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Steve Spector

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Everything posted by Steve Spector

  1. [quote name='GBass' post='1310250' date='Jul 20 2011, 12:09 PM']They must dislike EBMM?? [/quote] Then again who does?! Only kidding of course! Do you mean they don't make pickguards etc. for them? Steve
  2. Just a thumbs up to the guys at Pickguardian. For anyonme considering one I can recommend the service and fit and finish. I think the white pick guard on the Rickenbacker 4003 mapleglo looks a bit cheap and (personal taste of course) think this tortoise one looks much better. Got it sent from the US, came in about 2 weeks. Steve
  3. I bought one of these a little while ago after ditching an Aguilar DB751 and Ampeg SVT VR, so obviously I preferred the BTA. Thought I'd share a few observations here and on TB as there's very little info on them anywhere I can see. It probably looks as good as any amp out there! It's probably as heavy as any amp out there! It runs a fair bit quiter than the Ampeg, but not as quiet as the Aguilar. Operationally I think it's excellent. The dials are large and really smooth, the knobs are strong and precise. The VU meter is nice for setting your input level. Also nice to have a tuner permanently plugged in. Tone-wise I'm still working on it (with my limited experience). By comparison the Ampeg had a clarity and punch to it that was very distinctive but probably not me. The Aggie I find clear and punchy but in just a bit of a sterile way. Hoping to get a Bergantino NV610 to see how that goes with it - very well I'd hope? The Ampeg had a buzz that would just not go away and that just made me feel it was going to be unreliable (rightly or wrongly the thought was just there), the switches and overall feel was also a little cheap. I felt the Aggie felt a bit cheap too - small rubber knobs and dials. On the whole, I think it's been a good choice, though I do wonder if the DB751 would have been more sensible - it seemed like it would be very reliable and loud as heel, plus a fraction of the weight of the tube heads. ONly time will tell I suppose. Hope this helps someone, or at least means that a result comes up when someone searches for info on the BTA heads! Steve
  4. [quote name='Steve Spector' post='1118399' date='Feb 6 2011, 10:51 PM']Old thread, but just picked one of these up, and to my surprise it says it's 300W not 400, what's going on there then? Steve[/quote] Anyone know anything about this? Ashdown seems to be a bit of a minority topic. Steve
  5. Old thread, but just picked one of these up, and to my surprise it says it's 300W not 400, what's going on there then? Steve
  6. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1099842' date='Jan 23 2011, 05:21 PM']Not unless your amp went to 2 ohms which very few do (Peavey amps often do but not many others)! However if you had a pair of DB2x12s and you needed more volume you'd be bleeding from every orifice starting at the ears. In all seriousness if you needed more than a pair of DB212s then the PA should be handling the volume side of it FOH and they should be plenty enough for on-stage monitoring.[/quote] I'm sure you're right, just sort of thinking hypothetically as much as anything. It'd be either an Aggie DB751 or an Ampeg SVT VR, both of which do go to 2 ohms. So again, if I daisy-chain the 2 212s into 1 amp output and the 412 into the amp output it'd work and be 2 ohms, yes? Steve
  7. Just a quickie on the Aggie 12 cabs. If I were to get 2 DB212 cabs at 8 ohms each then wanted MORE volume, could I also get a 4 ohm DB412 and use all 3? So one lead from the amp to the 412 and one to a 212, then an out from this 212 to the other one? Steve
  8. [quote name='Alien' post='1090477' date='Jan 15 2011, 02:48 PM']It's not possible for a cab to switch between 4 and 8 Ohms and still have all the speakers working. A[/quote] What about this one [url="http://www.epifani.com/products/UUL_210BC.php"]http://www.epifani.com/products/UUL_210BC.php[/url] ? Thanks for the clarification though guys Steve
  9. Just wondering, on the Aguilar website it says that the GS410 is 4 or 8 ohm, may be a daft question but does that mean you must order one or the other or will the one cab do both? Steve
  10. Just picked up a used Aguilar cab and it sounds really distorted on the low notes. One thing I noticed was that the material inside seems to be hanging down in front of the ports (see pics) - could this have something to do with it? Steve
  11. [quote name='icastle' post='1087455' date='Jan 13 2011, 12:08 AM']I think the best way to judge it is by using your ears - if you can hear clipping then just back the volume down like we used to do before they started putting warning lights on gear... [/quote] That's what I have been doing, easy enough, just sounded like this idea was a bit more scientific! Steve
  12. Just read a tip about setting gain levels, turn the master down to 0, then edge up the gain while plucking quite hard until the clip light comes on then back it off a bit and you're there. Did this with my Spector Euro - seriously hot output active bass I believe - and even with Gain at max and even with the -6db switch disengaged the clip light never came on. Should I expect it to? Steve
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1086880' date='Jan 12 2011, 04:33 PM']Shameless hijack, but I may be selling my Marshall VBC 412 if that is of any interest?[/quote] Got the 751 today. Was presuming I'd sell my Peavey Tour 450 but actually they look really nice stacked together! Be interesting to see just the 2 compare over the next few days. At present only have the Peavey 410 cab to put the through the. Learned something new today - I thought all Speakon connectors could take a 1/4" jack within them (the Peavey's can) but obviously some do and some don't - the Aggie don't so I had to pop out and buy a Speakon/jack cable. Steve
