Just a story to cheer up those having gear woes, as I've had over the years.
I've finally found "my" sound!
I traded my Marcus Miller Jazz for a Lakland JO5 on here about 4 months ago, that really worked out for me, here's why...
I was looking for a five string, as I do a lot of session stuff and fusion that needs that low filth. I was really happy with the result, but there was something wrong that I just couldn't put my finger on...
I had played with flats before (la bellas), but I'd thought they were too clanky for my taste (my MM jazz's fault I guess). also, I was convinced that I was playing music that "needed rounds".
I took the plunge and bought some Joe Osborn signatures from Lakland and wow!
Perfectly balanced (for me at least!), a tone to die for and as smooth as Issac Hayes!
I'm having to roll the tone back at the moment, as they're still a bit too lively, but they're getting better and better every day!
I've completely lost all GAS that I had before, and can see myself playing this bass for as long as it lets me!
The amp setup is not quite there, but excellent for now!
Peace guys,
Have a good Sunday,
Two weeks