Not too sure if this is the right place for this (if not let me know!)
Basically in August last year I bought a Warwick Thumb LTD 2006 Dirty Blonde. I absolutely adore how it plays, looks and feels to play but I feel like I can't get on with having a Precision pickup, I feel like they sound a little bit too harsh for my liking. I love the tone 90% of the time but occasionally hear the P pickup a little too much.
Over the last 2 months or so I've been seriously GAS'ing for a Dingwall bass (and missing my low B string) but have never played with fan frets before.
I'm in 2 minds about it because I haven't ever played a bass as nice as the Warwick but also feel like I haven't got my ideal tone with it.
Any advice from people with more wisdom than I is appreciated