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Everything posted by hhoward

  1. I bought a Trace Elliot SMX Dual Compressor from Dave He went over and beyond to help me and to make sure i was happy a totally Cool Dude, and a pleasure to deal with I would recommend him thoroughly HowardH
  2. Problem Solved Buying both bass and guitar Floor pods
  3. wow. thanks Lawrence, i think that i will do it this way then, i will get the sennheiser's first, then keep looking for Alesis to come up on Ebay, from that point just keep playing my favourite music on them, get used to the sounds and then focus on getting as close as i can. People keep saying that they hear The Cure in my music so i guess i should play cure a lot. lol but if anyone out they has Sennheiser HP280 pro's and and Alesis M1 MkII's for sale PLEASE let me know, maybe then i can get both
  4. Thanks Danny i am looking up the speakers now regards HowardH
  5. what is the difference in open and closed headphones? and can you tell me does the SENNHEISER HD25 HD 25-1 II Pro Monitoring Headphone need an amp to get the quality for mixing out of it? because that would add to the price
  6. thanks Tom, i am wondering if i should get the headphones and get just normal speakers
  7. but the problem with normal headphones is they all sound different, i have five pairs right here and each one sounds different
  8. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Paul that is what the guy told me at the place but lawrence says they are all different
  9. that is fascinating Lawrence now i have a bigger headache though what phones if any do you suggest?
  10. thanks for that, i am tending to come to the same conclusions as you letts i looked up the HD280 Pro and then i got onto a guy here in Aus and had a chat with him this morning, he told me the same as you, it has something to do with room sound he says and to be a meter or so away from the sound to get a true idea. he said that even though he sells many high quality desk phones that he believed that my problems could not be solved in this way even at the risk of losing a sale to me. i have sent him pics of my studio and three songs i have done, even the song that did well in Thailand was crap really, what can i say Thai females are hopeless romantics i think lol and after all the song is called "You Are Everything" anyway he is sending me info on cheap but workable monitors, he suggested that headphones have their place but not in the final mix, which is after all my greatest problem. Thanks for your inputs Regards HowardH By the way That song Dear God by XTC, what a great song, i cant believe i never heard it before, very good writing as well HH
  11. thanks tuco and paul, i will look them up regards HowardH
  12. Hi guys A mixing question this time, i am hoping that you my fellow bassists might have ideas to help me. All my recording at this time is done on a Boss BR1600CD desk and i have 5 pairs of headphones all crap, just hifi ones what sounds good to me in the studio doesn't to others when they get my music, it is not clear or my voice too quiet or loud does anyone know of headphones that can help me mix properly in the studio that does not cost an arm or a leg that you can recommend? $500 headphones are beyond me at this time so i was wondering if any of you have headphones that you recommend for someone on a budget? i suppose in pounds no more than about 150 pounds or $200 in Aus thanx from a frustrated HowardH
  13. [quote name='dan670844' post='1129699' date='Feb 16 2011, 10:45 PM']Just the headroom essentially the same circuit i guess shame as most of their other 'reissue' stuff is in many ways better than the original stuff!!! think 427, 4x8 MKhead etc (series 6 gp12 !!). Why change perfection! better just to make it with more modern components. If you really must have a stomp box unit check out a Fea unit if thats too pricely go for a Markbass then after that an ebs but with the ebs be prepared to tweak the trim pots inside as they drift for some reason. Or alternatively go onto ebay and see if there are any smx pedals around they are still hard to beat for live work as they are so easy to set and get a good sound (£30 will secure a good one). Just make sure you feed enough signal into them i.e. so the light is green (it can take a lot of signal !!) it doesnt work if there isnt enough signal going in ie a red light turn the low compressor up halfway eq job done solid tight low end, turn the low compressor up further to like 3/4 turn the the eq balance 1/4 turn to the left reggae dub heaven very thick heavy warm thump with attenuated attack sweet.[/quote] Dan you make me excited about getting it now, i do hope that te smx contacts me soon about his unit, i only have until tomorrow afternoon on the other one thanks for your input Dan regards HowardH
  14. [quote name='fatback' post='1129628' date='Feb 16 2011, 09:45 PM']TE SMX is totally fab. And I just happen to be selling mine [/quote] oops i got confused i am chatting at the moment, my email is [email protected] pls write me asap because if until tomorrow tomake up my mid on the other one and wazzoo has sold me on the idea regards HowardH
  15. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1129633' date='Feb 16 2011, 09:48 PM']someone lucky buy this pedal, it is a fantastic compressor[/quote] hi grand wazoo [email protected] please add me if you are with yahoo, to let me know about it
  16. [quote name='dan670844' post='1129552' date='Feb 16 2011, 09:00 PM']Trace Elliot Smx dual band stomp box= the muts nuts Ashdown Dual Band = not so good Why? Headroom the SMX was an 18 volt high headroom monster the ash is only 9 volt and the headroom is a little biff The ultimate modern dual band pedal is a FEA labs SMX , different circuit to the trace more clean and hifi i.e up to modern standards but uses the same presets and even bigger headroom as the trace smx its prefecto why change it![/quote] interesting Dan, what is the difference between them i wonder?
