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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. Shuker basses are superb. I had a 6 string headless made that I had to sell on as I needed some cash in a hurry otherwise I'd still have it. I didn't loose a bundle either when I sold mine. Workmanship was second to none, right up there with Sei and at a fraction of the cost. Custom builds are always subjective as are different luthiers. ACG have never floated my boat, but there are others that love them, which is great. All I can say is Jon will build you a bass to the highest of standards and you won't be disappointed.
  2. For sale Korg DTR1000 rack tuner. Excellent condition. £70 inc p&p UK mainland. [attachment=80511:DTR1000.jpg]
  3. Just bought a Korg tuner from Grahame. Absolutely top chap. Met up on time for the deal and had a nice chat. Goods as described. Highly recommended.
  4. I was lucky enough to live in Brazil for 4 years. The standard of musicianship in most bands is staggering. Most of the bass players I saw played either 5ers or 6ers, and to a very high standard.
  5. [quote name='JTUK' post='1227077' date='May 11 2011, 07:48 AM']The point about it going to a nice bass player here who 'deserves' it is ok but some kit also goes through quite a lot of hands as well. One of the things that puts me off here, is how some stuff goes through a lot of people pretty quickly. There may be reasons for it, but I wouldn't happy if a bass I had built and had had for 17 plus years got passed around very quickly. Maybe not rational, but I wouldn't like to see that.[/quote] I buy all my basses on here now and can't see me buying another one from a dealer and having to pay more. Basses offered for sale here generally are offered at a fair price, I've bought one or two from Basschat knowing that if I don't get on with it I can re sell on here for more or less the same price I bought it for. There have been one or two I've sold on here that I wish I had kept, but I don't get hung up about where the bass has gone. Also, it's free to buy and sell on here which is a great bonus if you get through a few basses like I do.
  6. I'm selling a Peavey Microbass practice amp. It's in excellent condition. I have no idea on the spec, but I've had it about 3 years and it's never left the house and it's been superb for using as a small room practice amp. Note Photo is representative and is not my actual amp as the battery's have gone down on my camera. My amp is every bit as good as this one. Preferably collection from Derby. Willing to meet up for collection outside Derby if we can discuss fuel costs. [attachment=79651:microbass1.jpg]
  7. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='1227478' date='May 11 2011, 01:22 PM']move along... nothing to see here[/quote] Friggin hate it when this happens in for sale threads
  8. Thanks for the comments. I tried out the Status and the Yamaha tonight and they were both brilliant. Well pleased with both of them.
  9. Johngh


    [quote name='Clarky' post='1221676' date='May 5 2011, 10:24 PM']Shame he seems to have taken a bow from posting regularly on BassChat as he's knowledgeable, funny and a nice bloke[/quote] Hiya Clarky. He's missing because he's had a lot on and been very busy with gigs. We had a good chat the other night and he sends his best wishes to all.
  10. Bought Alan's Yamaha JP2 6er this week. True gent and very easy to deal with. Highly recommended.
  11. Johngh


    Bought Rich's Status S2 5 string headless this week. He said it was the prettiest S2 ever made and he's not far wrong. I've dealt with Rich a few times either buying or selling and he's always a true gent and never any hint of a problem. Always a pleasure to deal with.
  12. So, quite recently my Mum died. She was 91 and had been ill for 7 weeks. It's still come as a great shock, and a great loss. She loved music and sang most of her life. So my initial plan was to buy a bass that would be very special in her memory. But I've got carried away and bought three in two days. I'm not going to say that these are all keepers, but for the reason I've bought them it will be hard to let them go. Sei Flamboyant 5 string Yamaha JP2 6er Status S2 Classic 5 Headless (Miss Myrtle from OTPJ) [attachment=79114:Jam_JP.jpg] [attachment=79115:S2_Mrytle_2__2_.jpg] [attachment=79116:S2_Mrytle__2_.jpg] [attachment=79113:sei_5_full.jpg] [attachment=79112:Sei_5_body_2_main.jpg]
  13. [quote name='Norris' post='1218507' date='May 3 2011, 12:45 PM']My Peavey Databass amp. I bought it second hand about 15 years ago. It's just had it's second replacement BW speaker in it - the old one having worn out the stranded wires from the connectors down to the coil. It is light enough to carry around, small enough to pop into the car boot, and at 450W loud enough for any gig I've ever done (and never had the master volume above half way). A fabulous amp that has paid for itself time and time again.[/quote] Flippin heck Norris, if that's you in your avvie and you've had the Peavey 15 years ago you must only have been about 3 when you bought it.
