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Posts posted by cheddatom

  1. 20 hours ago, Grimalkin said:

    I can't wait for the EBMM Joe Dart Coffee Pot, Cup and Coaster set. It has Joe's smiling fizog emblazoned on each piece. Just like the EBMM Joe Dart Duvet cover and Pillow cases...


    Joe Dart, what a tart.

    What about his playing though?

    • Like 1
  2. The vets we use have a pretty cool chilled out trip-hop style instrumental thing, which would be great, except for some reason it's so loud it's constantly clipping. I have to turn the phone right down, and then back up again when they answer

  3. 3 minutes ago, OliverBlackman said:

    I did apply to be an on hold composer for a company in Manchester. Don’t know what the requirements are because I didn’t get a response.

    Did you try calling them?

    • Haha 2
  4. 1 hour ago, musicbassman said:

    Here's the Jacob Mann Big band with Sam Wilkes on bass and Louis Cole on drums. I'd be happy staying on the line if I was hearing this.



    Fantastic! I'm a big Louis Cole fan but hadn't seen this before, thanks!

  5. The article says


    "Notice how no one’s posting pictures of the crowd? If they did it would be empty."


    I follow quite a few acts on Facebook that are gigging, and they are posting pictures of packed out venues. I guess these sold out gigs with 40% no-shows have fair weather fans?

  6. I bet there's at least one bass chatter who writes hold music? I'm on hold to Eon now. There's a fairly nice piece that starts with what sounds like harmonic diads played on bass. It then layers up with some guitar and a bit of percussion. It sounds like something someone would do at an open mic with a looper, except it just goes round and round and there's no vocal.


    One section in particular had me thinking - do these companies ask the composer to deliberately attempt to get the caller to put the phone down? I'd be interested to know what sort of brief you get


    There's a slightly out of tune guitar just running down the major scale, over and over again and it feels like it's screaming at me JUST HANG UP

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, TimR said:


    It could, but it's entirely down to context. The problem is you throw the baby out with the bathwater. Those are examples where those terms are used in a pejorative context. 


    Look at any choir and tell me which are the male parts and which are the female parts. 

    I'm not an expert on choirs but I think they're generally split by vocal range - bass, tenor, alto, soprano etc.

    • Haha 1
  8. 15 hours ago, TimR said:


    Not really. I guess clearly there are a load of people who don't want to hear it either. I'm not really bothered. I watch people's behaviour I've not seen anything that contradicts what he says. Only people who don't like to believe men and women are different. 

    JP says a lot, it's often totally unintelligible. Even his writing that's been edited doesn't make a lot of sense.


    Anyway, I don't think anyone is saying that there's no difference between women and men. The differences are obvious. That's not what the progression in language is about.


    I'm sure I don't need to explain this to you but


    "Hit like a girl" could mean girls are less likely to feel they could be a successful boxer, or drummer


    "Throw like a girl", "run like a girl" etc


    "Bass is a manly instrument"


    There's a prevailing attitude that this language fuels the inequality we see between men and women 


    Of course JP would have you believe there's no such inequality


    Like I said, I don't think anyone's offended by ACs remarks, it's just that some of us think that language is outdated and we should move on 

    • Like 4
  9. 40 minutes ago, TimR said:


    You can try and change words but you'll never change innately programmed behaviours. Which is what JP keeps pointing out, but no one wants to hear. 


    All you're doing is slapping a coat of paint on what has structurally been built over millions of years. 


    Clearly there are a lot of people who want to hear what JP keeps pointing out, yourself included

  10. 12 hours ago, gareth said:

    Gotta love JP


    He's right that no-one has the right to not be offended. I don't understand why he has to be such a smug hateful c*&% about it though


    No-one in this thread, nor the bassist quoted in the OP have suggested that Adam Clayton shouldn't have the right to say what he did. In fact, other than the bassist quoted (for obvious clickbait) no-one seems to be actually offended by what he said. There are some (including me) who think times have changed, and the language he used is now outdated. That doesn't mean we're up in arms outraged, or that we think you should have your freedom of speech curtailed.


