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Everything posted by alstocko

  1. To all those seeking tuition in the North-West area: I am Alec, I am based in the Warrington area with five years experience teaching Bass Guitar to beginner and intermediate level students. I'm regularly gigging in Jazz, Hip-Hop and Funk outfits, and after recently getting a First Class in my Music Degree at Hull University I am taking on new students! I'm clued up in all things theory and dots related, with lots of excersizes prepared but if that's not your thing I can teach to your requirements and level. £20 p/hour, but can arrange a deal for multiple lessons. Contact me on 07717100795 or PM me Speak to you soon, Alec
  2. [quote name='chilisfan16' timestamp='1341129590' post='1713997'] So I'll be able to use every string on the bass for both scales and soloing? And how much music is there usually with the sight reading to learn? Another thing is, alstocko, when you did your 3 pre learned pieces, did you do a lot of improvising on them during the exam? [/quote] Theoretically yes, but it will be scales that are designed for four string bass. There's one piece of sight reading, which you get tonnes of time to examine and learn. I improvised where it said to, and developed lines under solos.
  3. [quote name='AndThenSome1' timestamp='1340810654' post='1709951'] Would you be interested in a Hiscox Liteflight case as trade for you the Crybaby? [/quote] Sorry, I already have a lite flight for my bass! SALES ONLY PLEASE
  4. I did this exam about a year ago, There's sight reading in tab as well as dots. Scales would be fine on a 6 string as they only ask for two octaves. Soloing on the C string shouldn't be a problem, if anything, it shows you know your instrument well.
  5. [quote name='only4' timestamp='1340999514' post='1712796'] Here is my view on this topic, a markbass amp and cab give you a very true representation of what your bass really sounds like, i realised this when I was in a recording studio a few years ago playing my parts from in the control room plugged straight in to the desk, my bass sounded very different than I was used to but in the final production it was just what the tracks needed and the band loved the result. I found it very difficult to recreate that sound live until I played through a markbass set up in my local music shop, I baught it there and then and have never looked back. If you want to hear your bass the way the manufacturer intended it to sound then this is the way forward. [/quote] +1 to this. I just chose an Epi cab because it's a nicer and more neutral sound (to my ears). I find the MB cabs too midrange sensitive...
  6. I tend to find this with all Markbass CABS, but I've never had a problem with my LMT. It's why I sold my markbass 2x10 and bought an epifani 1x12. It's a match made in heaven!
  7. Get one then!
  8. They're great amps. I was sceptical at first about how quickly they'd popped up, but when Scott Devine recommended the LM2 to me I had to try. I got the tube for the extra versatility...
  9. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1340831736' post='1710361'] Is someone advocating the use and appreciation of the very popular brand of bass amplification known as MarkBass????????? I've heard them. I've heard of them. Initially I figured they were outside my budget. A few months later, I'm totally open to them. I've got a slightly bigger budget, I know they work VERY well and are reliable, and they do the 'super light' bass head thang pretty good too. I need to investigate further. While I wait for my cab I'll be considering the cost/benefit breakdown of a selection of micro heads. The Markbass tube 500/800's seem warm... And despite the garish looks are very.... well loud is the right word. I don't know just yet. I'll make my mind up when I have to. [/quote] I have the tube 500. So loud, great tone! Admittedly I don't use the tube part enough, but when I do... Indestructible too!
  10. Sounds like you need a 12' with a good tweeter! I recommend an Epifani cab!
  11. I'd stay far away from the rumble if I were you. Have a look on BC, wait around for a month and something should turn up. Have a look at the ashdowns too
  12. Jon Shuker is a legend for making and repairing instruments!
  13. Markbass, Markbass, MARKBASS!!!
  14. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1340281377' post='1702190'] You can get much better sounding rigs. I'd look at a good 112 and an amp like the Markbass LM3. [/quote] +1 to this Getting my markbass LMT (which I use clean 99% of the time) and my epifani UL2 112 was the best buy ever!
  15. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1338822810' post='1679671'] Sandberg, Sadowsky, Celinder, Lakland, Norstrand, Overwater, the list is very long. It all rather depends on budget to an extent and then personal preference. [/quote] +1 to the Laklands!
  16. I use 45 65 85 105 125 DR Lo-riders. On my 35" scale Lakland
  17. I'm away till next Sunday, so hold tight!
  18. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1339795123' post='1694666'] I know a guy... [/quote] Brilliant, we all love him. What's your maximum bid? I hope he doesn't have a high reserve price...
  19. alstocko


    What a transformation! It looks beautiful!
  20. There's a bit of fret buzz, but only a healthy amount really (I think!)
  21. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1339772809' post='1694156'] I'd be prepared to part with some folding stuff if the price is right. [/quote] Bob barker will be pleased
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