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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. Saw them live a few months back. Was most amazed by the singer! Brillant band and another Karnivool fan here too
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395341154' post='2401412'] At least 200mg of Tramadol and some clean pants. [/quote] I wish my gigs were that exciting!
  3. Ryan Martinie.
  4. I used to own thr SBMM Ray 34 but found the neck to be very chunky and the bass weighed a tonne. The sub ray (for a very brief and unplugged play) felt a lot easier to play in my opinion although I am used to a very lightweight bass and thin neck.
  5. Yup. I shall be there!
  6. I would say its a mistake, especially as I used to own a Lakland 55-01 with the nordstrands (possibly the same one actually!) and know how fantastic it sounds. Personal opinion but I wouldn't do it.
  7. I've heard of a lot of people using "go pro" cameras but as far as I'm aware they are [s]not cheap[/s] bloody expensive.
  8. Is it just me or does the bass sound like it has some form of octaver on it at very very random points? I've always found GAK's demo's to be a little...lacking in any actual demo.
  9. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1395011897' post='2397826'] warwick used too.... (in 1984) [/quote] Ewww.
  10. Best answers have been said. Put it somewhere near the door and make sure all valuable things are out the way if you feel the need. I've never been fully comfortable with having someone in my house but my only valuable things (excluding my bass) are pretty big (i.e tv, speakers etc) and wouldn't exactly be easy to nick!
  11. Pm'd.
  12. Bumpity boo. Edit. Somehow just realized that the link to photos and a description of the bass have dissapeared. Shall get it back up tonight. Should be fixed now!
  13. [quote name='MarkusWarwick' timestamp='1393013926' post='2375369'] I had one and sold mine (yep, im an idiot), but the lows capable on this bass are INCREDIBLE! I played in a few metal bands with it, and pretty much had people on the heart-attack levels with how awesome it is. Good price too, someone should pick this up soon [/quote] the lows are great on this bass! https://soundcloud.com/cameronjamieson/its-difficult-to-bite-someone another little sound sample. This ones a little less...contemporary!
  14. If only I wasn't poor
  15. Value/price dropped to £1200 Ideal trades are still Dingwall or Warwick 5 strings but would possible consider others! Please no Fender offers though
  16. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1393943855' post='2386086'] Wow!! [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1/1240589_689818474381659_1286637218_n.jpg"]https://fbcdn-sphoto...286637218_n.jpg[/url] [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1236800_689818651048308_614469131_n.jpg"]https://fbcdn-sphoto...614469131_n.jpg[/url] [/quote] And bearing in mind that was taken from a (pretty crappy) phone camera!
  17. I generally dislike all jazz basses but this ones gorgeous.
  18. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1393376104' post='2379628'] I think he was alluding to how you'd get on with the fanned fretboard, rather than the sound. [/quote] I know, I was just saying that I would at least get an idea rather than being totally clueless.
  19. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1393374580' post='2379620'] Bass Direct is in Warwick, so that's a little bit closer at least! [/quote] Sadly still a 620 mile round journey [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1393375368' post='2379623'] I was looking at the dingwalls tonight (on Bass Direct) thinking it would be nice to try one! Problem is, with the frets like that, it is going to take a bit of time to know if you get on with them, more time than you could probably justify in a shop! [/quote] True but I still think I'd get a decent idea of how it sounds with my (god awful) playing at least
  20. How does one go about trying out a bass if there are no dealers of that bass nearby? Long story short I want to try a Dingwall bass but as far as I can tell the closest place that sells them to me is in London (in the form of The Gallery or Bass Direct).
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhxITFate5Y Probably the best way to show how this bass can sound.
  22. trade Value £1100 *not able to change on the ad* Looking for a trade or sale of my Warwick Thumb LTD 2006 Dirty Blonde. This is the 4 string version. Excluding a small chip in the finish around the jack socket (pictured) it is in fantastic condition. Edit for noticing a small nick in the headstock at the back, this has been pictured. I love this bass to bits but I just can't get on with having a Precision pickup. Bass comes with warwick handbook, and all relevant paperwork (certificate of authenticity, straplocks etc). Trade would be ideal although I now have no real idea of what I want. ACG, Warwick, Dingwall. Maybe a Mayones if it catches my eye, no real preferences at the moment though. Just no Fenders, Precision pickups or sunburst finishes. Willing to ship however does not come with hardcase *New pictures added*
  23. [quote name='Wud' timestamp='1392845690' post='2373541'] ^^^ +1 what has been said above regarding the P pickup ^^^ If you miss the B string, how about loosing the top G ? Put some 5 string strings on there, and go BEAD? Only you will know if the Dingwall fanned frets are comfortable or not, and maybe only after a period of time. Much like your Warwick conundrum, you may well find the Dingwall wanting in some aspect, but only after the initial honeymoon period. In my personal opinion, I'd say upgrade to Pre Amp and Pick Up's if they are MEC. You can easily pop them back in if you do decide to sell the bass on in the future. [/quote] I use the G string all the time. I'm happy with the preamp (I really like it actually!) and pickup wise if I change the P pickup it would mean routing a new hole for a twin jazz, which would presumably reduce the value of the bass? (for if the worse happens in the future and I need to sell)
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