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Posts posted by cheddatom

  1. [quote name='Bald Eagle' post='31946' date='Jul 15 2007, 12:02 AM']Funny that, I'd rather tame tigers for a hobby anyday than perform a Mark King solo, Live!

    The only one I can think of is Alan Partridge playing the airbass does that count :)[/quote]

    I know this might seem stupid to those of you who know what i'm talking about, but, what the hell is that funky bassline that Alan's airbassing to? I really want a copy of that song/album.

  2. Yeh, I think swapping it is going to be the best bet. If your set up is noisless without it, you shouldn't have to buy a noisegate. I have a noisegate as my set-up has always been noisy due to high gain and cheap pedals etc.

  3. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='58189' date='Sep 10 2007, 01:43 PM']I'd say listen to the soundclip either you like it or you don't what more info do you need to know?[/quote]

    I want to know what controls and features it has. I can't listen to the sound clips at the moment!

  4. [quote name='dlloyd' post='58139' date='Sep 10 2007, 12:32 PM']Would something like a noise gate do anything to get rid of the hiss?[/quote]

    A noise gate will only get rid of noise when you're not playing. If it's hissing at the same time as you playing, you would need some kind of advanced noise reduction dealy, and as far as I know, that doesn't exist in pedal form.

  5. [quote name='Alien' post='57239' date='Sep 7 2007, 11:20 PM']If I'm reading this right, you're not truly bi-amping, you're just taking the high frequency output into the guitar amp. The Peavey combo is still running full range. If you take a patch lead from the low frequency output into the power amp input, then the Peaveys power amp will only be handling lows.

    My setup used to be similar to this, just a bit more complicated:

    Bass - Peavey Firebass - HF out - Korg AX300 (stereo outs) - Behringer EP1500 - pair of 2x10 cabs
    [color="#FFFFFF"]Bass - Peavey Firebass[/color] - LF out - Firebass Power amp in - 1x15 cab

    Loads of big fat clean bottom end, with all the FX in stereo on the highs. Totally unnecessary and way OTT, but lots of fun nonetheless :)


    Ahhh, that explains why the TE still kicks out some highs. I'll try that later.

    Building my own cab now sounds very attractive! Maybe I could make a new cab for the 18" in the TE cab, and carry that to gigs.

    Are there any other manufaturers that do the bi-amp/crossover thing?

  6. [quote name='The Funk' post='57075' date='Sep 7 2007, 04:36 PM']Well, if the crossover on your Peavey combo has a Lo output, you could run that into your Trace Elliott cab.

    The thing is you'd need to amplify that signal with a power amp in between the Lo output and the Trace Elliott cab.

    A power amp is a dedicated unit which is basically the second half of a normal amp. You don't really need to know how it work, just that you'd need one between the Lo crossover output and the TE cab.

    If you did it that way, your Peavey amp wouldn't clip as the TE cab wouldn't be powered by it but by a seperate power amp.[/quote]

    I see, that makes total sense now. I did think about that before, as obviously i'm not using the TE cab to it's full potential.

    bass_ferret - I'm sorry dude, I really don't know what you're on about. I don't know what number is on my amp. I know that it's a combo that is newer than the one in Phaedrus's picture, has a bit more colour on it, is 150W on it's own, 200 or 220 with the ext cab, and it has a BW 15" speaker.

    It's not a "Combo 300". You're the first one to mention this model. What is it?

    I have some DIY skills, but have never even thought of making my own cab. I'm guessing it's far beyond putting up some wonky shelves.

  7. I would have whatever I could get the sound I wanted with. If I could afford the kind of rack gear i'd need, and I had the time to program it, and I had a floor controller, then that'd be fine. At the moment, gigging with a massive board is also fine. I there are issues of practicality and cost, but not really sound, which is the main thing at the ned of the day!

  8. [quote name='Phaedrus' post='57062' date='Sep 7 2007, 04:15 PM']Peavey TNT150BW?

    150w on its own, gain & volume controls, 9-band graphic, low & high controls, punch & brite switches, built-in footswitchable chorus (depth & rate controls), amp out, speaker out, variable crossover, Black Widow 15" speaker. Rock solid. F*!king heavy.

    What do you mean you already have one? :)[/quote]
    Ok, I have the same thingy, but without the chorus. It's not powerful enough!

    The Funk - Yes, that is my rig, plus 20 pedals. What did you mean by "You could get a power amp and run the lows out of the low crossover output on your Peavey combo to your Trace Elliott cab."? Either i'm a bit thick or that doesn't make much sense :-/

  9. I've never played a rig that has satisfied me, apart from my own. I can't sell the TE cab, it's way too cool and adds the deep lowness that I really want. I use it in the studio, or at big gigs where the other two band members don't mind driving.

    Maybe I should get a very loud head and a 1 x 15" like you suggested. That way it should be a straight swap for what i'm using, but louder. Hopefully!

    Does anyone else have this style of bi-amp rig?

  10. I think that if you use the hi out, then the amp (and ext cab) is automatically low passed. I have it at around 800-1K. I generally play with the crossover a little within this frequency range each time I set up.

    Does the Firebass head have the crossover function?

    I'm not too bothered about weight, I already have that problem. I just don't want to go any bigger than what I have already.

