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Everything posted by kingbee

  1. For sale to a good home is my ex-pro mike stand with adapter (not shown), which is in excellent condition. There is the odd mark here and there - I was a working musician, so you have to expect some slight wear and tear - but in most respects this stand is mint. Included in the sale is a box full of assorted cables (speaker leads, guitar lead, kettle leads, other bits and pieces, and so on). Having finally quit the music business last December this is the last of my gear to go. If you play in a band or in any kind of musical ensemble, this is a bargain. Grab it while you can. Prepared to deliver in the Edinburgh/Mid or East Lothian area (within reason - not selling this stuff for buttons just to rack up a fiver in fuel costs!), or buyer can collect. No timewasters, please.
  2. And yet another. Is no-one interested? I MAY be prepared to negotiate on price!
  3. To Rallyeluke, thanks for your interest but sorry, I'm getting out of music completely, so this is a sale for cash only. Thanks for asking, though. To DougieB, I have replied to your message. Cheers.
  4. British Racing, of course! Thanks for the comment.
  5. [color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3]I bought this combo just over a year ago because I need something lighter to lug around to gigs with a new band. Unfortunately, the anticipated gigs didn't materialise, and so the combo has hardly been used. I am now retiring from the music business and no longer need it. The combo is ideal for gigs in smaller venues (although it does pack quite a punch!) or as a monitor when connected by the on-board XLR socket to a back line PA. It is in excellent condition: whoever buys it will be getting a bargain. The images, incidentally, are of the combo itself, but the background has been 'Photoshopped' to make the combo stand out better. Delivery arrangements negotiable. Price excludes shipping by courier – at 42lbs weight, this is estimated to be around £15, but may be higher. Alternatively, buyer may collect.[/size][/font][/color] NOW SOLD!!
  6. [color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] [size=5]This is a superb example of a classically-styled bass, modelled on Fender's own P-Bass, and made by Squier. It has recently had new strings fitted and keeps perfect tune. The overall condition is practically mint, except where there is some slight 'button rash' (from playing) on the back of the body which is very faint. The only reason I am selling the bass is that I am retiring from the music scene. I hope someone else can now enjoy it as I have. Delivery arrangements negotiable. Price excludes shipping, estimated to be in the region of £15[/size][/size][/font][/color][size=5] (by courier). Alternatively, buyer may collect. [/size]
  7. Thanks guys. This in fact has answered a third question (well, not so much a question - more a "duh?"): I couldn't understand why the LED lights would come on while the pedal was cabled up, but remained inactive when no cables were attached. Now I know, so thanks JimBobTTD for that. See, in all the years I've played bass I've never once used a pedal of any kind, so I know literally f-all about how they work. Only reason I'm employing one now is, I'll be going through PA using the Hartke's DI-Out XLR. I think the manual - like many typical manuals - assumes too much prior knowledge on the part of the reader. Anyway, thanks again - most helpful, as always. What a great forum this is.
  8. I've just acquired a Hartke Bass VXL Tone-Shaper Pre-Amp (second-hand, but in excellent condition, with original box and instruction manual). What's not clear from the manual, though, is: (1) if I use a DC supply, can I use any old DC supply or do I have to buy the ("optional" = rip-off) Hartke version? (2) if I use a 9v battery instead, can I leave this in when the pedal's not in use - in other words, will I drain the battery if I don't remove it between playing sessions? Having to remove the battery after each gig would be a royal pain, but I'll bow to the wisdom of others. Any and all advice most welcome. Many thanks.
  9. Bought a bass pedal from this young man, everything went very smoothly, pedal was exactly as described and arrived promptly, securely packed. Good guy to deal with, no fuss, no probs, just great service!
  10. Noting all that's been said, and very grateful for all comments to date, a guy in a music shop in Edinburgh today suggested that the [url="http://www.artproaudio.com/products.asp?id=58&cat=1&type=79"]Art Tube MP Studio v3[/url] would serve my needs well. I can get one for £50 or thereby. Anyone know if it will do the trick, for what I want it to do? Just curious. It looks like a nice piece of kit.
  11. Sorry (told you I was thick), but I just want to make sure I've understood the options here. I had assumed that all I have to do is to go straight from the bass's 1/4" jack out to the 1/4" input on the pedal, then via the pedal's XLR output straight to one of mic inputs on the mixing desk. However, the scenario below (lifted from the blurb for the Radial JDI Passive DI box) suggests an intermediate stage involving an amplifier of some kind. [i]# A 5-string active bass connects to the JDI's ¼" input jack [b]# The JDI's ¼" thru jack is connected to the amplifier input[/b] # The JDI's XLR output connects to one of the mixing console mic inputs[/i] Is this 'amplifier input' stage required in every case or is it just a feature offered by the Radial box? Could someone kindly set me right here? Mean to say, too (as indeed Nottswarwick suggests), that I am not looking for an 'effects' pedal [i]per se[/i]: I usually like my sound 'straight'. Nor do I want to compete with the guitarist! No, I simply want to leave my combo at home whenever possible - that's really what I want the pedal for, as an amp 'substitute'. Mind you, some of these pedals cost a damned sight more than I paid for my combo (s/h off Basschat)! Thanks again.
