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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. [quote name='Josh' post='314598' date='Oct 25 2008, 05:16 PM']I don't think anyone has gone as far as to say anything like "Christians are twats" etc... All thats happened is that we've been questioning beliefs, for and against, but it seems that you are envoking that "Privilege" in which your not allowed to question Religion, or questioning Religion is seen as an attack or an offence to God. I will always question Religion and it's followers, regardless of this self amended privilege, why should you escape question, criticism or ridicule?[/quote] A Pastor or Minister of any religion if you believe in it or not deserves respect, therefore as far as I am concerned, unless a Pastor etc has broken the law for example, they should escape ridicule. So I think the word you are looking for is "respect" Perhaps you would like to go and tell a family that a loved one has just passed away, or maybe say a prayer to someone who is dying, for that fact alone ministers of ANY religion deserve respect. I respect the fact that maybe people don't like the same food as me, drive the same car as me or have the same beliefs as me. But as CK has said repeatedly, please, back to topic. For the record, nothing has been said directly to me that has offended me in any way as I have refused to be baited. I think all in all the thread has been pretty decent. I thank you
  2. [quote name='hatori' post='314376' date='Oct 25 2008, 10:00 AM']I can echo most of your experiences mate, it does make you wonder. I wont go into the whys and wherefors of how I became a Christian but one important factor for me as a bass player is that over all the 44 years of playing I have never had such powerful moments (hard to put into words) where it becomes so intense you reach that place where everything is....cant find words to describe. Its made me look for music that touches that place. Ive found music outside of the Church that has taken me to a similar level but none so powerfully. I can understand all of the comments here (love the bbc take on things). All I can say is looking at what I had in my life before and at what I have now Im truly thankful. Im not a Bible thumper, I just want to try and live my life the best I can. My faith in God is unshaken. Its just our human nature that causes the screw ups.[/quote] Absolutely +1. Like what was said in a previous post, we had no idea what we tunes were going to play until we turned up at Church, the Pastor would give us a list and off we'd go. As I don't read music at all, not even chord charts it pushed me to a whole new level of bass playing. Luckily I have an excellent musical ear and can pick things up very quickly. The Church has full P.A. mixing desk etc so the sound is very good.
  3. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='314032' date='Oct 24 2008, 05:45 PM']*ahem*[/quote] Soz CK my post was being typed as you slapped our hands. As Ringo just said " Pease and Love, Pease and Love" I'm beginning to sound like a Hippy now !
  4. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='313949' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:41 PM']Devoting your life and taking peoples money on behalf of a ridiculous myth that has no place in this century. They're as bad as those people who sell bracelets and pendants that supposedly reduce mobile radiation. No evidence to back it up (but not disproven), taking advantage of the mentaly vunerable.[/quote] Your argument holds no foundation. Churches, like any other establishments have running costs to be met, electric etc. There isn't exactly a direct line to heaven where the electric is free ! So how do you expect the bills get paid. Personally speaking, what people decide to devote their life to is pretty much up to them, whatever floats their boat, its their life, let em get on with it. There are endless trollops who devote their entire life trying to find out why the dinosoares died out etc, please, get a proper job !
  5. Glenn Hughes ( Glenn signed my Fender Jazz for me a few weeks ago ! ) Geddy Lee Mark King Very close runners up Chris Squire Phil Lynott Stanley Clarke Anthony Jackson
  6. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='312886' date='Oct 23 2008, 12:18 PM']If religion/God was so great, why do they need to recruit? All they do is prey on the vunerable in society (hookers, the homeless, drummers etc).[/quote] There is no doubt that "some" church sectors are decidedly "dodgy" The bible has been used over centuries, by "dodgy people" as a mandate to carry out some pretty unsavory stuff. Most of the time even "the church" can't agree on what's ok and what is not and some seem to ignore the content of what is written in the scriptures which I find very strange. There is no doubt though that there are some very desperate people out there who need help, and turn to the church to seek that help. The church I attend have very stong links with the authorities in the community who the church will refer the person in need to if its appropriate. I don't think that equates to "preying" though. ( now waits for the enevitable "praying" jokes). Drummers deserve to be preyed upon though ! When I first saw the thread, I though it might turn into a right free for all, but to be fair there have been some interesting comments. Also, I can't see what's wrong with Pastor's etc being wealthy, I've met some very wealthy "religious" people in my time, and they've all worked hard for their wealth like the rest of us.
