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Posts posted by cheddatom

  1. Does the bass sound good and the guitar crap because the bass has a good tone coming out of the board, and the guitar is going straight into the mixer? If you had a little pedal for a nice tone for the guitar, and put that before the mixer, it could solve it.

  2. Why don't you put the mixer after the FX, but before the looper. It's a cool idea, i was doing something like this the other day, mixing my playing through my board, with weird noises on another FX unit. My little mixer is very crappy though, and destroys my tone :-(

  3. Every botb i've been to or played at have had questionable results.

    We played one once, and they gave us a list of the things the bands were being judged on. Last on the list was "number of people who showed up to watch you". They were asking the audience, as they turned up, who they had come to support. So basically, it was a local popularity contest.

    The only way to enjoy BOTB's (as someone already said) is to treat it as a normal gig. That way you won't be annoyed when some crap band takes home the prize.

  4. Heh, yeh, I should have said "when I know some band members", otherwise I know i'll look a dick! Some of the bands I know will really listen to me, 'cos i've done mixes for them etc, where as others I get the impression I should have kept my mouth shut.

    It's just so annoying when you see a band, and they could sound so much better! That's another topic anyway, sorry.

  5. We've only ever been criticised once (that I can remember), and that was on the internet. They guy attempted to be constructive about one of our songs, but he had trouble explaining himself.

    It's pretty pathetic though, that people actually bother to take time write to (in their own opinion) a sh*t band, just to tell them in as clever way as possible (in their own opinion) that they're sh*t. I can't ever imagine myself being bored enough. I've seen bad bands in the past, and had a little giggle with my mates about them, or maybe moved to the back of the pub, or sat outside, but, i'd never actually tell the band that I didn't like them. It's just not helpful.

    Sometimes, if I see a band play, and I think they have potential, or I liked them, but saw problems, I will go and try to offer them a bit of advice in a nice way (I hope). Just tips about tone really. I wonder if these bands just think i'm an idiot :-/

  6. [quote name='BigRedX' post='69640' date='Oct 4 2007, 07:13 PM']Since I got interested in playing music almost 35 years ago, I've played guitar and synth, as well as bass, in all the different bands I've been involved with. Guitar is where I started, but bass is the instrument I keep coming back to. There was an interesting article in one of the US Bass mags a while back about why bass players tend to make good producers, because they are more likely to 'hear' the whole song as they tend to be providing both the melodic and rhythmic foundation. Personally I think that playing another instrument is beneficial as it gives you a better idea about how the elements of a piece of music can fit together.[/quote]

    This is an intersting point that I was thinking about the other day. Why is it that bassists seem to be more considerate of the entire music, rather than just trying to play something impressive/fun?

    I started on guitar, played for 8 years, then got a 6 string bass. I play them both quite similarly now. I'm playing the drums in a punk band atm, but i'm not very good. "I like to play".

  7. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='69580' date='Oct 4 2007, 04:59 PM']Funny, I tried the SYB-5 and thought it sucked compared to the SYB-3. I only use it for long sustained sci-fi noises though, nothing too quick - I know nothing tracks like a Deep Impact...

    Ashdown Envelope filter is ok, only that. I also have a DOD FX25 whcih may take it's place soon. It is a big pedal.

    Whammy is indeed at the end of the chain - wasn't sure where best to put it, but it seems happy enough there.


    I have to say that on paper, I agree with Kev about the order of your chain. If I put a whammy after distortion, without any nice dirt/OD after it, it will give me nasty tone indeed!

    Also, I find it weird that you would only use delay on it's own. Stick your delay at the end of your chain, and then fill up the delay with effects! It's fun.

    Whenever i'm at gigs, people ask me how much my board cost, where did I get all the money etc, and it really winds me up! I've been broke all my life, and not just because I buy gear. I buy used cheap crap of ebay, and then make it sound good.

    I did spend £110 on a wah probe, but, that was totally worth it. That's my most expensive pedal.

    Kev - Where do I get a deep impact cheap then? I'd love to play with one, I don't really like the synths on the zoom I have.

  8. I tried the SYB-3 and didn't like it at all. I tried the SYB-5 and loved it, so, just a suggestion, if you haven't tried it yet, you should!

    What's the ashdown envelope filter like? Is it worth all that space on the board?

    Do you have the whammy at the end of the chain?

    It's so cool to see so many interesting boards on this thread. I've never played a gig where a bassist from another band has more than one pedal!

  9. It should be easy enough to unsolder the components and wire them instead. I love the sound with the octave on, it's a great pedal. I only use it for one song of my band's though. I'd like to use it more, but, it doesn't fit that well with our sound.

    My board at the moment, is mostly the same as this, but all crammed onto the board.

  10. Are you doing something to the sound of the input? Any plug-ins or the like would create some latency.

    There should be a control panel for the ASIO driver, where you can increase the in and out buffer sizes. Maybe try a different ASIO driver.

    It may seem stupid, but are you sure you're using USB2? 'Cos I know people who thought they were using USB2 but weren't.

  11. I have a bespeco one on my AW-3 but the range is a tad short. I'd like to know the specifics of why that is, and if there are better pedals out there. When I first bought it, I assumed all exp pedals would be the same, to a "standard", but, maybe not?

  12. I like most of Les' work. There are some tracks that i'll skip, but they tend to change each time I listen to each album. I really like oysterhead.

    Something interesting I found with Primus was that I loved their original (not first, unusual) sound on the Brown album etc. Then Antipop seemed miles away from that, sound wise, but I loved that sound too! I thought it sounded quite commercial and thought they should have gone for more exposure for Antipop, but I guess that would have been rather ironic!

  13. I have blended compression before, as a send rather than an insert, in the studio. It does work well, if that's the sound you're after. Sometimes people just have the attack time on their comp too short, which would get rid of most of the "OOPMH".

    I like to have a compressor at the end of the chain, even if I have some blended compression before that, just to make sure there are no mental peaks, which can sound bad, whether you have the headroom or not. It would be better if I didn't play them, obviously, but, work with what you've got!

    In reply to the top post - I would put it in the loop, 100% wet, play with the compression settings until you like them, and then blend in some dry until you've found a sweet spot.

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