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About kiat

  • Birthday October 25

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  1. Great thread! Came here to find out more about Dee Murray having been gobsmacked at the beauty and complexity of the Crocodile Rock bassline that I'm learning verbatim for a covers bands. Just listened to that Madman across the Water video - astonishing. I didn't know they played that kind of music. Up to now, I've only been familiar with Elton's pop output. Thanks for starting this thread OP. I'll listen to more Dee Murray.
  2. Just noticed a new Bass Rig Roundup from Ian King is just out... Terrificly good.
  3. Hi, I used the Moises app extensively (Android mostly, sometimes Chrome on Linux) for learning, practice and sometimes group rehearsals where we are short of a key instrument. MP3 and OGG files have uploaded and played fine. I rely on Moises more than I'd like. One missing feature is batch import - you have to upload every music file individually and that is painful.
  4. And fixed the peeling Tolex while I was it with this German cobbler glue - the glued parts have to be hammered for maximal adhesion! Thought it might work on this solid state combo and it has. Would have needed to find something else if it was a valve amp!
  5. I moved 7 years ago from Belgium, but just stumbled on the thread in my activity - the topic deserved an update! Good luck with the Stourbridge music scene!
  6. The solution basically involves adding a special kind of jack socket to the combo, which switches the amp from onboard to external simply by inserting an external speaker cable. Parts: * Switched Jack Socket (Neutrik NYS215 Stereo 6.3mm PCB) * Speaker Cable (Red & Black 2.6 x 5.2mm 6Amps) * Soldering kit * Tools Red wire to the socket terminal the jack tip (positive). Black to the barrel (negative). Make sure you have the default terminals connected to the onboard amp. Actions: 0. Remove the combo from power 1. Cut cable from internal amp to speaker 2. Extend speaker cable with new 3. Drill hole for back 4. Install the new switching jack 5. Solder the existing amp cable to the jack 6. Check that works with power on and a bass connected to the existing combo input jack. 7. Power off 8. Solder the now extended speaker cables to the other side of the switching 9. Repeat the check with your bass to external amp connected via speaker cable to the new switching jack socket. 10. If this works, you're done, so replace everything and add some kind of sign what this new jack does. Tips: * take pictures so you can recall the existing layout and to make posts like this! * cut the wires close to the speaker, so that you have enough internal amp cable to route to the interval amp. * be careful with the soldering iron and don't touch any other wires with it that you don't intend to. " I had a connection block, but a Wago or splicing the speaker cables VID_20241121_160030.mp4
  7. I've in old Traynor Bloc80b that has miraculously been with me since new, despite 20+ home moves and life's ups and downs. For the past 7+ years it had been making very loud snap, crackle and pop noises, always when turning off and sometimes when any of the pots sere moved. It was unpleasant for everyone. I couldn't risk it at a gig. So I decided to see if I could reuse it as 15" speaker cab but without losing any existing functionality. A few howtos showed just removing the internal speaker cable from the amp and routing it to an external amp via a jack, but it solved only part of the problem. The solution is very straightforward, I did it in a couple of hours, because I had to find all the right tools, etc but realistically it's a half-hour job.
  8. A few months back soon after taking my main bass combo** to a pub jam, though it not had much use, the unit failed. No sound, though the headphones worked. Long story short, it eventually got mended and it cost me £230 in repair costs alone. There were considerable transport costs on top of that. Have relatively expensive repairs happened to you? What were the realistic choices open to you - was conversion a possibility? It was a lot more than I'd bargained for, given these are selling on UK eBay for £300, though the engineer told me the likely costs at each stage. I've decided to turn this into a combo/cab at the earliest opportunity. Details: * The engineer, Rowan at Keld Ampworks, Newark * motherboard too complex to diagnose (labour costs would have soared) * The engineer Yamaha provided a mobo for £170 * Charged labour £70 * Rowan could not get the headphone working independently from the main speaker, as it was when I took it in. ** Ampeg BA210v2 - 7 years old, but had a 6 year hiatus when I wasn't playing bass.
  9. Well, I ended up in the market town of Louth, Lincolnshire (c 17k people) and luckily there is a lively music scene around here. There is a jazz club (with it's own premises), the Hoochie Coochie blues club (different venues), visiting covers and originals bands to pubs, tribute band to the town hall and a growing number of jam and mics in local pubs. The music seems to be mostly rock and blues, performed by the middle-aged and over! 🎸🎷😎 There seems to be a lot of semi-retired and retired musicians who have moved here joining all the local ones. Nearby in Horncastle, I play at Old Nick's and round the corner there is the Old Hat guitar shop with repairs, specialising in tube amps.
  10. A mate is going to an immersive saxophone weekend in Birmingham with a load of other sax players. Wondering if there's something similar for Bass - or perhaps a Bass Bash in or near Lincolnshire? There's a growing music scene in Louth - a beautiful bustling market town worth a weekend visit in it's own right - with two independent clubs, jazz and blues respectively, with musicians from surrounding towns and cities playing gigs, jam nights and open mics in local venues.
  11. The most entertaining video on bass I've seen - thanks for sharing it! Was so curious about bass in stage shows. I had a great bass teacher for a year or two (Mike Nichols in Guildford) who like Ian King, played in West End orchestra pits and also, I see, Overwater basses. Also they've a John East preamp connection. Mike advised me when thinking about buying a used Lakland JO5 to get a John East preamp fitted, which I managed to do this year (a J-Tone) that I'm really pleased with.
  12. Did you find it? Am interested too.
  13. Just tried that and it asks me to request access. Fingers crossed. I'm interested in patches for my B3 as I play a lot of covers and am trying to get a small set of patches to emulate the various bassline sounds.
  14. Good news, thanks. I hope you catch this band when it comes to my town in Lincolnshire or nearby.
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