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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. Basically for a while now I've been considering learning guitar and tomorrow I'm going to take the plunge and I'm buying a guitar (Ibanez S470 with Dimarzio pickups for those curious). My thoughts behind learning guitar is that it'll help me when it comes to writing music as I do sometimes feel a little limited on bass. I know it's a completely different instrument and will have a learning curve but what would you recommend as exercises/online lessons etc that I should definitely give a go. I should also say that I don't/can't use a plectrum on bass so that's going to be a big thing I need to practice!
  2. I still think the DD-3 is by far the best delay pedal I've ever tried. None of their other pedals have done anything for me however. Not through a snobbery. They've just been a bit bland sounding.
  3. Definitely. it's number one on the priority list at the moment if I'm honest. I know it'll be helpful for lots of things other than carting gear around. The cabs I've used in studios I've been most impressed by have been Hartke. Ampeg have always left a complete 'meh' feeling.
  4. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1438118236' post='2831889'] Had a wee listen. Being a Prog fan for almost 40yrs now i'm not really sure which bracket your sound fits. It probably is a touch of Progressive yet it has a distinct funk feel too with a modern vocal feel that isn't funk or prog - that's the bit i can't pigeon hole but that's a good thing because it makes you more unique. Sounds good and i liked it a lot. How i made my mind up was based on listening to bassists i like the sound o. Dave [/quote] I've had a look at that but the band's I listen to the bass rig seems to differ so drastically there's no real consistency! The song we have uploaded at the moment was the first song we ever done as a full band. That and a lot of our songs differ quite a bit makes it a bit tricky to really fit one solid genre. Funky rock tends to sum it up quite well for most songs really! Thank ya for the kind words!
  5. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1438117685' post='2831876'] So what are you using at moment. ? [/quote] At the moment nothing! I've been using whatever the in house amp/cab is...which more often than not is absolutely horrendous. The Gens Benz will be my first amp. Unfortunately because I don't drive I'll still be using whatever cab is available. The amp will be easy enough to take to gigs/rehearsals though.
  6. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1438110082' post='2831769'] What kind of music are you playing and where abouts do you play - I'm in Biggar area so not far away. Dave [/quote] I figure the worst case scenario with me buying second hand is I'll lose a little bit of cash but not lots. Will be getting the Genz Benz shuttle tomorrow if all goes well. I feel like 'clinical' is a sound I actually would go for although I can't really say for certain at the moment. We've been described by a few people as "proggy funk rock" a few times so I'd say that's a decent description! Playing a Paisley venue on Saturday 1st August and Glasgow West End venue in the 14th (shameless self promo!)
  7. Curious as to how that sounds!
  8. Went to zoom into one of the pictures of this on my phone. accidentally set it as the home screen. Quite like it like that really. Best of luck with the Sale
  9. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1437990436' post='2830509'] Good choice, I think Is that the 600 or 900? Just curious. [/quote] Shuttle 9.0 so the 900 I believe
  10. Noticed there was a Genz Benz Shuttle in the marketplace here so I've now bought it and look forward to try it. The way they were described 'clear, punchy, modern, hifi' is what I have in my mind (Whether or not it's actually want I need is a different story!) Cheers for the help folks and I'll report back after using it for a while
  11. I think I'd be best going for separate head/cab. To be honest as far as a a cab goes it'll be mainly for home practice to be honest. The Markbass gear is seeming hopeful (and cheaper than the TC) which is good since my earphones have just decided to die on me!
  12. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1437864572' post='2829677'] DSRs. If you buy online you can inspect them in whatever setting you choose. If you don't like them, send them back. [/quote] Forgot about the cooling off period. Anybody had any experience with having to take advantage of this with guitarguitar? I reckon I'll be happy with the RH750 as I was rather impressed by it but just incase...
  13. [quote name='KK Jale' timestamp='1437863092' post='2829669'] You could hire... but at £75 (really?) [/quote] Well...£40 a day for the RH750 and £35 a day to hire the Littlemark. I'm hoping to find a second hand of either amp to do what you said although I am leaning more towards the TC.
  14. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm sure someone will let me know if it isn't. Basically as I said on another thread I started I'm now looking into getting a lightweight amp head however I'm totally clueless. I would like to try the TC Electronics RH450/750 and Markbass Little Mark iii. I've tried the TC amp but only in store and not in a band setting (where it matters) and don't know if there's a way to try them short of spending £75 to hire them for a day). Any helps appreciated Cameron
  15. I think I'm probably best buying second hand and trying them out as I would actually be using the amps. Because of my extremely limited knowledge of amps I reckon this is the best option. It also means if I decide it's not for me worst case scenario I've lost a couple of quid and not a few hundred.
  16. My girlfriend and I have seriously contrasting tastes in music. I'm a huge fan of metal but also listen to just about anything as long as it can keep my interest (modern pop and blues does not do this for me. She on the other hand doesn't like metal at all (luckily she's de-sensitised to it now) and she listens mainly to modern pop...basically whatever is in the charts at the time.
  17. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1437742215' post='2828714'] G System has no built in dirt. [/quote] Deal breaker right there. back to the drawing board I guess.
  18. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1437736696' post='2828615'] Just wait for the Tech 21 VT500 to be released and then pick up a used GK/MarkBass/TC head from the for sale section on here. Something tells me there might be a flood of used compact heads on the horizon lol. [/quote] I was actuslly thinking about doing this. It does seem like there will be a few going up!
  19. No Markbass or GK but was quite impressed by the TC RH750. Most likely overkill power wise for what I need though?
  20. Clear and punchy is really what I'm going for so I'm headed into Glasgow to see if there is any Markbass/GK amps in any of the shops to try out. I think one of the shops has a few TC amps in stock so I'll give them a go if I have time.
  21. I would probably only be using the amps EQ for suiting it towards the room as my ACG has way more tone controls than I could ever need
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1437693877' post='2828370'] Is it then safe to assume that there will always be a bass cab to hand at the venue..? If so, remember to take adequate cables to connect from the amp to either a jack socket or a speakON, as either are commonly found on bass cabs. If there is no bass cab involved, a DI (Direct Injection box...) could be used to plug directly into the PA. No amp required at all in that case. [/quote] The gigs in question have generally been cab provided but all bands required to bring their own amp heads (seems a bit weird to me really).
  23. As Discreet said just the amp head. Have no need for a cab as I couldn't transport it even if I had to. I've never actually considered Gallien Krueger and have no idea of what the sound is from them but they seem to have a signature sound from what people are saying? I'm curious to try these out. From what has been said the Aguilar is probably not what I'm looking for but the TC, G&K and the Markbass are sounding ideal so far.
  24. So basically I'm now looking into a lightweight amp head but have literally no clue about what I would need when it comes to amps. I don't drive so it would have to be something I could take on public transport (along with my bass and pedalboard). Main reason behind me now wanting to get an amp is that my band have been offered quite a few gigs that we haven't been able to do because of this. We generally play smallish venues but I wouldn't say tiny and with the music we do I need quite a large bass sound as bass and guitar are both doing 'lead' roles. I've looked into the Aguilar Tone Hammer, Markbass Little Mark and some of the TC Electronic stuff but as I say, I'm totally clueless! Any help appreciated!
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