  12. Thanks guys, that'll get me started.
  13. Ummm - forgive my complete ignorance, but the question has to be asked. One or two of you may recall that earlier this year I replaced my Hartke / Ampeg rig with a Hartke Kickback combo (which is very good, I have to say), because I was going to be involved with a band where everything - including my bass - would be going through the PA, with my combo DI-d to the mixing desk and me using the combo as a monitor. To date that has all worked very well in practice, but I'm finding that in many situations I don't need the combo for monitor purposes - I can hear myself fine from the back line. So, assuming this state of affairs continues, can someone recommend a little DI box I can plug my bass into which will XLR directly to the PA without the need for monitors or pre-amps or anything else? Only reason I ask is, as I get older (now 62+) I'm looking to carry as little kit as possible, and if I can avoid lugging the combo (which I'll keep for home practice or for gigs where a monitor really is required) around in favour of something I can stick in a coat pocket, as it were, that'll do for me. I don't want to just walk into a music shop and be sold any old sh*t, especially since I'm sure that some or other forum member will, as always, be able to give me the best advice on the right way to approach this. Sorry for the daft question, but when it comes to this sort of thing I really do not have a clue. Bit like my driving: I know where things are INSIDE the car, but don't ask me to show you the spark plugs ......... Thanks. Bob
  14. [quote name='elephantstone' post='1106607' date='Jan 28 2011, 07:16 PM']thanks alot Bob, I am absolutely delighted with my purchase, infact i am playing it as i type this. I couldnt be happier. Bob was a pleasure to deal with, and communication was great, always in contact. i promise i will take best care of it!! as it is in pristine condition already. all the best for the future Bob and hope you enjoy your new purchase too. Best, ES[/quote] Cheers mate, you take care, and if you ever get REALLY famous, invite me to one a' yer gigs! (Even if you don't, invite me anyway!!) Rooting for you, son. Best. Bob
  15. [quote name='elephantstone' post='1106615' date='Jan 28 2011, 07:20 PM']Dont know if there is a thread already. Just purchased Bob's Hartke 2000 with his Ampeg cab. i could not be happier, the rig is in absolute pristine condition!! communication was great, second to none!! made me welcome in his home and let me try my bass through his rig first. Was an absolute pleasure to deal with and would not hesitate to deal with him again. All the best for the future mate!! ES[/quote] Thanks Gary, the feeling's mutual. I hope you do well, kid, blow them away in London. It would be nice to think you'd be achieving fame and fortune with my old head and cab .......... All the very best. Bob
  16. As I'm the one doing the selling, I don't suppose I should be the one leaving the feedback, but just sold my Ampeg+Hartke rig to Elephantstone, and he was an absolute pleasure to deal with. He was delighted with his purchase, I managed to move my stuff on to a good home, and we're both happy. I wish him and his band chums all the best for their forthcoming London tour. Hope you do well, guys. Bob
  17. Just bought Bassman's Hartke Kickback 1200 combo, and the whole thing was a breeze. Combo arrived safely, when it was supposed to, couldn't have been better packaged, condition was exactly as advertised, it works like a dream, and all communications by phone and text were brilliant. Would not have the slightest hesitation in dealing with Bassman again - a first-rate chap. Bob
  18. Thanks all for the helpful input thus far. Tell you the truth, the cables are so cheap on Amazon I think I'll just order one of each type - that'll still cost me less than buying one cable from my local guitar shop (as much as I do like to support local traders whenever I can, sometimes it just ain't viable).
  19. Thanks, and sorry to confuse, guys, but remember you're talking to yer typical bassist here - only marginally more intelligent than yer typical drummer. The DI Out on the combo is XLR. I did ask the guitarist (when I spoke to him a few days ago) what socket I'd be going into on his desk, and he said first "XLR", then changed his mind and said "maybe 1/4" jack would be better". Don't know why, and I never thought to quiz him on the point. However, this would obviously suggest that the PA can take both XLR-in and 1/4" jack-in. As to which would be better, that's where I'm clueless. Is there a standard assumption here that XLR to XLR is the better way to go? Thanks again for taking the time to visit / help out.
  20. Pardon me for being dozey, but will this work for connecting my bass combo to our band's PA? (using XLR out to 1/4" jack in) [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Adam-Hall-male-jack-cable/dp/B001GEBD5K/ref=sr_1_20?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1296127145&sr=1-20"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Adam-Hall-male-jac...145&sr=1-20[/url] Our guitarist, who is supremely knowledgeable in such matters, ain't around at the moment. This cable on Amazon is about half the price of the equivalent in my local guitar shop. OK brand?
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