fretmeister' post='1303309' date='Jul 14 2011, 10:50 AM']Lovely! Alas I believe the forum rules state that prices must be shown - even for the B1.[/quote] Yep, he's right. Rules is rules. Price up for the B1 please.
  8. I've always gone back to active basses. I have tried the fender Jazz route many times and I just don't like precisions. Once sold a nice collection of Actives to go 100% passive as I thought it would be better, but now all the passives have gone and I'm back to actives. And that's where I'll stay. Just like the tonal variation an active gives me. Mainly have Status basses now, can't really beat them IMHO.
  9. Hi Chloe, welcome to the forum, very impressive CV. I'll check the you tube stuff out when I finish work.
  10. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1291659' date='Jul 3 2011, 11:40 PM']If the holes are already there in the neck, and in the right place, and you've got the right screws, then it will be a doddle and I honestly cant' see how you could mess it up even if trying. However, if you have to drill your own holes or you're not sure about the screw size then definitely take it over to Shuker![/quote] As far as I know the status necks come without screw holes, ans obviously your screwing into graphite, not wood. So off to Shuker it's going to go.
  11. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1290443' date='Jul 2 2011, 08:06 PM']Look up 'micro tilt adjustment' if you want to know about this - basically an alternative for neck shimming. But unless the neck is not angled properly when you make the attachment, then it's not something to worry about, just screw it on.[/quote] Thanks for this. Having given it some thought, and as the replacement graphite neck ain't cheap, I'm maybe going to take the whole thing over to Jon Shuker and ask him to do it, he's not far away from where I live. Be major embarassment, and expensive if I do it and cock it up.
  12. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='1288300' date='Jun 30 2011, 10:15 PM']I don't want to reopen the debate , but that's not really a very strong argument, you're making a pretty big assumption that most people are swayed by one (or more) posts from opinionated people. The internet is full of opinionated people, some of who are wrong. [b][/b]You have to make your own mind up and if it's an item you want and you think the price is fair then you will pay it.[b][/b] If it doesn't sell, then obviously the community deem the price to be too high. In that case you drop your price or try elsewhere. You are making the assumption that people are easily swayed - well some are and some are not. I don't think it's right to judge all forum members as subsersives or sheep, they should have the right to their own opinions and judge for themselves accordingly. I'm quite cool about adhering to the rules of the forum that I enjoy being a member of, I was just curious as to the reasoning behind the zero tolerance attitude to this subject. I reserve my right to think I've not heard a very good reason for it yet [/quote] Al, Machines is right. All the Mods do a hell of a lot of work behind the scenes to keep Basschat afloat, and deal with a lot of complaints sent to us via PM about various threads. At one time the main area of problems was pricing queries in the for sale forums. The members on here are not mugs, and if someone is daft enough to try to sell a Squire Jazz for £800 it ain't going to sell is it. The same goes for any bass that is overpriced. It just gets tedious when someone who has no interest in buying a bass whips up a storm on someones for sale thread by questioning the price all the time, if folk what to challenge a price, it's better done by PM.
  13. I've just bought a Marcus Miller Jazz body and I'm putting a Status Graphite neck on it. The body came with no neck plate or screws. I know it's 3 bolt neck, but the ones I've seen for sale all say tilt on the description. Is it just a case of screwing the new neck on with the new plate or is there something I'm missing. Excuse the numptyness of the question but I've never removed or changed the necks on my basses before. Thanks
  14. Just picked up the Marcus Miller Jazz Body that was for sale on here. Also just ordered a Status Graphite J neck to go on it. Neck should be here in a couple of weeks. I've always fancied a Status necked Jazz or Stingray, and never imagined being lucky enough to pick up a Marcus Jazz body. Not sure what machine heads to put on it yet. I'll also see what it sounds like one it's all bolted together before I decide to get a Sadowsky pre for it or not. [attachment=83598:Marcus_Body.jpg]
  15. Withdrawn for a week while I'm on holiday, back up later. Or send me a pm if you fancy the bass and I'll deal with it once I'm back.
  16. Bump Amazing sounding 6er for the money. Ideal for a first time 6 string bass
  17. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1263937' date='Jun 10 2011, 02:04 PM']Why such a short time?[/quote] Don't really play 4's much anymore, just fancied this as a stay at home noodle bass, until a very special Status popped up, so the Alembic came and went rapid like !
  18. [quote name='sgh' post='1262904' date='Jun 9 2011, 04:45 PM']Used to be mine, lovely bass [/quote] The last owner of this was me, do I have the record for the shortest ownership on an Alembic at 4 days.
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