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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1172613' date='Mar 22 2011, 09:08 PM']I use a rotosound .140 for my B string in standard tuning, I've been looking at a .175 so i can tune down to an F# but that would probably be a tad floppy for my likes, In america i saw a .205 string I cannot for the life of me remember the brand name or what the packet looked like!! Guy at the shop said he had only ever sold 2 packs... to the same guy Also, those conklin strings are expenisve! $34 for a low C#! (the .194) Imagine the price of a full 11 string set! (I Plan to own a 9 string before i hit 30 ) I like thick strings, been called MAD (Mad i say! Mad!) for usuing a .115 for an E[/quote] on the circle k website the largest string ive found is a .254 ........i mean really....is that necessary? even though i tune down to G even i think that is kinda overkill
  2. I've sent my e-mail to newtone strings, seem to have a few happy customers in this topic alone, look forward to trying their strings out.
  3. Cameronj279

    My First Gig

    I'm playing my first gig in a few weeks time...rather nervous. from the video's it looks like you done really well, i'll be terrified incase anything goes wrong people seem to be saying 8 rehearsal's isn't that much...which isn't helping the fact that by the time of my first gig we'l only have rehearsed 5 times....it's a metal band so luckily the drummer problem won't be there lol
  4. at that gauge i believe the term 'string' becomes a bit inappropriate.....'cable' is definitely a more fitting name
  5. i'm going to send them an e-mail......what would you reccomend for GCGCF tuning? (gauge-wise) i've never tried anything higher than .130
  6. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1171981' date='Mar 22 2011, 12:26 PM']+1 on the Newtone Strings front! I'm tuned ADGCFBb and my bottom string is a .152. Works great! Pop them an email they're sound guys and should get back to you fairly quickly. Ps tittie bum[/quote] tittie bum indeed. also, what are the prices (estimate) for those strings in a 5 string set?
  7. yeah, it's looking like i may need to either custom order strings or buy the darklord's and find a D string seperatly....damn my low tuning
  8. I'm sure this has been posted many many times, however here goes. I tune down to GCGCF when i play with my band (no prizes for guessing what kind of music) but I'm in need of new strings and was wondering what are the heaviest strings out there and where can i get my hands on them? the heaviest ive found in shops around here are rotosound swing bass .130 which is still pretty floppy (although the .105 'E' string is the worst) Warwick dark lord strings don't count....although i am considering buying a pack of them
  9. a 'please buy this' bump.
  10. bought it just after christmas thinking i'de use the effects a lot but i've pretty much only used it a few times (mainly covering tool songs) great piece of kit but i need the money and someone else would get better use out of it. £280 but willing to consider offers
  11. *jaw hits floor violently* i can't afford that many bass stand's never mind the bass's
  12. noticed this deal on thomann, wondering if anybody had any experience with this cab or the amp head and if it's worth the money (seems like a good deal to me) [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_profet_33_bundle_3.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_profet_33_bundle_3.htm[/url] cheers
  13. beautiful bass, but you need to provide a price
  14. not falling, severed, forget to remember, dull boy, dig, happy? all of which by mudvayne pretty much every primus and les claypool song lol got the life by korn hot water, mr pink by level 42 the list could go on
  15. the thumbs are looking pricy just now? wow, i was thinking that they were incredibly cheap (pretty new to the forum). when i do get a job the thumb is definetly going to be my first big purchase, they look and sound amazing...and i've recently got obsessed with Ryan Martinie.
  16. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1082647' date='Jan 8 2011, 10:18 PM']Cameron, there are three Thumbs for sale here at the moment, all 5 strings I believe! You need to get that cash together quick, one of them will be just the trick if you're wanting to do a good Mudvayne cover![/quote] i know...it's really not fair, looking for a job just now (entirely so I can buy a thumb 5 but will be used for other equipment too) i love the k5, it plays and sounds great but except from a carl thompson, a thumb is my dream bass...and with a recent surgery i'm limited to what jobs i can do. damn karma. even if i don't get the money for a few months, i'm sure there will be people selling them at some point, just gonna keep my eyes open.
  17. bump, no takers? or even offers?
  18. bumpitty-boo
  19. ah i never knew that....ideally i would like about £500, these are incredibly hard to find in the OL nowadays, i spent months searching for this one.
  20. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1080134' date='Jan 6 2011, 05:14 PM']As far as Warwick go, the $$ is not the kind. The Thumb is the one, even when people can't get on with the looks, feel or balance (I never had any trouble with mine), the Thumb is easily the most "Warwick" sounding Warwick bass! [/quote] It's the thumb that I'm ideally wanting to get eventually, I've listed this as open to cash offers as well now, selling a brand new boss gt-10b multi-effects...both in the hope i can afford this thumb bass
  21. I bought this a week ago from merchant city music in glasgow, managed to get the last one in the shop, but after a week of going through all the effects i'de came to the conclusion that effect's aren't really for me and i prefer the natural bass tone. this is where i bought it from [url="http://www.guitar.co.uk/effects/multi-effects/2166-boss_gt10b_bass_effects_processor"]http://www.guitar.co.uk/effects/multi-effe...fects_processor[/url] it's in brand new condition...not a mark on it! ideally i would be looking for around £320 ono and even then i'm making quite a big loss but i need money to invest in a new bass. will consider trades but not for effects. cheer's Cameron.
  22. [quote name='chuck_stones' post='1079945' date='Jan 6 2011, 03:02 PM']Ahh, the Warwick is a 4-string (perhaps one too few for you?). How it looks?! Image is nothing, tone is everything and the $$ is king [/quote] very true and actually i've noticed that I haven't been using the low B string as much as i used to....i went to some amount of trouble to get the K5 as well, it's a great bass but i do prefer the tone of warwicks (despite being a massive korn fan). so how much cash would i have to add to the trade? although i prefer the string spacing on 5 strings i think theres no point in having the extra string when i no longer use it. even though i'm not obsessive in the slightest about the asthetics, do you have any pictures of the $$? cheers
  23. [quote name='eilsey' post='1079118' date='Jan 5 2011, 08:28 PM']hey i have a 4 string acoustic ibanez ewb, a 4 string active pick ups shine, and a 4 string rickenbacker copy with a slight electrical fault (one of the wires from the jack needs soildering back on to the board) would you like to consider some combination of one/2/all of these for trade or maybe part exhange iwould be willing to put cash towards it too, been looking for a 5 string ibanez and this would be perfect[/quote] thanks for the offer but i'm more interested in quality over quantity and i'm not looking for an acoustic bass at the moment. thanks though and good luck with selling them
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