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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. I wasn't aware they ever done MIJ Dolphins. Guess my Warwick knowledge needs a brush up!
  2. What's that Warwick? Looks like a Dolphin but I never knew they done them with finishes like outside the custom shop (in which case it wouldn't be MIJ)
  3. I don't but it may be worth going on YouTube and finding someone who has covered it accurately and finding it out by watching that. Sometimes they actually put tabs in the description/annotated onto the video. Edit : This one looks decent but haven't actually listened along! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCmuL43KmfM
  4. I wish I couldn't say this but I've genuinely saw worse bands. Probably been part of one or two of them at some point as well unfortunately.
  5. Got my ticket a few weeks ago. Was gutted I missed it last year.
  6. First are fourth are the ones I think work best (to me) but they all work with the song. Great video and idea!
  7. Saw this on the buy/sell facebook page. May be a good bass for those who want one but the guy seems like an arse. Why not just say "no extended range instruments"?
  8. Things like this are exactly what makes this [s]website[/s] community such a nice place to be a part of.
  9. They have posted a detailed list of all the gear that was nicked on their facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/thetravellingband/photos/pcb.10154915610195080/10154915598270080/?type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/thetravellingband/photos/pcb.10154915610195080/10154915598265080/?type=1&permPage=1
  10. I'm not clued up on this at all but to me if you're goign to work there then a work visa would be required. As people have already said...it's not worth the (quite frankly huge) risk.
  11. I've just made a mess That's gorgeous.
  12. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1418218402' post='2628059'] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Is your current bass also bubinga? ‘Cos bubinga is one helluva dense and weighty wood.[/size][/size][/font] [/quote] Not entirely bubinga but it does have a bubinga topwood. Funnily enough, the lightest bass I've ever owned was also a warwick thumb. I didn't weigh it but I would have been surprised if it reached the 3 kilo mark! Had a look into the Ash Corvettes but they just didn't have that same character which made the bubinga model so nice.
  13. Sold Simon a pedal. Quick payments and no fuss at all. Deal with no worries
  14. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1418217102' post='2628036'] This is the reason I had to get rid of my German Corvette $$ NT Bubinga, even though it was a fantastic bass, I think its caused me long term back issues! [/quote] To put into perspective how heavy the corvette was for me. The corvette weighed near enough double of my current bass! A real shame too as it sounded absolutely fantastic!
  15. There is the Pro Series instruments which as far as I'm aware is almost like an inbetween stage for the Rockbass and German made Warwicks. From what I've heard the Bubinga Corvette STD is just as good as the German ones (which are fantastic basses if you have a back made of steel). I think the reason their prices have went up so much was due to drastically increasing the amount of time they spent on creating each bass. I could be wrong but I'm sure someone more educated will correct me . Great basses and they do have something that no other brands have (That "Warwick Growl"). Short of buying a custom bass a lot of the time I don't see a point in buying new. Especially when it definitely is a buyers market and has been for some time now.
  16. Will sell for £1650 (without Mono bag) whilst there is a bass on here that I have my eye on. If getting sent by courier it will be packed to survive a nuclear blast
  17. Nice to see some companies still care about customer service! I've rarely had to contact a company but when I have it has mostly been great service. The main two I can think of would be Alan at ACG and Payson Clarke of Payson strings. As somebody said earlier. I imagine Fender would have just told you where to shove [s]the knobs[/s] your enquiry! Edit for dodgy late night wordings.
  18. That's fancy! I'll have seven thanks.
  19. "looks like a project somebody has made by hand - possibly called Rick." Gave me a little chuckle.
  20. I use the B3K with the MXR Compressor and Envelope Filter and I don't think you'll be disappointed with the B3K. One thing I'd say is worth giving a go is using the B3K and the Envelope Filter together. I use them both together quite a lot and it gives a real clean yet gritty sounding synthy tone!
  21. Decided to put this up for sale now
  22. I've had the problem with all DR coloured strings unfortunately. I'm still needing to try other (non coated DR strings though)
  23. I really like these basses. Played a few in GuitarGuitar and always wanted to take one home with me. Good buy sir!
  24. Not normally a fan of single cuts but that's really nice looking...in a weird way. GLWTS
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