    The only outraged people I see in this thread have imagined an attack on their freedom of speech


    There are quite a few reasons why we're progressing away from describing small/lightweight/delicate things as "girly" and the opposite "manly". If you don't know the reasons you could take the time to read up. If you've read up and think it's ridiculous, that's fine, keep on the way you were. You have the freedom to do that, and others have the freedom to be offended.

    • Like 6
  11. 4 minutes ago, Silvia Bluejay said:

    If we agree that describing something as 'gay' has a pejorative connotation (which I believe it has), then describing something as 'girly' is in the same category. At least in the eyes of this particular woman.

    At the same time, this particular woman knows that many famous people deliberately try to shock or at least be controversial because it gets them talked about and clicked on. So ther're usually best ignored, unless what they say is seriously outrageous.

    Maybe her language leaves something to be desired, but it's still fair enough to challenge the sexism. The click-bait BS journalism is annoying, but in this instance it's got a bunch of bass players talking about whether or not it's OK to talk about "manly bass" and "girly guitar", which can only be a good thing

    • Like 5
  12. Code heads are made in the UK and seem to be the cheapest of the usable brands I've recorded (not tried them on my kit), so if price is a factor, definitely check them out. You can play rock and metal without hammering the kit as hard as you can... but it doesn't sound as good :) 

  13. A band was approached with a publishing deal. The singer asked us all if we were happy to sign the deal. I asked to see the deal. This went on for months until finally he explained that it was 50% for him, 50% for the guitarist. I was a bit put out as the the bassist and I (on drums) did most of the arrangements and often suggested chord changes that were accepted. Anyway, 50% of FA is still FA so not worth getting wound up about :)

  14. The Old Cold Store in Nottingham on Thursday night supporting UK Subs. Great gig despite terrible on stage sound, just a positive attitude from everyone and super tight




    Our bassist and front man both tested positive for Covid the next morning so our final gig of the year on Saturday was cancelled. The guitarist and I are both fine (negative PCR tests), it's just such a shame to miss the big tour finale


    I do have one more gig this year, this time on guitar for Julia Mosely, hopefully that'll be good

    • Like 4
  15. 13 hours ago, Nail Soup said:

    Like the bass drum !

    What does it sound like and do you use it when there is no space constraint?

    Thanks! Like any bass drum you can tune it and dampen it, so there's not one sound. It's difficult to get any real subs out of it without a PA, but that's not really necessary on this sort of gig. I had it tuned fairly high with some foam inside touching both heads and I get a nice punch. It sounds very "slappy" if I'm on my own, but in the context of a band mix it cuts through just right. This is the first time I've actually gigged it but I'd use it for a funk jam or something like that. I bought the shell for £35 on Ebay and nicked the hardware off another bass drum I never use.


    I'll definitely be using if for our acoustic set at Rebellion festival. I think if we were to start doing acoustic sets at bigger venues with proper PAs I'd just take my full kit

  16. 13 minutes ago, Salt on your Bass? said:


    That's a well stripped back set up! 


    I've just started looking at 5 string acoustic basses - I have a gear for music 5er at the moment that I have lying around the house and bought for an impromptu acoustic gig. I'd be interested if you could get the brand as they seem a difficult thing to come by.  

    I just asked him. It's a Michael Kelly Dragonfly


    like this but with a different finish: https://www.musicroom.com/michael-kelly-michael-kelly-dragonfly-5-electro-acoustic-bass-mkd5ssbsfr?glid=gb&CAWELAID=120075890000619509&CATARGETID=120075890000864999&CADevice=c&gclid=CjwKCAiAp8iMBhAqEiwAJb94zxubZ9u5wRxigEhvJa_9G6j2FXHqLc8XD3OgzfeOcb1KSSUQd3Dz_xoC4dMQAvD_BwE

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