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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. My Shuker 6 string headless is simply amazing, I can't recommend Jon enough. So much so I'm going to phone him in the Morning and have a ride over to see him about building me another, yup, the GAS has got me again. This time 6 string headed, Alembic ish type body, Pangborn ish type head. Cocobolo on the top and head, gold bling hardware. Not sure about the pups yet, or the woods for the neck or body, but it will have side leds, maybe red. I'd rather wait a year for one of Jon's basses than have one made somewhere else and run the risk of not being 100% happy with it.
  2. [quote name='dood' post='585387' date='Aug 30 2009, 09:01 PM']Remember having to prize this little beauty out of my hands at the bass bash? STILL a joy to look at! Wooo headless basses are go! ;o) [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/hlgal.htm"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/hlgal.htm[/url][/quote] Hi Dan, yep I remember it well, its going to be at the South East bash as well if you are there and fancy another dabble.
  3. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='585653' date='Aug 31 2009, 10:58 AM']Curiosity Killed The Cat. Yes, really. [/quote] I once did a motorcycle escort job for this lot. The band were really nice guys except for the pretentious git of a singer, I can't even remember his name, the one with the Frank Spencer hat, you know ! They were playing at a outdoor festival in Derby. At the same gig I also worked with a very young Take That and Sonia who was an absolute angel, (even though her music was crap)
  4. Here is my Shuker 6 string headless. Its brilliant, I don't know how Jon does it for the money. The side LED's have two positions, kind of dip and main beam ! [attachment=31731:DSC_0327.jpg] [attachment=31732:DSC_0328.jpg] [attachment=31733:DSC_0332.jpg]
  5. Fantastic little tune that. I thought the hero worship stuff was a bit awkward for Marcus as well. By the way Ped, just when I thought the GAS was under control, I now want a Marcus Jazz. Cheers Mate !
  6. No not me either, and I wasn't even playing that night. At least some of you had gigs
  7. No,No,No,No,No................Its got to be the blue Jazz....End Of.
  8. If there is one person responsible for me picking up a Bass it's got to be Glenn Hughes when he was with Deep Purple. Then I guess it was Geddy that really opened my eyes to what could be played on bass, quickly followed by Mark King when I saw Level 42 on the BBC's sight and sound in concert.
  9. [quote name='lozbass' post='575248' date='Aug 20 2009, 10:46 AM']I'd take it over to the Church and explain the situation to whomever is in charge. If you want the bass, indicate that this is the case and offer to make a reasonable donation to Church funds.[/quote] +1. Best way forward. Done the right thing, with a cheap bass as well.
  10. [quote name='budget bassist' post='571282' date='Aug 17 2009, 01:45 AM']i might come if i can figure out a way to get there....[/quote] PM'ed
  11. From Derbyshire myself. Welcome to the forum, good selection of retro gear there mate.
  12. [quote name='leschirons' post='569614' date='Aug 14 2009, 11:14 PM']I wouldn't ask the band to change the key. You could make it difficult for the vocalist (assuming it's a vocal number) and you're also asking every other person on stage except the drummer to play it differently as opposed to just yourself changing key. If you make a cock-up on bass at a pub gig, about 2% of the audience will notice. If the vocalist is screeching to hit notes he can't achieve, everyone will notice. If you're not confident about it, then don't get up there.[/quote] + 1 Most of the time, the only reason a band will play in a different key to the original is because the vocalist can't hit the notes in the songs original key. This thread reminds me of something that happened to me a few years ago. I was living and working in Brazil, and I got to be good friends with a band out there. One night when I was at one of their shows, out of the blue, the bass player called me up to take over bass duties for a couple of songs with no warning or rehearsal at all. He was playing a Musicman Stingray Fretless 5er, which made it all the more interesting because at that time I had never played a fretless or a 5 string. As I walked on stage I told him I could not do it as I had never played a fretless or a 5, he just gave me the bass and said "No matter, there is a first time for everthing" and just walked off and left me to it !
  13. [quote name='obbm' post='559882' date='Aug 4 2009, 07:16 AM']I would really like to try a Status S2 Classic 5-string fretted headless. can't see one on the list. Has anyone got one they can bring please?[/quote] I'll be coming to the Bash. And bringing Fender MIJ Jazz 75 reissue. Shuker Headless 6er and Status S2 Classic 6er headless. Your welcome to try the S2 obbm, even though its a six.
  14. This thread has a lot in common with what I have gone through. I fell into the trap of thinking that having a boutique bass equals being able to have a ridiculous low action, and have now learnt that it does not. I had a Sei 6, I had serious GAS for one for years, I had it for about 3 months and moved it on because I could not get the action low enough to satisfy my needs. I even took it to Mr Shuker and even he could not get it as low as I wanted. As for chasing the holy grail of bass, I've now kind of given up on it as it just leads to the type of frustration that Josh is going though. The only bass I have ever had that gives me the playability I want is my Shuker headless 6er, which is just amazing. I can almost guarantee that the following will happen. You will find a bass where the action will be spot on, but you will not be happy with the tone. Then, as you have now, you get the tone but you will not be happy with the action. It will drive you zazzbat ! One option is to try to get along to one of the Bass Bashes that pop up from time to time on here and try a few different basses out, sooner or later you will find one that suits.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' post='559566' date='Aug 3 2009, 07:46 PM']the begging question is then..why do people buy them if the difference is not that usable in a giggibg context...?? just asking...[/quote] Because I've always wanted a Jazz with block inlays and neck binding, which is what my Jazz has. Who said it wasn't usable in a gigging context !
  16. I had exactly the same problem between my Shuker and my MIJ Jazz. I go through a Hartke HA3500, it has both passive and active inputs. So, all I normally do is use the Shuker through the active input, and use the controls on the bass to get the sound I want. Then when I use the Jazz through the passive input I use the graphic on the amp to get the sound I want. I have to do this as the Jazz sounds lifeless next to the Shuke.
  17. I remember it well, they use to play Westone guitars I think.
  18. [quote name='tauzero' post='554814' date='Jul 29 2009, 09:49 AM']Just started reading the almost-latest issue. Went to the local motorway services to get it (for some reason they're a very reliable stockist), couldn't see it on the normal shelves, looked up at the top shelf, saw a row of tits and on the end was Janek. Wish they wouldn't put it up there, it's a bit embarrassing. Haven't got very far into it yet, more later...[/quote] Can we stop having a pop at BGM contributors please. Thank You
  19. I've had a 4U Gator rack for a couple of years now and its been very good, highly recommended.
  20. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='552967' date='Jul 27 2009, 06:02 PM']Just buy the album- "Welcome to the Real World"... It's excellent. Barely a duff track in there! (I like [i]Tangent Tears [/i]and [i]Welcome to the Real World[/i] myself) Edit- I still can't understand why people slate the 80's more than any other decade. The 60's, 70's and 90's have produced similar quality/rubbish ratios in terms of music![/quote] + 1 its a brilliant album and well worth getting.
  21. Could it be that one of them will take on Bass duties. Getting another newbie don't make sense. Anyway, onward and forwards. Something new will soon turn up. I'd try to get to the bottom of why they din't think it would work out though.
  22. OK guys, lets knock off the personal insults or the thread will get locked.
  23. This one was imported from Ishibashi. Not by me but by a previous owner. I bought it off the forum from Mr Russ. It is incredibly well made, and I can't see me parting with it. It's a 75' reissue. [attachment=28489:John_Jazz.jpg]
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