  17. Grand Wazoo, you are a genius and i completely understand what you are saying, why don't these stupid companies speak the same way? we are musicians not engineers, they would probably sell more. i really appreciate all of your effort and thanks to you i will now go and buy that one the owner says that it is the later one which is good because apparently the earlier ones , well here are his words Please note that this is the updated version - I've checked the resistor values inside. Be aware of the earlier versions that can clip with high-output active basses. Used it very well on my very active Stingray5. and also he made some improvements apparently thanks again HowardH
  18. i have fiddled in the past with compressors though always with the same setup and i decided at the time not to buy one, and all this time i have run clean except for the obvious sound effects but i have the opportunity to obtain an Ashdown Engineering Dual Band Bass Guitar Compressor now and i do a lot of slap and i do not understand the need of one because the adverts just say affect highs and lows and go into technical detail and i have a habit of going to sleep within 5 seconds of someone saying listen to this. so i was wondering if someone can explain to me how this could enhance my rig, or recording in a way that and idiot can understand i am running actives with pre-amps in my bass if this info helps Thanks HowardH
  19. wow. thanks for the cool vids, that guy is quicker than i am like a plane is quicker than a car, and its seems logical to me to wear the bass that high playing a neck that fat, however i think (in my case) i would rather be slower and not wear my bass like a necklace, i love slap and always have, it unleashed the beast in me long ago and i have never been happy unless i am punching people in the chest with a rhythmic percussive sound. with me i come from a solid rock background, so bringing slap into rock was always my first love. even like in the case of Faith No More's We Care A Lot, even though it was simple, it was the hugeness and fatness that swept me up, i had the opportunity to play on the same night they played back then and wow what a rig he had, it was so massive he didn't even DI. i know Jacko played a four string in answer to Doddy, i was referring to his jazz speeds actually, but thanks for your input Speaking of elevator music, one day i was in a shopping center and i heard Elephant Talk by King Crimson being piped thru, somehow i felt insulted hehe Thankyou everyone for such great input. this is the best bass forum in the world and you guys are awesome Thanks again HowardH
  20. thankyou very much conan and pb for your most welcome advice, i think i will avoid the aircraft carrier though, better to be precise than to need more fingers and longer arms thankyou again HowardH
  21. i was thinking about buying a 5 string bass, but six string allows for (obviously) a greater range. i was wondering if the 6 string could still be useful for slap because of the closer strings i was wondering if anyone reading this plays slap on a 6 string? i mean a six string which isn't as wide as a car? because i have found the wider the neck the slower the speed (at least for me) i am no Jacko Pastorius thanks HowardH
  22. Thankyou again Steve I got your email and pics, this has been so helpfull to me and i will use this info to get them made up thankyou also Russ combined with steves's pics your description helped heaps and also thankyou to circle for the video downloaders with firefox, i will be downloading many clips thanks to you Thankyou to everyone, it shows the strength of our bass-playing community HowardH ps (they will be made professionally so if anyone else wants to get some then please drop me a line, i want to revive this type of playing )
  23. hehehe i like that, i like the way you think, thanks for your input appreciated HowardH
  24. Thankyou for that, over the last ummmm few years i have only had EMG's, with EMG pots running 2 pre-amps, so i am kind of use to having a LOT of output from the bass. it just worried me that it may be too asthmatic, but if it is only adjustments that are required. the only other thing i can think of is that EMG's give a LOT of sustain for whatever reason and i thought that non-active would die pretty quickly. thanks for your advice HhowardH
  25. Hi, i am building a small recording studio I am trying to get what i need to do what i want i have always played mainly a four string, but now i am looking at a five string on a budget and i am looking at ebay the cheapest way i can do this is to get a bass with passive pickups, my question is, since i have always had a passion for punchy, growling bass sounds, a good example is "We Care A Lot' by Faith No More, i was wondering if i could still get that punch out of passive pickups to any level? if not, how close? being that i am using it for recording so i have a lot of adjustments i can make on the desk. another question would be, if i do get actives will they give the bass the quality it lacks from low quality build? Thankyou HowardH
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