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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. Doesn't that belong to a member on here? I vaguely remember seeing pictures of that before...
  2. Seems like a good deal you got. I rarely use eBay but the two times I've used it have been pretty good. Had a pedal for sale on here for £40 for over 2 months and no bites, put it on ebay and sold for £75 within 4 hours!
  3. I've been a member on here for (I think over 4 years) but don't post anywhere near as much as a lot of people on here but I can definitely see how the place has changed over the last short while. A lot of people are taking offence and jumping at the opportunity to continue a disagreement with another member. People continuing to argue and nobody deciding to be the bigger man/woman and let the topic rest has been the biggest issue as far as I could observe. "Don't attend every fight you're invited to." Edit to add : I will also say that there are still some incredibly nice chaps/chapesses on here which still make this an enjoyable community for me to feel a part of. Otherwise I would have buggered off too.
  4. I'm not normally one for older (or traditional) type basses but that's a looker! Curious to hear how it sounds too!
  5. Can't ever recall seeing any bands in Blackfriars but the food is worth the (short) walk there. The macaroni is fantastic and a good range of beers too.
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1427031001' post='2724835'] I agree that Ed Friedland does some of the better demos but he also makes everything sound good [/quote] I wouldn't say he makes them all sound good. Whenever he's demoed a P bass I've still hated the sound (like I do with all pbasses) but can definititely admire the playing no matter what he's playing.
  7. A problem I've noticed with a lot of 'demos' is that they're demonstrating a bass using high end amplifiers and generally seem to use the video as a method to show off their chops. The Bass Whisperer is the only one who I find does demo's where you actually get an idea of what the bass sounds like.
  8. I would have wasted the time anyway so I can't really complain.
  9. I wouldn't put much effort or care into a band unless I was being paid or having a great time doing it.
  10. I don't like Ric basses and sure wouldn't want to have to deal with them as a company. Saying that, everybody who like Rickenbacker basses should stop and buy another brand of bass because you are wrong*. * satire warning
  11. The place I rehearse is one of the nicest ones I've played in.practiced in so many that have huge guitar amps and an old worn bass practice amp. these are generally the places that smell weird, don't offer free tea/coffee/storage and cost a fortune. Because of the time we practice 3-6 every Thursday we get 3 hours for £15 and the equipment is pretty great. Ampeg SVT 6x10, good P.A, kits are generally sounding good depending on who 'tuned' them last, free coffee (proper coffee!) And WiFi. Even let our drummist borrow cymbals for a gig once for free.
  12. These basses are weird to me. I really don't like the body shape...but at the same time I think they're absolutely stunning looking basses.
  13. I would say that you just calmly state what has been said on here. Nothing you have said was rude in my eyes and if the teacher actually cares about gaining and keeping students then he will surely make an effort to correct this? After all he may not even be aware that his teaching methods aren't great. State that you were left feeling the way you did. I see no harm in honesty. I'm also a bit puzzled by the anonymity however.
  14. I had this thought once. Bought a 4 string and after 4 months realised it was a mistake and went back to using 5's exclusively.
  15. Tonights rehearsal was fun and mentally exhausting. A new song we've been working on is practically filled with time changes (not for the sake of it, just ended up that way) so today was spent getting the ending of it as tight as could be. I'd say we're all competent as far as playing goes but this songs proving difficult...although great fun! We appear to have mentally exhausted the drummer.
  16. I occasionally use iReal B (ireal pro now I think?). Not very often but it's useful for chord charts on the off occasion that I actually use them. Few good apps for helping with music theory too.
  17. I wouldn't say "should" but it's definitely advantageous to know the place of other instruments. Saying that...I don't know how to play anything other than a bit of bass.
  18. I'm not good enough to play a lot of the stuff I actually want to play and/or write. I'd say that for someoen who has been playing for the same length of time as me (just under 5 years) I'm about average... ...possibly a little below if I'm honest.
  19. Just going to list a few UK Metal bands that I enjoy, most of these aren't really 'new' but still worth mentioning. Monuments Tesseract Aliases Sikth Sithu Aye (happy metal!) Red Seas Fire The Safety Fire Colours to Shame Heart of a Coward Idiom In search of sun (more hard rock but very good nonetheless) Skyharbour Koralis The colour line Slice the Cake (kind of uk) Taken by the Tide (our own dreadbass plays with em) There's more but can't think of any off the top of my head.
  20. Really enjoyed my time at the bash today and the Saturday night was good fun too. Was good putting faces to usernames and catching up with a few people I had met in the past. Will definitely be at next years. Thanks again Alan for organising it all
  21. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1426349455' post='2717224'] There's a private do at the Balmoral today. Any idea where people will be going instead? [/quote] The other hotel I believe
  22. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1426339547' post='2717090'] Not too good. Everyone bar me rates the drummer. He's from a jazz background, has excellent timing and is very competent around the top of the kit. BUT, he doesn't us the bass drum properly - no oomph and nothing to dial into. He's too busy doing twiddly bits on the cymbals. Feels as if he's playing along half the time. Could be time to hand in my notice. [/quote] Nothing wrong with just mentioning this to the drummer. Mention that you need the bass drum to have more oomf for your playing.
  23. gig last night was good. Relatively small modern type pup/music venue with an incredibly good backline and very good sound guy so I always like playing there. I very nearly managed to play the full set without mistakes but royally cocked up one song.
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