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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. Hoping to be there next year too. Hopefully will be able to get the day off. thoroughly enjoyed my time this year.
  2. Hoping to be there next year too. Hopefully will be able to get the day off. thoroughly enjoyed my time this year.
  3. For me there are 3 main reasons. 1. I prefer how a 5 string feels over a 4 or a 6 stringer. 2. Having the extra low range is great for 'beefing' up the "heavier" sections in my bands songs. 3. Nomatter how 'high-end' a bass is playing on the B string will give a different sound than on the E string. a G on the 8th fret of B string sounds different than on the 3rd fret of the E string. Sometimes it sounds better, sometimes it doesn't. Having the option there is one of the main things that I love about playing a 5 string.
  4. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1443886830' post='2878490'] From what I've seen, £400 is about right for a normal Corvette right now. Bubinga is a bit different and you might pay a bit more for that. Or you might pay less as bubinga is undeniably heavy. If you're thinking of gigging with it you might want to feel the weight first, before parting with your hard-earned. [/quote] This is a very good point. Even at my age (19/20 at the time) my back and shoulders were really feeling the strain of the bubinga corvette. I think I sold mine for £420ish but it was the active model and in pretty good nick.
  5. Depends on condition. For a passive one anything over £400 would be a no-no for me.
  6. I'm just chuffed at finally having a couch really.
  7. Do love Tesseract. I wasn't too sur wether or not I liked this album or not until I realised I had listened to it a good 15 times in a week. Great live too.
  8. What time roughly were they on? I'm working till 8pm tomorrow but my works pretty damn close (maybe 4 minutes walk) from the venue. Would quite fancy going.
  9. One thing I noticed with the fan frets is I only really notice them when I stare at the fretboard. Otherwise it just feels natural to me.
  10. Good choice Dave. I actually prefer the NG-2 to the Canadian Afterburner I used to have. The pickup selector is still a weak point for me (a blend would just be much more useful in my mind) but both pickups in series cuts through most things!
  11. In all honesty I'm not sure what I go for. I think I go for a low action (based on playing other other people's basses) but I feel I go for a medium action.
  12. My drummer has one of these. Very shallow necks from what I remember! Couldnt get along with it myself but he loves it!
  13. I can only really say why I personally play a 5 and not a 6. I tend to try and use one bass per set which when playing all over the neck after a full rehearsal using a 6 string I get fatigued much quicker. Personally I find a 5er to just be comfier and overall easier to navigate the fretboard (but not by a huge amount).
  14. I have to say. The problems that the "tuning system" solves seem to me like they are issues that are solved by a well built/set up bass.
  15. There's something special about having a bass built exactly the way you wanted. It's one of the many things I love about my ACG. The fact I know it's one of a kind. The wait is the hardest bit however!
  16. Frank Zappa would be my addition to this list.
  17. MXR Power Brick for me. not had any issues with it and it does 18 and 9v.
  18. I do want one but just can't really justify the expense at the moment. Someone put a bad review on here for my wallet please.
  19. Steve bought a pedal from me, easy and smooth sale Cheers Steve!
  20. Look forward to it. Always enjoy your builds.
  21. The musics not my cup of tea but I can't fault it other than that
  22. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1442418305' post='2866842'] I'd go for this from the custom shop... [/quote] as much as that disgusts me...I kind of want one.
  23. I caught the local (to me) CC trying to shift a LTD 5 string for £180 but it had a previously snapped off headstock which was very very close to snapping off again. They weren't impressed when I offered them £20 for it. They paid £95 for it if I remember rightly.
  24. I like it better than other Ken Smith's I've seen...still wouldn't buy one though.
  25. ACG would be my recommendation. Definitely doable with that budget.
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