    Does anyone think my crossover/bi-amp is pointless and that I could get a similar responce from a decent all bass rig?

  11. All said above is very true. I'd look for an akai vari wah. They go for £50ish on ebay I think. Try one out! Otherwise, you could probably get someone to make an optical cry baby for you. That would last longer obviously, but wouldn't have multiple patches that you can save and switch between.

  12. [quote name='alexclaber' post='56968' date='Sep 7 2007, 01:56 PM']If you ignore the light, does it sound good and is it loud enough? Most Peavey amps have really good limiters built in (DDT) which means you can drive them constantly into the realm where other amps would be clipping, sounding bad and possibly blowing speakers without suffering any ill effects or even sounding bad!


    Well, it sounds allright, yeh, but if I get to a gig where I have to turn it up so that the light is almost always on, then it gets farty, and I have to rest it for a day (I know, seems weird) until it'll work properly. It is one of those DDT limiters, but, it doesn't seem to protect the speakers well enough.

  13. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='56932' date='Sep 7 2007, 12:59 PM']Get a bigger Peavey. The Combo 115 is 200 watts internal - 300 watts with extension. Noy many integrated amps or combo's have built in crossovers. Old Git is selling a BAM but I dont know if it has x-over.[/quote]

    I think that's the amp I already have though, and I need more headroom. I have looked at the GK stuff, and I don't think the bi-amp is the right kind for me to use a guitar amp. I can have a bi-amp input to my TE cab, but, like I say, can't really fit it in the car, and it's 1 x 10 wouldn't really satisfy me.

  14. I think when you said "I need digital" you meant to say "I want a pedal with lots of different kinds of wah on that I can switch between with my foot".

    There is an Akai vari-wah which may be appropriate, but i've not tried it. Otherwise, Xp-100 or some multi-effects unit. I can't think of any others. I don't think you'll be able to get one custom made, or at least not easily or for a reasonable price.

  15. [quote name='lemoley' post='56904' date='Sep 7 2007, 12:03 PM']e.g im looking at my Digitech EX-7 expression pedal for guitar and the only moving part on it is the pedal, now if you get a wiring diagram for a Crybaby look how much sh*t is in there

    at the end of the day man i paid lots of money for my Crybaby and it was full of problems - kept breaking and the quality of wah it produced varied

    since then (and were talking years here) i have bought and used nothing but digital and how happy am i with there sound and quality? 100%[/quote]

    In your cry baby, the only moving part is the pot built into the pedal. If you get an "optical" wah, I think morley make them, they have an LED and an LDR and in between a bit of plastic that moves up and down when you move the pedal, changing resistance, letting you wah. If you get a digital wah, there will be a pedal, and either a built in pot that will break, or an optical system. This can be digital or analog. There is nothing else that will move. Maybe after 10 years or so you will get degredation of transistors etc, but there is no "digital is better than analog" rule.

    Your EX-7 has a pedal that has to change resistance somehow.

  16. [quote name='lemoley' post='56884' date='Sep 7 2007, 11:35 AM']the reason i prefer Digital over Analogue is that imo the said effect sounds alot better and also you tend not to have any problems with them due to there being no moving parts that could potentially break or need replacing etc...[/quote]

    How could you have a wah with no moving parts? Unless instead of "digital" you're meaning "optical" in that some pedals use light/ldr type deal as opposed to a physical pot. Some other people have said above, but, there is nothing inherently better about digital products. You certainly couldn't generalise and say "digital wahs are better quality than analog".

    Has anyone else tried the wah probe on bass? I seriously think it's amazing, more people should try it!

  17. I need a new amp. I can't afford it right now to be honest, but am looking to get it in the next 12 months. However, i've never seen an amp that has the specifications I want, let alone played one I loved enough.

    At the moment, I have a Peavey 1 x 15 combo, which I think puts out 220W at 2 or 4 ohms, not sure! This amp has nice "punch" and "bright" pre-amp curves which I like, and a decent E.Q. The feature I need is the crossover outputs, of which I use the Hi output to drive my Johnson 120w 2 x 12" guitar combo. This bi-amp set up sounds great, specially when I have my TE extension cab plugged in.

    It's not loud enough though, or at least there's not enough headroom. There's a little yellow danger light that comes on when the amp is too loud, and it's on most of the time when i'm at a gig without the TE cab.

    I would like another 1 x 15" combo, as I can't really fit the TE cab in the car for gigs (it's 1 x 18, 1 x 10, horn).

    So, a 1 x 15 combo, with crossover and extension cab outs and some E.Q. It doesn't sound that complicated now! Any suggestions?

  18. [quote name='lemoley' post='56661' date='Sep 6 2007, 07:27 PM']you know guys i have just realised that the specifications that i want in a wah are just too much for any company to come up with...

    True Bypass - On/Off
    Amount of Wah
    Different types of wah on it also - Auto, Synth etc

    i think im gonna have to stick to my origianl idea and go custom[/quote]

    Why do you want it to be digital? XP-100 has some cool wahs and auto wahs, 6 memory patches and a bypass switch. You could probably mod it for tb, but maybe just buy a loop pedal? You'd need a blender to mix the wet and dry though.

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