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Posts posted by cheddatom

  1. Just catching up on this, can't believe he's still going. Just an idea for anyone with a collection of evidence - BBC Radio 4's You And Yours programme might be interested. I'm pretty sure they ran a piece on this guy's original Caravan Park Fraud years ago. 

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, leschirons said:

    I get it. I have fairly expensive 16" Zildjian K custom dark crash on the right. It just doesn't do what I want!  Think I need a thin one but there's all this talk of "dry, dark, light" and other daft words that I  don't understand in this context. I guess it'll mean going into a shop with a stick and hope that they've got a kick drum within reach.



    I tend to listen to the cymbals on the Memphis Drum Shop youtube channel. They've had every Zildjian I've ever wanted to hear. They're really well recorded and play the cymbal on it's own, but also in context


    Personally I like thin, but large diameter cymbals. I'm currently gigging with 16" K Light Hats, 19" K Dark Thin Crash, 20" K Cluster Crash, and a 24" K Light Ride.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Nice 'n' Sleazy festival in Morecambe on Friday. Nice big room, decent sound. They asked nicely if I'd use the house drum kit, fair enough, but then as usual it starts to fall to bits as I'm playing. Still, we went down well. Back home at midnight


    Under The Castle festival in Bolsover on Saturday. A fairly big tent with a temporary stage. The main bit of the stage looks decent, but the drum riser is sloping backwards at a fair angle. The sound guy looked significantly worse for wear and I couldn't hear any guitar for the whole set. Still, as usual, we went down well and got paid. Back home by 1AM


    Curcus festival in Dorset on Sunday. We left stoke at 11AM and I was already knackered. 4 hours later we arrive at the festival and it's a lot smaller than I was expecting. It rained hard the whole time we were there, but the atmosphere was great. The crew were pros so the sound was incredible which makes a massive difference to me. Apparently we did 45mins but it felt like 20! Came off stage buzzing but a 4 hour drive in the rain back to Stoke soon wore that down. Back home by 1AM, up for work at 6AM

    • Like 7
  4. 15 minutes ago, BigRedX said:


    That's interesting. When I used to run The Terrortones website we sold fair amount of merch and CDs right up to the time that we also started selling on Bandcamp, at which point sales from our own site dropped to zero despite the fact that it was cheaper than buying the same things from Bandcamp.

    I think a domain pointing straight to a well maintained Bandcamp would be better than pointing straight to FB or no domain at all

    • Like 3
  5. IMO yes. I pay £10/r for a .co.uk domain. I won't comment on hosting as it's on a bigger package with a load of other site. Our website gets loads of hits, we sell a load of merch through it, a lot of people check the gig list on it. We do well on Facebook/IG but a lot of people don't use this, or don't use it much, and without the website we'd be missing a load of people

    • Like 3
  6. There are special seats for people with injuries. Ahead Spinal Glide is what I use. You can get a back rest, (or not, depending).


    You don't have to hit hard, just play around the kit, keeping the limbs nice and loose. I have all sorts of wrist problems (can't play normal/long scale/6 string bass any more) and as long as I don't get carried away, drumming always makes me feel better.

  7. 4 hours ago, ordep said:

    Understanding drums will make you a better bass player and vice versa. 

    ...yep or any other member of the band. I'd love to be in a band with a singer who can hold down a beat on the kit!


    From my experience in the studio, those who just sing seem to really struggle with timing. Rappers are the exception to this

  8. Another thing - you can practise drums anywhere. You don't even need a practise pad, just move your limbs as you would behind the kit. 


    It's a really common thing for drummers to make excuses for lack of practise, due to noise or space or whatever. These are the types that only ever play at their band's rehearsal. It's very rare for these types to be good musicians

  9. Bass was my main thing until our drummer left. I've played drums ever since and now it's my main gig


    IMO every musician should have a go at drumming in a band, even if it's just a jam. It brings home the importance of listening to every other instrument, opens your mind in terms of rhythm, and makes locking in with a drummer when you're next on bass (or whatever other instrument) so much easier


    EDIT: I also love how physical it is. You're basically dancing with sticks in your hand. When you're playing a gig, everyone is dancing to you. Quite often around here people will say things like "if the bass stops, people stop dancing"? Well that's just not the case, sorry. 


    Also it's so much easier to jam with new people. You don't have to know the chords or even the key. All you need to know is if there are any stops, and if you miss one just chuck a fill in and look like you meant it

    • Like 2
  10. I play acoustic guitar and sing at home but I can't do it in front of people. I practised for months thinking I'd get up at my local acoustic night but I just couldn't do it.


    I've played gigs on lead guitar, and I generally do well, but I find it very nerve wracking, and when it gets to a solo I find myself blushing, I've seen footage and it looks/sounds great, but I feel so far out of my comfort zone


    Bass and drums feel easy in comparison, in terms of actually performing in front of people, 'cos I know I'm not the centre of attention I suppose.

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  11. I've not had much time online lately but last weekend was a good one for this thread


    Friday night, Northern Kin Festival, massive stage in a big top tent, great crowd, super pro sound crew and system. I got to set up my drums on a riser while the previous act finished, then they just wheeled me on stage


    Sunday night, mayday festival of solidarity in Barnsley. It's a nice venue, but very small stage, and I'm forced to use the house drum kit which gradually falls to bits as I play. It was a packed room and a fun gig, but what a crash back down to earth after playing at being a rock star on the Friday night!

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    • Haha 1
  12. Ace gig at Katie Fitzgerald's in Stourbridge last night. I don't think we played our best, but the energy in the room more than made up for that. I think the fact I'd decided to record the set might have put us on edge a little


    I was photographing my cymbals and remote recording setup but our (excellent) bassist decided to spice up the photo a bit




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