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john turner

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  1. [quote name='icastle' post='1084872' date='Jan 10 2011, 04:22 PM']You'd get blamed for that as well? [/quote] probably. and there'd be folks who liked the plywood and cardboard version much better.
  2. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1084794' date='Jan 10 2011, 03:29 PM']I'd like to see somene try and copy the Conklin double neck![/quote] normally i might agree with you, but lately i hope i can be excused in hoping that nobody tries. that'd be all i need
  3. cheers fellas . just trying to keep a right-side-up attitude about this whole thing. gotta admit the whole situation makes me feel sorta slimy. edit : heh just realized i'm the l33t member here! that's pretty hawt.
  4. as if i didn't feel violated enough already.
  5. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1084297' date='Jan 10 2011, 10:54 AM']Yes, the thread is standard TB fare. The "inside types" remain cryptic, the vigilante martyr types reamin over the top in their "I will fight to the death to see justice done" stance and John Turner looks like a mug because of the whole sorry situation. At the moment, it's all a bit strange because Jens Ritter doesn't seem to have stated either way that the bass is real or fake. For all we know, JT could be holding the fake as the other bass looks better than his if I'm honest! If it's a mistake in the serial numbering of basses I wouldn't be surprised.[/quote] seeing as i received the bass directly from jens at the namm show in 2005, i seriously doubt that. also, a quick visit to jens' site proves not only who is the owner of 443 but also the nature of the instrument (which is different, subtly, from the one at gc). and as far as the gc bass looking better than mine, well i guess that's subjective, but the back of the neck of the gc bass doesn't look nearly as nice as mine, and i like the darker pickup covers on mine, but to be honest, the differences between the two are pretty minimal. like microscopic. cheers
  6. [quote name='thebeat' post='353728' date='Dec 13 2008, 12:19 PM']Fairy muff...your trainset etc...seems a bit remiss though, guess your members will just have to find out the hardway.[/quote] yeah, i was torn tbh, especially with the information you guys shared about the two nubs in particular who were the subjects of your collective ire. thankfully, neither are supporting members, so i don't see them selling anything on tb anytime soon.
  7. heya guys upon discussion with my fellow admins at talkbass and the site owner paul, we have decided that we wish to keep talkbass feedback tied solely to transactions taking place at talkbass.com. while we feel for those of you who have experienced bad transactions, and we welcome the information about unsavory characters ripping folks off, we have decided that it is just too difficult to verify the legitimacy of complaints related to transactions not taking place on our boards. please understand that this is in no way an endorsement of the shennanigans that some of you folks have been subjected to, but just a limitation in our ability to guarantee legitimacy. from this point forward, the feedback system will require a link to the transaction on talkbass.com. again, this is not a statement toward the legitimacy of the complaints described in this thread, but just a response to our own limitations in guaranteeing the legitimacy of the feedback system on our forums. thanks folks john turner forum administrator - talkbass.com
  8. heya fellas i see a lot of you folks are leaving negative feedbacks on talkbass to certain folks based on transactions not taking place there. could one of you guys pm me (at talkbass preferably) some of the details of this? although i do want to inform folks about potential shysters out there that may be trying to rip people off, i'm not convinced that the talkbass feedback system should be used in this manner. i'm discussing it with my fellow admins over there, and we'll take into account any information that you care to share with me. thanks john turner forum administrator - talkbass.com
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