  14. Got to be my Hartke Rig. HA3500 and 2.5XL and 115XL cabs. I've had them about 4 years and they have never let me down and have always sounded superb. Many a bass has come and gone, but the Hartke rig is a keeper.
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1217855' date='May 2 2011, 06:08 PM']The XL cabs from Hartke are awesome. They`re heavy, but sound great. I had the 210 & 115 together, and they really worked well. As a stand-alone option, there`s the 4.5. Retail wise, they are very good value new: 210 - £199 115 - £199 410 - £279 4.5 (4 x 10" and a 5") - £299 They are all 8 ohm cabs. If making a choice through sound, the 4.5. If making a choice on what I can carry, the 210 & 115.[/quote] I run a HA3500 with the XL210.5 and 1x15XL and they are brilliant. I have run this rig for about 4 years now and it's never failed to deliver. I used to have the transporter cabs at first but when I upgraded to the XL cabs the sound became a whole lot clearer and tighter. My advice would be to upgrade to the XL's one at a time if funds don't allow you to go straight out and buy a pair. Keep the HA3500, it's plenty powerful enough to play anywhere. For what it's worth I change basses all the time, but I can never see me swapping the Hartke rig, it's that good. Whatever bass I've ever plugged into it it's always given a superb sound.
  16. I saw this bass when I was round at Shep's on Sunday. It's even better than it looks in the photo's, the attention to detail is stunning.
  17. That's a shame mate. It's normally .......................> Johngh It took me the best part of 18 months to get set up with a half decent band again, very happy with the current band though. Good solid foundation to build on. Stick in there though, it's all too easy to give up.
  18. Last nights gig was kind of OK, given the fact that the PA packed up again half way through a song and we all ground to an embarrasing halt. Second gig on the trot this has happened, why on earth we don't get the amp fixed I have no idea. It was one of those gigs where you are on floor level with the punters, and the bar was rammed. At one point I had 4 punters stood at the side of me chatting to me while I was playing. Then the normal end of evening Pi**fest where beer is spilt on monitors and you have a dire fear that some knob is going to knock the second bass off it's stand. Still, can't be all bad. The club owner is giving us a repeat booking every six weeks.
  19. This isn't really General Bass Discussion is it. It's just a general whinge about the forum. Look. This is a Bass Players Internet forum. It's not life, and it's not death. Thank you Yes I know it's another locked thread. But it's really not worth falling out with people you hardly know just because they post an opinion you don't like on an internet forum is it !
  20. Sold pending payment. Many thanks for all the interest.
  21. [quote name='northstreet' post='1214257' date='Apr 28 2011, 09:54 PM']Just looked up from the laptop. In the corner of the living room lives my beloved Geddy Lee Jazz and a v nice SX acoustic bass. Upstairs there's an Ibanez GSR and a nicely modded P bass copy. Then there's my Crate practice amp and a Hartke LH500 and a pair of VX115s in the garage, plus a bag with a DI box and a couple of effects pedals. [b][/b]And I'm still looking through the For Sale ads! Is there any cure?[b][/b][/quote] Er, in a word. No. I'm just about to spend a small fortune buying 2 basses. But then again I'm selling another one to try and offset the madness, sorry, cost.
  22. [quote name='mr_russ' post='1213578' date='Apr 28 2011, 09:58 AM']I bought this bass new in July 2007 from Ishibashi, it sounds fantastic and has a growl to it that the Lakland DJ5 I sold this bass for just doesn't possess.[/quote] Hi mate, that's right. I bought it from Mr Russ and travelled down to pick it up. Fender web site says it's 94-95 year of manufacture thought
  23. Up for sale is my 75 Re-Issue MIJ Jazz. The Bass is immaculate, neck is fully bound and is fitted with a Gotoh bridge and new Elixir strings. The standard bridge also comes with it. From what it says on the Fender web site it's a 94-95 dated instrument. The number begins S and then 6 digits. Apparently it was made at the Fujigen plant. To be honest I'm amazed it's this old as it is mint. Bass comes in Fender gig bag. Don't really want to post, so I can deliver within a reasonable distance of Derby, or I'm around London on the 7th and 8th of May so can deliver down south then. Looking for around £600 or vno. Please PM if interested. Sorry no trades Pics are of bass for sale, just different pick guards on her. Currently has Pearl one fitted. [attachment=78561:my_jazz.jpg][attachment=78560:75_RI_Jazz.jpg]
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