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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. Not normally the kind of thing I like but that make me think funny thoughts.
  2. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1434633073' post='2801367'] Ha, you mustn't worry about that. I'll bring the freakshow circus with me next time [/quote] I have plenty of time to work up the courage!
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1434623140' post='2801224'] No, they don't, but that's just my ears talking and I only have experience of the non-reverse Did you not have a shottie of my NR at Moffat? [/quote] I did not! I shall next year though. The funny shapes intimidated me I think
  4. This may be a stupid question but bear in mind I know nothing at all about Thunderbird basses. Do they naturally sound very muddy and fuzz effected or is that a sound coming from the amp?
  5. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1434536546' post='2800482'] W150615 is born... ...available to pick up in two weeks time [/quote] That looks considerably better than I was expecting expecting... and I was expecting it to look pretty amazing!
  6. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1434536546' post='2800482'] W150615 is born... ...available to pick up in two weeks time [/quote] That looks considerably better than I was expecting expecting... and I was expecting it to look pretty amazing!
  7. Remember you can cut as well as boost. Spent years only ever using the EQ controls as boosts and recently had the revelation that cutting also works wonders! Also take a spare 9v in your gig bag/case
  8. Ignore this. I'm stupid and keep reading everything except the one relevant line!
  9. As long as the pedal worked fine I wouldn't bother too much. Although as Discreet said, people do seem a bit relaxed with their packaging. I'd send a polite pm stating that the packing wasn't really suitable but thanks etc etc
  10. I don't blame you for wanting to show it off! I have a weird thing for blue sparkle finishes on basses.
  11. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1434352400' post='2798753'] You'll regret it! [/quote] I know but I'm moving out of parents house house for the first time in a few weeks so I may need to buy boring things such as carpets or electricity
  12. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1434352400' post='2798753'] You'll regret it! [/quote] I know but I'm moving out of parents house house for the first time in a few weeks so I may need to buy boring things such as carpets or electricity
  13. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1434299185' post='2798442'] There is just nothing like them. [/quote] Exactly. I can get a close approximation to just about any tone from my ACG imaginable but I can't even come close to the sound of my Warwick. Shame I think I'm going to have to sell it soon.
  14. Must get me a generous bass playing friend. In all seriousness, nice one!
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1434102873' post='2796671'] OP has said he's used different brands and sizes of B string... [/quote] My bad. Read the whole post except that line it seems
  16. Do you get the sound when you use a different B string? I had this issue with a low B on a set of Payson Strings a while back. Sounded like there was a snare attached to the headstock but everything was visibly perfect. Luckily he sent me out 2 new B strings and gave me a nice discount on another pack of strings (customer service or what?).
  17. [list] [*][b]Have you tried Elixir strings before? [/b] [/list] Yup! Elixirs are my 'go-to' strings and have used them almost exclusively for the last 2 years.[list] [*][b]What other brands are you familiar with?[/b] [/list] Various DR strings (coated), Fodera Stainless steels, Payson Stainless steels, D'addario (nickels and pro-steels), Rotosound 'swing' bass strings and a brief encounter with Ernie Ball Slinkys (pink packet). All of the strings are roundwounds.[list] [*][b]What bass(es) will you try the new strings on?[/b] [/list] Most likely my ACG Uber Recurve but possibly on the Warwick Thumb. Strings tend to make a very drastic difference for the thumb bass (more than I've noticed on any other bass).[list] [*][b]What sort of environment will you be playing them in (e.g studio, gigging, practicing)[/b] [/list] Gigging definitely in an originals band , rehearsing in studios weekly as well as in the house direct into an interface. It's not set in stone yet but likely to be recording at some point in the near future too (dependant of course on the drummists ability to play our songs to a click).[list] [*][b]Why do you think you'll be a good candidate to test the strings?[/b] [/list] I think I'd be quite a good candidate for reasons similar to EliasMooseBlaster in that in the band I am in the bass has a 'lead' role and I've tried lots of different strings to try and settle on what I found to work best in a mix. I tend to go for strings that can retain much brightness as possible as I find they not only stand out better in the mix but they react considerably better (objective, I suppose?) to the any pedals I use regularly. The clarity is one thing I always try to get from a set of strings as I find it retains the character of the particular bass. The band I am currently playing with tends to range from quite a few genres (funk, rock, hip-hop, metal and on a few occasions somewhat ambient soundscapes) which I found some strings can deal with but never quite 'excel' at doing this. No previous reviews or blogs though other than a bloke I sent an overly long winded message to the other week about Mono cases!
  18. Any walking bassline is near impossible for me.
  19. I recently learned Root of all evil by Dream Theater thinking "Yes it's one of their easiest songs but it still sounds quite a challenge". Found it was actually fairly easy...a lot easier than it sounds. (a little enduring as it's a long song though). I'm not a very skilled player really. Song 2 by Blur would also be one I'd count
  20. [quote name='goonieman' timestamp='1433706235' post='2793298'] ^ this. I guess that they are just seen as session basses, without the 'cool' factor of a J or P. [/quote] I always find that weird. I know I'm in the minority but I find a P or a J really uninteresting (not considering the sounds of the instruments.). To me if I see a bassist play something that isn't a Fender P or J it feels quite refreshing!
  21. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1433692592' post='2793135'] Does that work ok on the bass then? The TC Electronics FAQ for it says it doesn't have the bass mode like the original polytune had, so doesn't work as well. [/quote] I can't say for the noir but I have the polytune mini 2 and it tunes down to Ab no bother.
  22. I'd be keeping the Warwick but that's just me. I'd wait a month or so and whatever one you pick up the most often (if you're like me you'll always gravitate towards one of them) is the keeper!
  23. Save up extra and buy an Axe Fx... ...is that cheating? To actually answer the question. A good compressor pedal (Cali probably), Darkglass B7K, a delay of some form and if funds are still there perhaps a chorus (to go on top of my current pedals)
  24. Discovered this band recently as they're playing a festival I'm going to next month. Looking forward to seeing them. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgb0wqW28oU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgb0wqW28oU[/url]
  25. I don't ever use picks but I kinda want one...
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