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Everything posted by Kaiu

  1. Really tempted by this, but I'm based in York. Ed
  2. [quote name='JTUK' post='757653' date='Feb 25 2010, 10:12 PM']Anthony Jackson... a complete MONSTER of a player who plays mostly with a pick. AAA Studio player T-Bone Wolk, Hall and Oats, pretty fluid and makes the style work. I will have to recall a few others...after I consult my record collection. Memory has gone atm.. [/quote] Thanks! Will check him out Ed
  3. Thanks for all the advice guys! Recording has highlighted a couple of things for me, given the bass was di'd straight into the desk. My technique was one of them, but also the feeling off my lines. Does any one have any information on bands with bassists (especially pick players) who bring a lot of 'feeling' to their lines? Not necessarily complicated lines, just simple lines that are really brought to life by the subtleties of some ones playing, whether it's using slides, hammer ons, dynamics or just their own personal technique etc. I'm having trouble giving 'life' as it were to by bass lines. Although musical, they just sometimes sound like one note after another! Ed
  4. Hey everyone, I've been playing bass for a while now and have developed a picking technique that felt comfortable for me and worked well live. I was tight and I got a solid sound... or so I thought. When it came to recording my first full length album, I noticed there was a lot of extraneous noise every time I picked, and the notes didn't seem to have the same solid consistency as when our producer (who is also a bass player) played. I've analysed my technique and realised it was probably because my pick movement was out towards the back of the bass. Here is a video showing my old technique, and then me trying to play like I think I should be doing, with an extra bit of muting at the end (something I could never do with my old technique). I'm finding it awkward and hard trying to unlearn my old style, but I just wanted to know if I'm on the right track and if anyone else has discovered a similar problem? Ed
  5. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='742098' date='Feb 11 2010, 01:58 PM']Hi Ed. Where abouts in London are you moving to? Ive lived in London all my life. Its not bad here.....in certain places ;-) I play most weekends and sometimes during the week in two covers band, doing the usual weddings/functions etc. We never play pubs. Not sure why but its probably a money thing as they dont pay that well. We haven't play any established gig venues (not as covers bands anyway) but we do play places like castles, palaces etc. We always take our PA unless its over 400 people, in which case we hire one in. I also dont drive and in a way it has hindered me but its not really a problem these days. I use a LMII + 1210R with one band and a MB SA450 + 1212L with my main band. I leave both rigs with the drummers and i travel to gigs with the drummers. Both bands just use two cars and we manage to get everything, and every one in to them. I do have to get a tube or train to get picked up so i only take one bass. I normally also have a suit bag or rucksack with a change of clothes in it. I can get my LMII in the suit bag if i need to but i dont now that i have two rigs.[/quote] I'm not sure yet. I'm going to University College London as a 'mature' student (I'll be nearly 24), so hopefully I can find a place within half an hour bus ride of UCL (Bloomsbury). I've been playing bass professionally (earning, touring, recording) with an originals band up until now, but the chances of recreating that success with another originals band are slim, especially when combined with my studies. So I was hoping to earn part of my living while at University from a covers band. I've had experience in a weddings/parties band before but it always required transport and our own PA. I do in fact have my own PA along with a lot of other gear, so I could be useful to an established band if I could find somewhere to store it and transport it. While in Los Angeles I saw several cover/tribute bands making a living from residential (is that the right term?) slots, so they played the same thing every week and earned a fair bit if the place was packed out. Does that kind of thing happen in London? Ed (Ps sorry this has definitely moved off an amp and cab discussion, feel free to move it)
  6. Hey Everyone, I'm moving to London in September and I was just wondering how you London bass players do it? What set up? How to transport it? I am looking to start/join a successful rock/pop/party covers band, but I won't have my own transport. As it stands I have an Ampeg SVT 2 Pro in a rack with midi controlled effects and an Ampeg 8x10. Which works fine up in Yorkshire with a van. But down in London I'm guessing I will need something that I can carry myself. By selling my current rig I will free up enough funds for a decent small set up and I was just wondering if you guys have any tips for gear, transport, or even just gigging in London in general? Do any of you get paid to play (covers) in established venues? Or is it all about private parties and bringing everything yourself? Thanks, Ed (p.s sorry if this is in the wrong forum)
