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Everything posted by wright/watt

  1. Very beautiful bass this..A stunning neck that is in mint condition.WOW! Somebody will be getting a bargain here...GLWTS😎
  2. Putting this in context folks.An as new Foldera, for only £2k!! I say only £2k yes that's a lot of money to anyone,especially in the current situation of global financial meltdown..Cracking looking bass this..Would love to justify buying this..but alas in these times..GLWTSSomebody who can buy,will be very happy with this.....
  3. Bargain Alert!!! Classic Trace sound at less than £200....... GLWTS
  4. I bought one at this price last week which was as you say a massive bargain! and a total joy to play..Just fantastic basses😀 GLWTS
  5. Just picked up a 2006 Sterling last week, and will be using it as my gigging bass..Sounds fantastic and plays beautifully with its lovely slim neck..Very happy😁
  6. Wow!! Just an amazing looking bass, at a very, very good price.I believe somebody is going to be grinning from ear to ear with this purchace😁😁
  7. This beautiful bass is a true masterpiece in looks and craftsmanship!!!The fingerboard keeps bringing me back to have a another look..Alas out of funds to buy this! GLWTS
  8. Absolutely stunning basses!!!😀😀 GLWTS
  9. I have been fortunate to own a Vigier Series11 passion bass, and am a current owner for the last ten years of a Vigier passion 111..Both truly wonderful instruments. In my honest opinion. much better than the series IV bolt on Arpege with the all singing and dancing Glockenklang preamp I had briefly.I will hasten to add it took me about 15 years to find the passion 111 bass!!! They don't come up that often and the series 11 basses less.Patrice Vigier made and makes superlative basses and once you dial in your sound you won't look back..On the Warwick front..I have owned a 1990 thumb 4 bass which was a truly fantastic bass (why did I sell it) then bought a 1998 thumb which was total pants!!
  10. I thought this was an out and out bargain at £650 which was a great price! but at £425 you are getting a truly wonderful instrument at a give away price!!! Somebody will be getting an amazing bass here😀😀 GLWTS again..
  11. RAT TRAP The Boomtown Rats..Pete Briquette with an amazing simple bassline that drives the song... Also,Radar Love by Golden Earing
  12. Stunning looking, bespoke handbuilt bass this,at a real come and buy me price😀 GLWTS
  13. Cracking looking bass this, and at a very good price too..😀 GLWTS
  14. Wow!!! Stunner this..Passion series 11's are an absolute joy to play, and once you do,they can become seriously addictive😁 wish i had some money😥 This bass will put a big smile on someones face😁 GLWTS
  15. Stunning bass this!!! Cliff makes truly wonderful instruments which are a joy to play.I am very fortunate to own a 32 scale fretless CB Ball bass.GLWTS
  16. Stunning beautiful bass this..Alas no spare money l'm afraid! GLWTS of this beauty👊
  17. I have just purchased a truly wonderful GMR Bassforce bass of JK (Koval123) in a very smooth transaction. Comunication was fantastic throughout the whole purchase..Packing was superb and shipping with DPD very speedy..I can highly,highly reccomend JK (Koval123) to do business with. Best Wishes.. Alan
  18. WOW...Truly stunning bass there..Doesn't look very standard to me..Just looks exceptional!!😀😎 GLWTS
  19. Wonderful looking bass this,truly stunning!! A real shame i don't play 5 string bass.In reality this is like hen's teeth,etc. They hardly exist let alone ever come up for sale..and more importantly a BARGAIN😎 GLWTS
  20. Know exactly what you mean about Wal..couldn't get on with it..way to heavy..I also bought for £400 but sold for £350..so you were quids in😀
  21. Showing my age here folks..lol.Hanging around by the Stranglers was my first sortie at trying to learn bass!!! JJ 's killer tone and playing blew my mind..Oh yes, it still does😎
  22. A truly stunning bass!!! I really would love this..but lack of money rules it out alas..ACG asymmetric necks i've tried are a true joy to play😁 GLWTS
  23. WOW..Stunning bass in excellent condition!!!😀😀 GLWTS
  24. Esh make superb basses,and this is another prime example😁 I regret selling mine,which had a truly incredibly low action with no fret buzz, even when digging in..Great price this too! GLWTS😃
  25. Only £400.. Bargain,Bargain,Bargain..😀 Can't believe it is still here!!
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