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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. I'm not big on singlecuts but that's pretty nice looking. Purpleheart fretboard too...
  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1451833515' post='2943786'] When I ran my own band, we never played so loud that I had to put earplugs in. I believe that is the optimum setup at which the OP is hinting. [/quote] This is where the argument comes in about low volumes being perfectly acceptable for a folk band but when it comes to a rock or metal band it just doesn't have the same impact at low volumes. I think regardless of genre there is always a point where can get too loud. I still can't see any negatives towards wearing ear plugs though. The scenario stated in the OP seems to really be aimed towards people who want to listen to the same volume regardless of ear protection. Which seems a rather amateurish mistake to me (I say that as someone who is very amateur!).
  3. Wearing ear plugs increases hearing damage? I don't get it. I always play with ear plugs in and rarely have my volume above 3.
  4. I use the Mono Vertigo for my Dingwall (37") and it fits with space to spare. Comfy on the shoulder too. I've also been able to fit a Genz Benz shuttle 9.0 with all the relevant cables in the bag.
  5. YES
  6. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1451686015' post='2942548'] I would get a little triangular wedge made to fit in that gap and give you a thumb rest that's perpendicular to the strings! [/quote] It's a plan at some point if I ever find it too much of an issue. It only really bothers me when I'm playing mostly on the B string for long periods of time -which doesn't really happen that often in my band-.
  7. I got 10. In all honesty, I've never really kept in the loop with Lemmys antics though so most of it was guess work.
  8. I'm also curious as I'm thinking of starting lessons at a point when my finances are a bit more stable.
  9. The angle of the pickups here mean that when using the low B string a lot sometimes you'll get a bit of a dent in your thumb from anchoring it on the pickup. I can't really complain too much keeping in mind the bas was designed for a pick player. I also hate pickguards on basses. The NG-2 is the only bass where I can stomach the pickguard. Saying that, I intend to -money permitting- add a third pickup and get rid of the pickguard.
  10. I know there have been places in the past to donate old strings but as far as I can find out, they no longer accept donations? I've got a good few sets just lying around somewhere but have held off throwing them away for some reason. So what do you do with them? Edit : Apologies to the mods if this has already been covered in another thread. I couldn't find one when I had a search
  11. Not a shock at all but sad indeed. He lived one hell of a life and left an even bigger influence.
  12. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyTZ_ujnG3Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyTZ_ujnG3Y[/url]
  13. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1451231393' post='2938959'] It is ironic as I've read that most guitarist have the opposite problem, there seems to be a volume boost as opposed to a drop. [/quote] Yeah that's why I was curious. I know that when I had this pedal it gave it a bit of a boost. Admittedly I never bothered using the modulation part of the pedal.
  14. Did the memory toy have the volume drop when you got it?
  15. Looks like it just needs a clean really. It does however look like it's been up someone's rear exit for a while.
  16. I have the exact same issue as Barney and have had it for a while. a quick refresh of the page generally sorts it. Sites fine on my iPad at the mo.
  17. I believe this is the thread York5Stringer is talking about : http://basschat.co.uk/topic/275110-warwick-and-their-new-pricing-system/page__hl__warwick%20customer%20service
  18. It seems to be a common thing now for people to be having issues with their customer service. Their basses are fantastic but if the service ain't there...
  19. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1451049955' post='2938013'] Unless GF steals it as hairband. [/quote] Don't plant the thought!
  20. Sister got me a Gruv Gear fretwrap. Girlfriend will be chuffed that I stop nicking her hairbands...
  21. I'm not one for Christmas or gift giving/receiving but saw a few good bass related pressies so far so what'd ya get?
  22. I re-watched Jonestown : Paradise Lost the other day. Good documentary although the dramatization can get a bit annoying.
  23. The letter 'p' and 't' aren't close to each other on the keyboard. I shall assume that it is not a typo.
  24. "Sorry to be rude but I got a really bad sleep last night and feel pretty miserable right now, do you mind if I head off?"
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