  7. ah, it seems I was too quick off the mark. I've already, ordered a black one. However if it doesn't fit I'll be in touch! Thanks, Ed
  8. I'm sure at least one of those would fit. Thank you!
  9. Hey, I've tried searching for this but I'm not exactly what it's called. Basically the plastic cap on my MM Sterling's 3-way switch has come off at some point. I'm looking to find a replacement, but I can't find one anywhere. I know it's not essential, but it's annoying and if I come to re sell it could potentially knock £'s off the value when theoretically it could cost next to nothing to replace. Any help would be much appreciated! Ed
  10. Hey, I've been playing bass with Elliot Minor for 3 years now, and although it's been a lot of fun and we've had some amazing opportunities, I'm uneasy about classing myself as a professional, for two reasons: 1. There seems to be a level of 'skill' associated with the term 'professional' and in that respect I have a huge amount to learn. I'm not saying that's how it is but that's how it feels to me. 2. I'm still living in my dad's house and pick up part time work whenever I can in between tours, which more often than not isn't musically related. I've earned enough to survive but a lot of our profits have been put back into the band to fund European tours etc given that we've never had any kind of financial support from a label. Even when we were on a major, nothing made it's way back to the band. Having said that we were immensely grateful for the promotion we received while with Warner. I'm actually looking into maybe depping as we have quite a bit of time off after the tour. Either that or doing some beginners lessons. The day I move out and get my own place and start earning a decent living from music is when I will sit comfortably with the term 'professional'. Ed
  11. Hey, I gig with in ears and an SVT 2 pro + 8x10. If the amp is part of your sound then keep it. I get some of the bass mic put through my ears. I also like being able to feel the bass, as do the other band members. The guitarists try and mic their cabs off stage, or just turn them round if there isn't enough room, but everybody prefers having a live bass cab on stage. I have toured with just a sansamp and in ears. It's perfectly do-able, and surprisingly clear. However personally I lose the 'vibe' and don't actually enjoy the gig as much. A couple of things to watch out for: 1. If you're not doing your own monitor mixes, and there are no wedges on stage then make sure someone competent is doing your in ear mixes. A bad in ear mix in my opinion, is a million times worse than a bad wedge mix. At least with a bad wedge mix you can pick up other peoples mixes and FOH. I've pulled my in ears out several times at festivals simply because we haven't had time to soundcheck and get a decent in ear mix. Using my bass cab and standing next to the drum kit was a lot better than what was coming through my ears! 2. If you are solely using in ears. Make sure you use decent head phones that block out a decent amount of sound. The more isolating your headphones are the clearer your mix will be and quieter you can have them. Thus saving your hearing. However I have known people to only put their bass sound through their ears, so they need to hear the onstage sound in order to hear the other instruments, so it's up to you! In the long run both options will help your hearing. Ed
  12. Hey, I've just bought an Ampeg SVT 2 Pro which has a graphic EQ that can be used as a second channel. This can be done by using a stereo jack plugged into the footswitch socket at the back. Here is what ampeg say: [i][b]Footswitch: This is a stereo jack which will operate with a standard dual footswitch. The tip of the plug controls the mute operation, the ring controls the graphic eq operation, while the sleeve acts as a common ground to both. With the footswitch inserted, both the front panel and the footswitch mute switches are active. [/b][/i] However I have a single latching footwitch in the form of this [url="http://www.axess-electronics.com/sc/CFX4-Control-Function-Switcher-p-16136.html"]Axess Electronics Amp Controller[/url]. Is it possible to use a single latching footwitch to only activate the graphic EQ and not the mute function? (I'm guessing not, because putting a jack in automatically turns the mute on) Or to take two single footwitches (i.e two outputs from the Amp controller) and use this [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/Accessories/Cables-and-Leads/5025-/5-Meter-High-Quality-Stereo-Jack-To-2-Mono-Jack--Insert-Cable"]Stereo to two Mono Jack[/url], so that they control one of the functions each? Having to run a dual footswitch to the front of stage would be extremely annoying, as I have all my pedals, wireless etc in a rack. All I have at the front of the stage at the moment is this [url="http://www.axess-electronics.com/sc/MFC5-MIDI-Footcontroller-p-16137.html"]Midi Footwitch[/url] that controls the Amp controller. Any help would me much appreciated, Thanks, Ed
  13. Kaiu

