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Everything posted by alstocko

  1. Those aren't the same scale though, mine are 45-128, I feel they are balanced better...
  2. I am a musician first and foremost, as I'm doing a degree in the subject, but I think I see myself as a bassist primarily... I think this is because I truly love playing the instrument, and as corny as it sounds, I feel that I have a "special connection" with my instrument, which permits me to make the music that I love. I couldn't see myself playing another instrument like that. I also love to groove...
  3. My ex stopped my GAS pretty much dead, mainly because I didn't have any money left while with her! After we broke up I had a bit of a relapse, but now I have basically zero GAS!
  4. Couldn't recommend the Markbass LMT more! It really makes for a great setup and at just over 2kgs it's light as a feather!
  5. I use my LMT with an Epi UL2 112 cab. Hits the spot every time...
  6. I recommend the Lakland JO signature flats/GHS previsions (they are the same strings, but Lakland are cheaper usually) Best flats I've ever played, no doubt.
  7. I realised last week that I've been playing a note or two wrong in "Seven Sisters". It sounds minor, but I was disappointed in myself...
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1351382187' post='1850767'] Yes! A convert to flats after 30-odd years playing Rotos, I tried La Bellas (too floppy - fnarr), then Chromes (too stiff - fnarr) and then some Lakland Joe Osborn Sig Flats (Medium) and now I'm happy as a sandbag. Gets you 'that' tone with a P-Bass - particularly with a pick. GHS Precision Flats are indeed the UK equivalent, but it's still cheaper to import the Laklands from Chicago - what's that about, then? [/quote] La Bellas were a bit too floppy for me, and for a guy used to stifff rounds (lo riders), these hit the spot! No idea why they're cheaper, I just went with them because they are! I'm loving club Lakland!
  9. Just a story to cheer up those having gear woes, as I've had over the years. I've finally found "my" sound! I traded my Marcus Miller Jazz for a Lakland JO5 on here about 4 months ago, that really worked out for me, here's why... I was looking for a five string, as I do a lot of session stuff and fusion that needs that low filth. I was really happy with the result, but there was something wrong that I just couldn't put my finger on... I had played with flats before (la bellas), but I'd thought they were too clanky for my taste (my MM jazz's fault I guess). also, I was convinced that I was playing music that "needed rounds". So... I took the plunge and bought some Joe Osborn signatures from Lakland and wow! Perfectly balanced (for me at least!), a tone to die for and as smooth as Issac Hayes! I'm having to roll the tone back at the moment, as they're still a bit too lively, but they're getting better and better every day! I've completely lost all GAS that I had before, and can see myself playing this bass for as long as it lets me! The amp setup is not quite there, but excellent for now! Peace guys, Have a good Sunday, Alec Two weeks
  10. Going seeing them again next month in Manchester. Snarky Puppy are one of my favourite groups of all time!
  11. I hate you guys for making me want to sell my soul for a play on a fiver Dingy
  12. Now you've made me want one even more now... Gutted, like a fish.
  13. +1 to the ER-20s Got some this week, great value, great effect too, no sense of detachment. Cord broke pretty quickly though, but ah well!
  14. The VLE filter is great for getting a vintage tone
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1350598061' post='1841205'] +1. Great amps - and shameless plug, will be selling mine soon. [/quote] Good look with the sale! BUY THIS MAN'S AMP!!!
  16. Check out the markbass LMT man! Saweeet!
  17. Ahh ok, that's cool Interestingly enough, the packaging on the Lakkies suggest that they're still a Joe Osborn signature set...
  18. Incubus have some pretty tasty basslines. Look up "Are You In" and "Look Alive" is a rockier number
  19. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1350320699' post='1837271'] They take about 3 years to start sounding really good [/quote] Awesome, will have finished my degree and moved across the pond by then (if all my saving plans keep on target!)
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1350320720' post='1837272'] Because flat tape winding likes being seriously bent less than round wire winding does. Hence flatwounds are more likely to unwind at the bridge when used through body than roundwounds are. Some flatwounds are worse than others for this problem. I always string through bridge anyway because I can't hear or feel any difference if I string through body. [/quote] Ahh ok, thanks for the insight. I've been stringing through the body for 6 months now, can't tell the slightest bit of difference...
  21. My one's a Taiwan model, would someone please explain the sound difference between the two models? (I'm assuming that the Japs are better)
  22. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1350312867' post='1837131'] They'll only get better [/quote] I hope! I want them on there for at least 6 months! 20 years hopefully!
  23. The la bellas that I know (FM I think, 49-109) are higher tension as I recall, these are well balanced across the bass, and it'll be hard to tell before I properly play them in how the tone compares as they're too "Steve Harris" for me at the moment It was interesting to find out that you can't (or maybe shouldn't) put flatwounds on a string-through-body setup. Why would this make them snap? (Lakland seriously advised against this in th packet!)
  24. First day of the Lakkies, great so far!
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