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Everything posted by alstocko

  1. [quote name='JPS' timestamp='1360688938' post='1974748'] Thanks guys for all the great suggestions. Transcribing it is then! Never consciously done it before, obviously copied and absorbed things over the years but never sat down and studied licks in this sense. Love Pino's playing, however, not so familiar with his stuff with John Mayer. Any particular recommendations? Thanks again. [/quote] Buy "Try!" by The John Mayer Trio Best album you'll buy all year.
  2. Derrick Hodge doesn't get a huge mention on here but his playing with Glasper and Parlato is some of the best lines ever IMO
  3. [quote name='Pbassred' timestamp='1362070234' post='1995337'] Any update on this? [/quote] Sending it off to Real Electronics tomorrow, they've been very helpful so far!
  4. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1361525358' post='1986874'] Is it the same as this one available new for £59.99? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Maple-Precision-Bass-Guitar-Neck/dp/B0013NCXUI/ref=pd_sim_sbs_MI_1/275-7484735-4510025 [/quote] Yes, but as stated above, it is almost ready to use, unlike the new ones...
  5. Bump
  6. Miles, I admire his creativity and his work in pushing Jazz ridiculously far from the mid-50s to his death. Also, I love the musicality in his solo
  7. [quote name='thumbo' timestamp='1362226513' post='1997196'] [size=4] I thought he'd played an Fender American Deluxe Jazz? [/quote] On some of the videos he plays a squier, and always with a borrowed backline... Even then, the fender isn't such an expensive bass (compared to some luthiers!)
  8. Arguably, yes, you're right, but listen to players like Sharay Reed. One of the best players alive (IMO of course!) and plays on extremely cheap gear. I believe that is IS all in the fingers, and that's why I play a Lakland Skyline and not a luthier bass. However, it's a lot harder on your fingers if you're playing a badly made bass, that's why people spend the money!
  9. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1361977649' post='1993937'] My iGig's got a hanging hook. Discovered it about a year after I bought it. [/quote] +1 on the iGigs, if you can afford them. Best bit of kit I ever bought, perfect for carrying my laptop into uni too
  10. Bump
  11. Bump Meatbox, GR1 and Pedaltrain sold
  12. Crybaby sold Pedaltrain, Meatbox and GR1 on hold pending the usual...
  13. Here it is, I'm getting rid of all my pedals to free up as they aren't getting used in my Jazz/Hip-Hop group "Projects" (bar the one, an OC-2 of course!) Here goes, [s][b]DOD Meatbox[/b], including box and manual, mint condition, has one of the stickers on the pedal, the rest were used by the previous owner. Complete with Voodoo Labs PSU adapter A classic Sub-Harmonic generator [b]SOLD[/b] [b]3Leaf Groove Regulator MK1[/b], a classic envelope follower with plenty of options to make new sounds! Specs here: [url="http://www.3leafaudio.com/products/groove-regulator-envelope-filter/"]http://www.3leafaudi...nvelope-filter/[/url] [b]SOLD[/b][/s] [b]Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus[/b], a great warm sounding chorus with lots of control parameters for a small chorus. Specs here: [url="http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=152"]http://www.bossus.co...p?ProductId=152[/url] [b]£50 Posted Digitech "Bass Squeeze" Compressor[/b], does what it says on the tin really, a dual band bass compressor[b].[/b] Specs here:http://www.digitech.com/en/products/bass-squeeze [b]£25 Posted[/b] [b]EHX Doctor Q Envelope Follower[/b], A classic envelope follower in the classic "one knob, one switch" housing. Warm sounding wah. [b]£30 Posted [s]Jim Dunlop Crybaby Original[/s][/b][s], The classic wah pedal, in good condition, but with broken battery holder (currently taped shut. The pedal is in fully working order though. Specs Here: [url="http://www.jimdunlop.com/product/Cry-Baby"]http://www.jimdunlop...roduct/Cry-Baby[/url][/s] [b]SOLD "Stealth" Power Supply, [/b]Standard AC to DC power adapter, it has 5x9V outputs (450mA total) comes with some power leads of varying lengths (one Voodoo Labs one) [b]£30 Posted [s]Pedaltrain Mini[/s][/b][s], A small pedalboard, used by most for "essentials" or as a rehearsal board, I used it as my main board fitting 5 pedals on it. I has Heavy Duty velcro (from B&Q) on it ready for mounting pedals. It is the old version with the Backplate. Comes with softcase and strap Specs Here: [url="http://pedaltrain.com/products/pedalboards/pedaltrain_mini.php"]http://pedaltrain.co...ltrain_mini.php[/url][/s] [b][s]SOLD[/s] All Pics here: [/b][url="http://s1160.beta.photobucket.com/user/alstocko/library/Gear%20Pics"]http://s1160.beta.ph...ary/Gear%20Pics[/url] PM me with any questions
  14. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1360522987' post='1971743'] I have one bass. [/quote] +1
  15. I only have one bass at the moment...
  16. [quote name='lanark' timestamp='1360432663' post='1970397'] Your link is to the us-122 not the us-112. Which are you selling? [/quote] I'm selling the us-122. Sorry for the confusion. Typo edited
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