    Bass Like a Guitar

    [quote name='Sharkfinger' post='619339' date='Oct 7 2009, 09:43 AM']You might try the MXR bass blowtorch. Not only can you control distortion/fuzz level but there's a blend too, so you can dial in as much or as little in. There's a 3 band EQ and a 3-way switch to let you select mid frequency. When I hit the the red button on the side I get mental, almost synth fuzz. Use it for playing Muse songs live and just as overdrive. I think it will sort you right out.[/quote] Tried a few pedals today. Some of the Electro Harmonix stuff was too fuzzy. The Boss OD was to harsh, but I was really impressed with the MXR blowtorch, when it's really cranked it does go a bit synthy. Plus the eq means I can get it to cut right through the mix. Thanks for the advice! I think I've decided on the MXR blowtorch, it's one of the few suggestions I was able to try and I was impressed by it. Ed
  14. Hey everyone, Our (Elliot Minor) new single Electric High is out this week on Itunes. It can also be found at Amazon.co.uk and HMV.com. We no longer have the backing of a major label so we are doing it ourselves and it would be great if we could shift a few copies (so to speak, it's downloads now!). Thanks Ed (Elliot Minor)
  15. Kaiu

    Bass Like a Guitar

    [quote name='bobbass4k' post='618944' date='Oct 6 2009, 08:00 PM']might be my super bassy headphones but that sounds like a bass to me already, you'd need a tubescreamereque pedal for the overdrive but you should have no trouble pulling that off[/quote] Sorry for the confusion. It is a bass. I used an Epiphone Jack Cassidy bass but put it through a guitar amp. I wondered why people were suggesting octaves, my post almost implies I used a guitar. Doh!! Thankyou everyone for the suggestions. I'm popping over to Dawsons in Manchester to see if they have any of these and I'm going to try a load out.
  16. Kaiu

    Bass Like a Guitar

    [quote name='alexclaber' post='618483' date='Oct 6 2009, 12:58 PM']Why not just play the fill up above the 12th fret with some distortion? Alex[/quote] That is what I've been doing up until now, sticking my little big muff on and playing it above the 12th fret. However the muff is too fuzzy and doesn't cut through. So I'm looking for a different distortion or synth. Thanks for the video by the way! [quote name='WILD FROG SHOT' post='618485' date='Oct 6 2009, 01:02 PM']Or get one of these bad boys: [/quote] ha I like I'm thinking either the MicroSynth, or a distortion and an eq to remove lows. Ed
  17. Kaiu

    Bass Like a Guitar

    [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='618293' date='Oct 6 2009, 10:30 AM']How about a guitar amp on an A/B switch?[/quote] That would definitely been an option if I were using that tone for more stuff. However it seems overkill at the moment, especially considering we are playing some smaller venues this tour. Thanks for the suggestions I will google the two pedals suggested! Ed
  18. Kaiu

    Bass Like a Guitar

    [quote name='ezbass' post='618221' date='Oct 6 2009, 09:45 AM']An octave pedal that gives an octave above (I think the current Boss does this) plus an overdrive is necessary is an option, but the synth option sounds like a better all in one package.[/quote] I've tried some distortions but they aren't 'creamy' enough. They are either dirty or fuzzy. I'll look around for a decent synth sound. If anyone has any particular pedals to suggest, synth or otherwise, please let me know! Thanks Ed p.s The octave could make life a lot easier, I actually play this song live on a bass tuned Bb,Eb,Ab,Db, so I'm missing the top string. Ed
  19. Kaiu

    Bass Like a Guitar

    Thanks, I don't know much about synths, might go try some out. I'll look into hosting the clip somewhere aswell so people don't have to download it. Ed
  20. Hi Guys, I'm looking for an effects pedal that can make a bass sound like a guitar. I recorded a bass fill on our album using an Epiphone Jack Cassidy played through a guitar amp. However live I play a Musicman Sterling through an SVT2 and 810 and so I need a pedal that will do the job. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Ed (Elliot Minor)
  21. Thank you to everyone who posted, this has now been sorted! Ed
  22. [quote name='davidmpires' post='548659' date='Jul 23 2009, 10:46 AM'][url="http://www.voxamps.com/amplug/"]http://www.voxamps.com/amplug/[/url] Did anyone here tried this out? I'm considering one of these.[/quote] This is what i use it for [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49022&hl=transcribe"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;hl=transcribe[/url] great piece of equipment Ed
  23. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='543320' date='Jul 17 2009, 03:51 PM']You could try posting this in the Off Topic or General Bass Forums, they get more traffic.[/quote] Thanks Ed
  24. Indeed! Hopefully someone will have a space! Thanks again, Ed
  25. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='542925' date='Jul 17 2009, 09:36 AM']Try Dr Coxx [url="http://www.myspace.com/drcoxxuk"]http://www.myspace.com/drcoxxuk[/url][/quote] Thanks mate! All of these suggestions are a huge help. Unfortunately all the bands I have tried so far are busy. Ed
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