  14. [quote name='JTUK' post='1086187' date='Jan 11 2011, 10:35 PM']Tell you what, sell me your 750 and buy a LMll or something [/quote] Thanks guys. I'm looking at a 412 to make good use of the head - just thinking it'd be massive massive overkill in a lot of circumstances and a little handy cab would be nice to have sometimes. Steve
  15. Would it be disastrous to put an Aguilar DB751 through a single GS112 when travelling light. The DB751 puts out 400W at 8 ohm, while cab is rated 300W at 8 ohm - obviously a slight mis-match, but would that be problematic? It would be for small places and therefore amp not turned up much, so should be safe or not? Thanks, Steve
  16. [quote name='chris_b' post='1071664' date='Dec 29 2010, 12:25 PM']You'll also loose most of the punch from the 10's. I'm using my 12's for most gigs these days but deep down I really prefer the 10's.[/quote] So a 212 and 410 could be a good combo? Or would the 410 overpower the 212 like it would the 115? Steve
  17. [quote name='JTUK' post='1071317' date='Dec 28 2010, 10:10 PM']If the amp you are looking at goes down to 2 ohms..you have all this covered adn I would just get the 4ohm 2x12 at first. You may find you don't need the second 2x12.[/quote] I freely admit that it's more want than "need". It'd be a Fafner or TD660 so yes it'll give 2 ohms. Other alternative is a 212 and 115 mix. Or a single 810? Steve
  18. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1071268' date='Dec 28 2010, 09:03 PM']The Proline is not in my possession yet... It's on the way. I only need 1 can as it's more than loud enough! When I have the money I'll sell the incoming Proline and get another Neo because it's lighter...[/quote] Can I ask you why you got rid of your Fafner and got the TD650? Steve
  19. [quote name='JTUK' post='1071262' date='Dec 28 2010, 08:55 PM']If you are average sized venue/clubs/pubs, then a 500w amp into an 8ohm cab with give you 350 or so watts..which is more than enough..IF..your gtrs are sensible. If they are not..you are into ear-protection and most pubs couldn't have them in anyway..IMO.[/quote] Thanks JT, as I also posted about 810s you can probably guess that I'm looking for a new setup and going through all the permutations! Thanks for all the advice - I need it! Steve
  20. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1071246' date='Dec 28 2010, 08:35 PM']I use 212's. I find they do the job of evening the sound better than other cabs. What I have found though is that one good one (like an EBS Neoline that can take 600w) I generally enough and I can't imagine needing to use 2 cabs. My EBS Neo 212 does the job perfect! Shep[/quote] I see you have a Proline 212 and Neoline 212, do you ever use them together? It's EBS gear I'm looking at - a Fafner II with possibly 1 of each 212 cab. Steve
  21. What would be the better choice in general? I hear various suggestions that mixing a 410 and 115 gives an uneven combination. What would I lose with 2 212s instead? Cheers, Steve
  22. [quote name='JTUK' post='1069432' date='Dec 26 2010, 02:07 AM']Ampeg 8x10 is 800watts so that should handle most amps. And they are low powered drivers for 10" You aren't going to get a 15" anywhere near that output and nominaly half that. In order to get a power spread on the two cabs the 15" would need to be double the impedance of the 8x10 given those ratings..that is besides anything esle. Why would you bother to do this when the 8x10 is such a big lift into the gig and would cover 99% of the time. The 15" would add nothing to the set-up...it isn't balanced in any way and you don't need the extra cab/speaker. There are other cab configs I'd consider and if you had a very large stage area and a concert rig then 2 8x10', but this 15" and and 8x10 is nothing but putting extra cabs on stage to no good effrect, IV/IME..therefore a useless idea. Vanity gone wrong, I'd say. I don't rate Ampeg 8x10's of old..... not sure this is an Ampeg you have, though.. and that is because I have played through too many tired hammered versions and the power was very low but I would fully expect them in decent nick to outperform a single 15" every day of the week and twice on sundays. Certainly, Aguilar, Boogie, Orange and even Ashdown are all rated no less than 1200watts per cab..[/quote] Brilliant, thank you very much. All the best, Steve
  23. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='1069408' date='Dec 26 2010, 12:08 AM']Hey, it's Christmas day We're just fitting it in around all the other stuff we have to do today. You'll usually find JTUK to be one of the better informed posters on here[/quote] No hard feelings, but if time's short it'd be better not to say anything. Saying "usless idea" really doesn't help at all, but I'll be genuinely interested in the follow up reasoning when JTUK has a bit more time. I am a bit of a novice and admit it, that's why I'm here! Steve
  24. [quote name='JTUK' post='1069321' date='Dec 25 2010, 08:15 PM']Useless idea....[/quote] Thanks for the reply, but to be honest any reply that's not backed up by some sort of reason is not of any interest to me - I'm here to learn after all. If you carry on with "Useless idea ... because..." that would be great. Thanks Steve
  25. [quote name='ahpook' post='1069232' date='Dec 25 2010, 01:00 PM']if you're wondering this on xmas morning i can only think that santa brought you a pretty darn sizeable present !! [/quote] Pure coincidence! I've been looking at a new setup for a while. Was looking at a 410 and 115, but saw an 810 for a decent price and got me thinking. Sounds like it'd be pretty pointless. On the other hand I'm not that keen on the idea of just an 810 as I like quite a deep boomy sound and wonder if I'd miss the 15". Steve
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