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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='169662' date='Apr 4 2008, 10:14 AM']JohnGH will have to keep the Status end up, as it were [/quote] I most certainly will ! I think the Status S2 5er will make it to this bash as well.
  2. I should be there with the 2 headless 6er's Shuker and Status, looking forward to it.
  3. What a great day and a teriffic bash, well done to Ped and all the mods for putting it on. It was great to see you all again, thanks to Woodenshirt for laying on the free sandwiches as well. GAS has set in again now Oh dear !
  4. I think Jon Shuker may well be there with a few basses, he told me he was going to try to make it.
  5. I play 6ers just because they feel more comfortable to play. I can't get on with 4 anymore, I don't solo, and I'm not a flash player, I just like the versatility that a 6er gives.
  6. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='165733' date='Mar 29 2008, 09:29 AM']Hi Folks, I know there's been a 'gear' thread and a 'lifts' thread already but here's another thread to get a quick list together so we can see who's going to be there tomorrow. To start it off, there's us three coming up from the south: 1. Silverfoxnik 2. WalMan 3. Merton 4. Johngh So, feel free to add your name and help move this along. See you all tomorrow. Nik[/quote]
  7. I've got me "T" Shirt, and there are some nice pics of my headless on Jon's new site as well. Made up I am !
  8. I'd snap it up straight away, mine is brilliant.
  9. Been up to Jon's today and seen loads of necks waiting to be paired with bodies. He had a gorgeous lefty 5er finished for some lucky bugger !
  10. Just when I thought I had the GAS well under control, this turns up ! I'm busy thinking - plotting ways of getting the dosh together now.
  11. One of John Entwhistles Status Buzzards. I was at Status and Rob Green had one in for a service and let me have a tinkle. Very, very low action and a very nice bass. Rob was going to deliver it back to the Ox the next night as The Who were playing at Earls Court if I remember right. I wish I'd bought a Status Buzzard now, they are worth a fortune !
  12. I'll be up for it as well, sounds good
  13. Tobias 6ers always seem to have a fairly slim neck, not sure on the price though.
  14. YYZ by Rush, I can play some Rush stuff, but I've never had the time to figure this one out. However the wife is off to Brazil for a month to see her folks in two weeks time, so I'm going to crack this tune while she is away ! +1 for Rhythm Stick as well, very tricky !
  15. Welcome back Chris, glad your on the mend
  16. Beautiful bass, I love the top on it, welcome to the Shuker headless club !
  17. I can sing, and I can play bass. The trick is doing both together, some songs I can do it, others I can't. In terms of singing a harmony, I tend to find my own that I can sing OK while holding down the bass part.
  18. I've withdrawn the Shuke for sale. I had a chat with Jon Shuker today about making a replacement for it, and the lead time is 5 months, so I've thought sod it. I was only going to have pretty much the same but headed, so I might as well stay with the Anne Boleyn effect.
  19. This may be up for sale. Shuker 6 string headless in Quilted maple and birdseye maple neck. It is also fitted with side LED's. Offers in the region of £1300. Its about 4 months old, and is absolutely mint. It comes with a Shuker hiscox hard case. This may be withdrawn at any moment when I come to my senses, so get in quick. Cash sale only, no trades [attachment=5660:Shuker_p...Jons_002.jpg]
  20. Rumble, its a shame it didn't work out for you with the Status Eclipse 6 I sold you. But if you remember I sold that bass to you to buy a Stingray 4 with the logic that I already had a Status 5er, I was having a Shuker 6er made, so if I had a 4 as well I would have a "versatile" set of basses. Result was that I missed bottom B too much and didn't really get on with a 4 anymore. Although I can live without top C on a 6er, for me now its a minimum of 5 strings. So, yes, get a back up bass, but make it a 5.
  21. It very much looks like I may have cured my GAS, I always seriously wanted a Sei Flamboyant 6er, when I got one I was very dissapointed with it, so it got sold, I bought a MM Stingray that I always had GAS for, but when I got it I hated the neck, plus it was a 4 string and I missed bottom B, so it got sold. I always wanted a Status Kingbass so I bought a 4 string with LEDs and having totally missed the lessons learned (not!) of missing bottom B on the Stingray, I missed bottom B on the Kingbass, so it got sold ! Lesson learned is all that glitters is not gold. I then ended up doing what I planned to do in the first place over a year ago and bought a new Status S2 Classic 6er headless - result - cured GAS ! On the rig front it was more easy, I had my Hartke HA3500 amp which is brill, and originally had Hartke 2x10 transporter and 1x15 transporter cabs. So all I've done is sell the transporter cabs and buy Hartke 1x15 and 2.5 XL cabs - GAS sorted !!!!!! But, on the other hand I might just start saving for a 5 string Kingbass, Oh bugger ! got GAS again
  22. Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke - Hartke Er Hartke !
  23. Get it repaired, get rid of it and get something more reliable. My Harke HA3500 has never let me down ever, its brilliant !
  24. Well, I know its not dark, but I aways like Birdseye maple, it looks great. Jon told me he doesn't like using ebony unless he's the customer says there is no chice. This was afater I had "issues" with the ebony board on the Sei I had that Jon had to sort out.
  25. Excellent rig, I just love Hartke stuff.
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