  7. [quote name='fumps' post='311928' date='Oct 22 2008, 11:43 AM']I totally agree with most of this thread. But the style of this music & the attitude that if you are not religious you are not "Good" is beyond me. i never enter a church or worship but i'm a nice person & go out of my way to help others. just because i dont go to church that does'nt give anyone the right religious or not to judge me......i remember theres something about casting stones in the big book i once heard someone quote to me. Now thats my views on religion, basic but i see the world as a big place & it's got plenty of room for everyone.[/quote] +1 Your absolutely right. Even though I am a Christian, I won't go cramming it down peoples throats. If someone want to talk to me about it fine, if not, then thats fine as well. Back to the music, the last Worship Group I played in was very, very good. The Pastor of the church wrote her own tunes. Very often she would go off at a tangent during the service and we'd end up in some jam session which was really testing as most of us had no clue where the tune would go. Her last album was produced by Chris Bowater (Christian Muso of some alleged repute !)
  8. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='311253' date='Oct 21 2008, 12:52 PM']If someone wants to be a christian, I'd rather them be a christian who plays bass! If you're into the whole religion thing, I suppose its great to have a regular gig.[/quote] +1
  9. Getting back to the original question. I've been in Worship Groups on and off for a few years. I've just left the church where I was bass player in the worship group to go to the UCKG in Nottingham where there is no worship group at all. Yes I've been to the ALC in Bradford, and there is no doubt the Pastor is doing a good job there. But for me it was a bit like going to the theatre. If he took away all the glitz, I wonder how many people would still go. And its also very much like the Hillsong Australia set up.
  10. That's a nice one johngh. What's the facing wood? The facing wood is Cocobolo, it looks a lot better in the flesh.
  11. Here is a pic of my S2 6er. Its brilliant, I have better pics somewhere but can't find em' [attachment=14964:status_6_body_3.JPG]
  12. Johngh

    RIP Leftysteve

    Very sad to hear about this. Condolences to the family. I'll say a little prayer for him.
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='259146' date='Aug 10 2008, 10:12 AM']Heheh, I got gas from Johngh's bass, catching innit? [/quote] And I got GAS from Dood's "Doodle" Its a bit like a family tree of basses this innit ! The Bass looks like its gonna be stunning CK.
  15. Anything Warwick Anything Ashdown Musicman Stingrays
  16. I might be wrong, but I think that the bass is an Eclipse, not an energy. I had a fretted version. Good price though, good luck with the sale
  17. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='261316' date='Aug 13 2008, 01:10 AM']Looks as though this bass is destined to be with you, John! Wouldn't be a bad thing though, would it? I think it compliments your headless 6er [/quote] It looks that way, I'm going to withdraw it for now. However if anyone comes across this thread and wants the bass then please PM me, but I'm not going to bump the thread back up the forum. Thanks John
  18. I've had a bass up for sale on here for the best part of a month, at what I would say is a very reasonable price, given it is about £1200 below list price, and I've had no takers. So, I either carry on with bumping it up the forum, take a lower price (which is daft, as I don't need the dosh) or I withdraw it. I recon that if its been on the forum for a few weeks and I decide to withdraw it, then its fair dinkum. If that upsets anybody, then I really don't give a toss.
  19. I'm back off me Holidays, and jolly good they were too. The bass is still for sale. I'm leaving it up for a few more days, and if it's not sold by then I recon I'm going to withdraw it.
  20. The Bass is still up for sale. I'm away on my holidays this week so I will respond to any PM's when I get back on the 11th of August.
  21. [quote name='Stockholm Syndrome' post='248287' date='Jul 26 2008, 09:41 AM']Oh, and to the OP, sorry for the stupid question, but I just have to ask: The bass won't automatically make me sound as a Mark King-wannabe? I'm hoping his sound depends on the fact that he really cuts out all he mids, rather than having the EQ flat. I like a bass with good focus in the midrange. I hope this bass would suit my needs. I already have a Modulus bass, which I am very pleased with.[/quote] The Bass is very versatile and will give you almost any sound you wish. I will PM you about shipping.
  22. All the Statii I have ever had were set up with the action very low. I once played one of John Entwistles Buzzard at the Status factory ant the action was so low on that it rattled, but Rob said that was the way JE liked em' The lowest action bass I have is my Shuker 6er, I've set it up ultra low. Jon couldn't understand why I liked it so low, but it sounds great.
  23. Tuesday Morning Bump
  24. Sunday bumpety bump
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