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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. I also could accept the vocals as being hers. Guitar, not at all. it did remind me of this though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYc4DT18EJg
  2. I think I'm pretty lucky in the sense that most of the guitarists I play with have a great sense of when they're too loud/quiet. Current guitar man however always turns the amp on and then plugs the guitar in which of course results in a big pop.
  3. Bump
  4. I can say that I have played that exact ACG. Tis pretty smashing.
  5. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1414010574' post='2584897'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Banjo frets on all Canadian Dingwalls (not sure about combustion), however the Lee Sklar has mandolin frets, which yes are even smaller.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]But, small frets all round indeed.[/font][/color] [/quote] Ah! I thought it was just banjo frets on his Sig as well. I do enjoy the small frets though.
  6. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1413999632' post='2584702'] I think that's a Lee Sklar thing rather than a Dingwall thing. Didn't he have mandolin fretwire fitted on his old mongrel bass? I find I quite like small frets, though more vintage Fender size than mandolin size. As a flatwound player I'm not worried about wear. [/quote] As far as I'm aware all Dingwalls use banjo frets. They began using them because Sklar wanted them on his signature. I know on my AB1 the frets are tiny. To be honest, I feel quite uneasy using jumbo frets now!
  7. I only have one bass at the moment but always have my basses set up so there's no serious buzzing when I play. I don't set up my basses -partially laziness but more because I don't trust myself not to balls it up-.
  8. I rarely play covers (and when I do its normally not of my own volition) but find the low B great for hand position as well as dynamically you get a different sound which sometimes comes in fairly handy. In my mind anyway.
  9. So much want but so little money
  10. Always a good thing to be able to do. I would say I'm "allright" at it but I've always found it of great use...even as limited as my abilities are.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1413878084' post='2582929'] Me too. Don't even know why - that's GAS for you, though - its irrational. [/quote] I sold mine to buy my current bass and every so often I'll go to a Gig where a Warwick is being used and I'll want one back again. the thumb 5's in the FS section haven't been helping the GAS!
  12. I'm certainly hoping my current "right" bass is a keeper. Hoping...I am wanting a Warwick though.
  13. Bought a pedal from Fred, and arrived quick as you can possibly ask for and exactly as described. He actually sent out the pedal before I had a chance to send over the money to him! Pleasure dealing with you mate
  14. Sh*te I didn't know about it or I would have. Even bigger pain in the ass as I was in Ticket Scotland 2 days ago and bought 5 gig tickets.
  15. This is one of the few basses on here I'm genuinely surprised is still here. I imagine anybody who has played an ACG knows exactly what I mean by that. Crazy prices for fantastic basses. GLWTS
  16. I want a Shuker now.
  17. To the top.
  18. Again, for me it would be dependant on the guys attitude and how he was on stage (i.e if he was jumping about I'd be more inclined to say no). I can understand why some people are unable to bring their own rig/a backup bass to gigs. I don't drive so bringing a second bass with me via public transport isn't always ideal (or at times possible). A lot of people seem to reply to this with "learn to drive then" but it's not cheap and unfortunately because of my age, insurance would be a fortune. My mate was quoted 6K insurance for a 3K car.
  19. Is this one of the thinner necks Kev? If only you done finance
  20. Bought this on a whim a few days ago and just decided it wouldn't really get much use in my current band so may as well put it up for sale. It has velcro on the bottom and is in great condition but does come unboxed/without manuals. Creates some really great weird and wonderful sounds but none that I could really use at the moment! Looking for £50 + few quid postage Possible trades would be MXR/Source Audio Envelope filter/octavers ideal but open to ideas. (I will add money if suitable of course) No photos yet but all info can be found here : [url="http://www.sourceaudio.net/products/soundblox/multiwave_bass_distortion.php"]http://www.sourceaud..._distortion.php[/url] Based in Motherwell/Glasgow. Any questions just ask Cheers
  21. I've owned 3 Warwicks (Thumb Ltd 2006, corvette std 5 and streamer jazzman). I recently sold my jazzman in order to fund a Dingwall and except from the weight of the warwicks, I'm missing that extra growl! The corvette had a tone which just semed to fit with any genre I was asked to play (which was quite a variety!). Miss that bass despite the fact that the dingwall weighs as near as makes no difference half of the weight!
  22. Saw Three Trapped Tigers not too long ago (maybe a year?) and they were brilliant! Thanks for sharing and reminding me about them!
  23. This guy has been looking for a bassist for close to a year now. I wonder why... http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/ex-versace-smile-keyboardist-seeks-bassist-t680772.html
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