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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. I'm the same. Always a little panic when the slightest hitch happens though (generally just an error on the website mind you. I bought a pedalboard on here for my bands guitarist and found myself checking the tracking at regular intervals. No clue why, it wasn't even mine or coming to my address!
  2. I'd recommend looking into the John East J-retro. If it's anything like the U-retro it's a fantastic bit of kit. There's quite a few videos on YouTube about it if I recall correctly. Would like them here but on my phone at the mo.
  3. Strings would be my first suggestion too. As people have said amps eq is a good shout. Alternatively a preamp would be useful here. It's one of the many reasons I only play active basses.
  4. I don't own an amp/cab at the moment. This is partly down to the fact that I don't gig very often, don't drive and wouldn't be able to use it in the house -even at low volumes- because of neighbours with a bit of a temper. I've never had to borrow backline from another bands bassist (to my knowledge at least) as the venues I've played have all had a backline but this has stopped us from having quite a few good gigs (the guitarist doesn't have a giggable amp either). I would worry about allowing another player use an amp that I owned however just because of the sheer amount of horror stories out there.
  5. Would the dents bother you in the long run? If so I'd say refuse and get money back. If the dents wouldn't be an issue to you then I say accept the 50 quid. If you're happy with the bass then no point sending it back.
  6. I play in an all originals band and avoid playing covers at all costs because I never enjoy playing them. I'll learn some if I feel it'll be beneficial but apart from that they're the plague to me. Saying that we do have one song that I just can't stand playing. Luckily it doesn't fit with the rest of our music and we never really play it.
  7. I'd agree with Dannybouy to be honest. The way it is just now means it's easy enough to go through all the basses for sale without switching between many. And I'm sure there would be a lot if ones posted in the wrong section as well as do Fender Custom Shops, go into Fender or Custom? Its easy enough to do a search for what you're looking for IMO
  8. Very nice indeed. They sound great in more subdued musical settings, always stand out just enough. Not just for the rock/funk players!
  9. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1429892615' post='2756127'] Do you mean bad vocals or bad frontman? IMO some of the greatest bands have singers who arent always the best melodically. Ozzy, Brian Johnson, Lemmy, Johnny Rotten to name but a few [/quote] Bad vocals/choice of melodies/phrasing etc
  10. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1429889946' post='2756081'] Maybe you mean bad singers ruin everything! [/quote] Definitely. Did it come across as all singers? There are a few singers I love but majority of them I can take or leave if I'm brutally honest. There are certainly some great singers (technically speaking) who's voice I can't stand.
  11. This is an observation that a lot of people made about me and it's true now that I think about it. This was spurred on recently by finding a great song (instrumentally) where the vocalist completely ruined it (screaming all over a funk song!?) There are so many artists/bands/groups that have amazing songs musically but I get so put off by bad vocalist that struggle to overlook it in favour of the music. If a guitarist does a melody or a line I don't like I find it easy enough to ignore and focus on other parts of the song but weirdly not the vocals. Just me?
  12. Personally can't say about the sound but they definitely feel different to me. Ebony feels nice and solid but rosewood just feels cheap to me, even if it is on an expensive bass.
  13. I'll give this a try today. I'm doing both!
  14. I don't mind being offered a certain amount of money for something even if it is too low.The only time I've got a little bit irritated was when I was offered several (7) different basses as part of a trade when many of the basses were £4/500 below the value of what I was selling and included basses I said in my ad I had definitely no interest in. even then, I politely said no thanks. I would also have no issue with someone pm'ing me to make me aware I had overpriced something.
  15. Definitely made the right choice by going for the Ziracote. Going to look amazing!
  16. The dirty blonde thumb bass I found to sound a little too tame and bright for super aggressive music if I'm honest. I'd be looking at a Pro series corvette or a 2nd hand one on here (if there is any...I've been tactically avoiding marketplace). I'm currently using a Thumb NT 5 with a Darkglass B3K and can get some seriously metal sounding tones.
  17. I barely try out basses in shops anymore (I generally feel bad wasting their time) but I generally just play a few sections of my own bands songs. They're the only songs I actually play and where the basses sound would matter the most for me.
  18. Wish I could go but trains are too pricy unfortunately Have a good time all!
  19. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1429517291' post='2752050'] What is hate-sex? �� [/quote] Great at the time but ultimately disappointing.
  20. Only had an amp go once so just went through the P.A which unfortunately had the worst sound guy I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Adding distortion via the desk to Motown songs...that kind of thing. Did have the drummer put his foot through his kick drum once and another drummer snap his kick pedal. We just carried on without kick.
  21. The number of frets. 24 or more I can handle. any less and I never feel comfortable playing that bass. aesthetics are a thing I would consider to a certain extent. I wouldn't be too fussed if I thought it looked "okay" (Ive had a few basses in the past I wasn't too keen on the looks) but if it was the likes of a R*ckenbacker, P-bass or a BC Rich I wouldn't buy it. Size of the body plays a large part in this for me I think. I like small bodied basses.
  22. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1429342484' post='2750529'] Being asked by someone if they can stroke my beard. I was like yup. Helped that she was pretty cute tho. [/quote] I get asked regularly if people can put their finger through my ear. To clarify my earlobes are stretched to a size that can fit a finger through.
  23. Cameronj279


    Bought some strings from Martin, arrived next day. Deal with confidence. Cheers Martin!
  24. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1429296025' post='2750255'] Consider yourself lucky. I put on a fresh set of strings...got to the gig, plugged in and tuned up, played a couple of daft little riffs to warm up...picked the bass back up to start the set and the strings were dead. And I don't just mean slightly. TOTALLY dead. There's something most odd with my body chemistry. [/quote] That is how Rotos come from the packet I believe
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