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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. Johngh


    EDIT Please if you have any problems with this please take it up with me via PM. Please don't ruin someone's for sale thread. Like I said, if you have any problems with this thread or the seller please PM me. Also just so we are clear, its against forum rules to have more than one account.
  2. Johngh


    [quote name='99ster' post='667833' date='Nov 27 2009, 10:46 PM']Not really my-cup-of-tea as a bass... But that Maple looks almost 3 dimensional. Never seen anything like that before. Absolutely stunning... Have a bump on me![/quote] I have a Shuker 6er that has a quilt maple top that's about as nice as this. I used to have an Alembic Mark King signature that had a quilt maple top on it, it was stunning. This one is very nice, I wish I had the dosh, I'd have bought this by now.
  3. You might get a better reaction if you post pics in your thread matey !
  4. Wang Dang Sweet Poontang - Ted Nugent. Were putting together a power trio, not had this much fun in years
  5. Johngh


    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='664690' date='Nov 25 2009, 08:05 AM']I swear...I've just soiled my keyboard. Nick, if you buy this bass your claims about being poor will never wash on this forum again.[/quote] +1
  6. Please, if anyone has any gripes about this bass, please take it up via PM with the seller. Thanks
  7. I'd want the Fender masterbuilder to build the bl**dy thing in my living room before my very eyes for that price. Lets face it, down at the Dog and Duck on a Saturday night with all the bladdered punters shouting and balling over the band you would never be able to tell the difference in sound between this one and a stock MM Jazz.
  8. Are there and dings scratches etc? Is there a case with it? Thanks
  9. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='658425' date='Nov 18 2009, 07:18 PM']only one way to find out go along to the rehearsal, if things feel good, great! if not, tell them it's not for you and be on your way[/quote] +1 Get yourself off and enjoy it.
  10. Well at least I have some good news at last. I've been offered a chance to work on a soundtrack for a musical that's going to be recorded in the new year. Still being messed about with band ads though !
  11. [quote name='ianrunci' post='655884' date='Nov 16 2009, 12:34 PM']do me a favour, get a sense of humour [/quote] OK guys, back on topic please.
  12. After owning Alice Coopers Killer and Billion Dollar Babies albums years ago, I've just bought them again on CD, I knew they were good albums but I'd forgot how good. Dennis is incredible, they are true workbooks on how to play rock bass. Spotify Under my Wheels and Halo of Flies to see what I mean.
  13. What kicked of the original post from me was some of the stuff thats happened over the last year. Band 1, I answer an ad on a musicians wanted forum. Go for audition, get offered the job, after 3 rehearsals and after learning about 30 tunes, the husband and wife guitard and singer say they can't commit because of work commitments. Why they didn't think of this before is beyond me. The band actually sounded very good. Band 2, Answer ad, get the gig, turn up for first rehearsal after being given 2 weeks to learn the tunes, the guitard as learnt sod all and is useless. I tell them I'm also in a Wishbone Ash tribute. During a break the vocalist asks me if we need a singer for the Ash tribute as he is "sick of this lot" this is during my first rehearsal with them. Alarm bells ring. Two days later the guitarist phones to tell me the band folded. His daughter is keyboard player in the band and they don't get on when in the band together he says and he's had enough. Band 3, The ash tribute folds after 6 months of reheasal learning some very tough bass lines because one of the guitards can't commit. again the band sounds excellent. Band 4, Guitarist packs up because we want to sack his mate who is the other guitard and can't play a note, he was seriously crap. Another 3 months wasted. Add to this all the ads that I've answered and the cretins can't even be bothered to phone back, I'm a bit frustrated to say the least. Oh and I forgot about the band that would not let me rejoin because my bass was too loud, wait for it....once !
  14. [quote name='Les' post='651706' date='Nov 11 2009, 03:41 PM']An audition is a two way street though. If they've give you songs to learn then forget what they asked you to learn and the guitarist is an arrogant loud prat, well surely they failed their audition to be your band ?[/quote] That is bang on, but many bands fail to understand this at all.
  15. Is it just me getting tired of the constant messing about when trying deal with people when trying to join a band. A typical bass player wanted add should read. Wanted: Bass player for dedicated band. Must have the right attitude, professional outlook, good gear, and play to a good standard. We are an established band ready to gig and rehearse once a week. Please phone **** ******* for a chat. You must however be prepared to be messed about from day one, remember to bring a list of tunes we ask you to learn for your audition as we will have forgotten what tunes we asked you to learn. Be prepared to turn up for rehearsal only to find no one there as we will have forgotten to tell you we have cancelled. Be ready for the band to split up after rehearsing for 6 months because one of us will have decided we can't commit as we are in too many bands already. And be prepared for the guitarist who is an arrogant prat, not to turn his volume down because he is way too loud. And finally be prepared for us not to call you back from your answerphone message in reply to this add because we can't be arsed. I'm sure a lot of you could add to this, but this is seriously making me think about packing up all together as I've spent the last year being messed about from pillar to post !
  16. Due to being messed about yet again, I'm still after a band. Please PM if you have anything.
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='642021' date='Oct 31 2009, 05:14 PM']These do's always end up like this. If you expect it, you feel less let down.[/quote] It's true. I had almost the same experience as the OP at a charity gig earlier this year. The idiot that organised it let us down badly. But being the true pro that I am (joke) I just smiled and got on with it (lie)
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