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Everything posted by Kirky

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='343754' date='Dec 3 2008, 06:52 AM']You can purchase a kit [url="http://www.monteallums.com/pedal_mods.html#cs3optoPlus"]here[/url]. Looks cheap, but probably a bit intimidating if you're not handy with a soldering iron.[/quote] I did the mod recently - its easy enough to do. Couldn't hear all that much difference in the end result though...its a little brighter and cleaner, but still doesn't do much for me.
  2. Yep, I've been following this and its amazing how you've managed to pull together a successful result. Well done all round. Now, I had a shiny new Rickenbacker 360 guitar stolen 24 or so years ago...I know who did it....new mission for Super Rob??!!! :-)
  3. Kirky


    Thanks guys - it was wooleydick's experience that made me ask the question.
  4. Kirky


    We have a gig tonight, so its an opportune moment to ask what I imagine is a simple question... I've been told in the past that it is better to run everything from a single power socket (PA, backline, keyboards etc), possibly excluding lights. My guitarist believes that it is safer to use as many sockets as possible as he is concerned that we might "overload" the single socket. This seems spurious to me, as they are all connected to the same circuit usually anyway. I suppose that might affect my argument too. Does it matter? Cheers, Martin
  5. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='327266' date='Nov 12 2008, 07:58 AM']Dare I say that Bob Mould's band Sugar did the "modern pop-punk band" sound a decade or more ago, except that Sugar had much better songwriting than I hear from the copyists. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ku23nZkukE&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ku23nZkukE...feature=related[/url] Sugar was a three-piece, and their debut album is full of cracking tunes.[/quote] His earlier band Husker Du were also a 3 piece and had some cracking pop/punk tunes. Police. Early Joe Jackson has some great guitar/bass/drums tunes with occasional piano thrown in.
  6. A local violin teacher recommended using slightly watered down whisky. Worked well on my very dirty fingerboard. And finally a worthy use for a large bottle of Red Label my father in law bought a few years ago.
  7. Another Fall fan here - seen them about 15 times since 1987. Drummers and bass players have nearly always been excellent, but Hanley was the best by far.
  8. Thanks BOD2. I'll be using a standard centre negative power supply. The connection points on the PCB are labelled "In sleeve", "In tip", "Black", "Red" (these two connect directly to the battery clip in the build), "Out sleeve" and "Out tip". Trying to make sense of the diagram in the link dangerboy provided...would the in and out "sleeve" connections equate to the "ground" connections in that diagram? The more I read, the more confused I get! Cheers, Martin
  9. [quote name='dangerboy' post='319140' date='Oct 31 2008, 03:50 PM']Does this page help? [url="http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33&Itemid=27"]http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/index....3&Itemid=27[/url] I suggest this diagram particularly: [url="http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/diagrams/switch_lo_dpdt_std.gif"]http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/diagra...lo_dpdt_std.gif[/url][/quote] That's great, thanks dangerboy (they don't call you that because of your history with electronics projects do they?!). The latter diagram particularly. Just not sure what to do about the DC socket.
  10. I need some really simple advice. I've build a BYOC booster. Its real simple, my first attempt at this sort of thing. I'd like to add a DC socket and a footswitch, and I don't particularly want to use batteries. At present the wiring is as follows: From the PBC: "In sleeve" to the sleeve of the input jack. "In tip" to the tip of the input jack. "Black" and "Red" to the battery clip. "Out tip" and "Out sleeve" to the relevant parts of the output jack. I want to add a footswitch (I've got a 6 lug one) and a DC jack and not bother about the battery clip. Intructions please!! Many thanks in anticipation. This afternoone would be great, then I can use it at my gig tonight!
  11. The guitar starts on the 4th beat....he plays the open E string on 4, and the 6th note on the chord on the & ....so count 1,2,3 and the guitarist plays 4&, and you keep counting. The guitar is mainly off beat quavers, ie the " &" count, and not on the beat. Hope that helps. I've just read it back, and it probably doesn't!
  12. [quote name='bassace' post='314961' date='Oct 26 2008, 11:06 AM']There are some bass/violin doublers out there but it doesn't come naturally simply because they are both the same, only different sizes. (double bass, I mean). Basses are tuned in fourths and violins/cellos in fifths. Ray Brown did a great LP taking the lead on pizzicato cello. I wonder whether he retuned it in fourths.[/quote] Good point - it always takes me a few seconds to adjust if I switch from bass or guitar to mandolin, for example, because of the tuning.
  13. Like I said earlier, you either get it or you don't. I wish I knew how to make people get it! Especially the other bass player in my band! Playing classical music from a score is one skill - the individual creativity comes from things like your choice of tempo, timbre, dynamics etc. Jamming or improvising is another skill altogether. Not everyone's blessed with both, and those of us lucky to have both struggle to understand those who don't. As many similar discussions on these forums testify!
  14. I play violin and viola. I'm not sure how, if at all, it affects my bass playing. You either get it or you don't, I think. Piano is more helpful because it gives you direct exposure to harmony and counterpoint. However I strongly disagree with Yanto's statement that reading musing deprives you of the chance to be creative. That's like saying Grahame Greene would have been a better writer if he hand't wasted so much time reading books! Or have I missed your point?
  15. I watched it, and whilst its not my cup of tea musically, its great to see someone as experienced as he is still enjoying his music so much. I think its fascinating how much effort he puts into the attack/tone/timbre of each and every note. My 10 year old loved it. Bass player was great too - excellent timing.
  16. The Dirtbombs, at the Faversham in Leeds on 4th December. Detroit's finest - 2 drummers, 2 bassists and a guitar/vocalists. Almost perfect!
  17. Jam Studios is ok. [url="http://www.jamstudios.co.uk/"]http://www.jamstudios.co.uk/[/url]
  18. [quote name='Stingray5' post='309636' date='Oct 19 2008, 02:08 AM']Thanks for expanding on that, tauzero. I knew someone more qualified would probably be able to shed more light on this.[/quote] Thanks to you both for the info.
  19. All very terrifying - glad you made it through! Sorry to be a bit dim (no pun intended), but what do you mean by a 'sleeved' mains plug.
  20. Good Good timing Read well (though I've never had to playing bass) Good ear Well behaved Bad Too old, ugly, fat and bald to fit into the bands I would like to join
  21. [quote name='Raggy' post='292585' date='Sep 26 2008, 11:44 AM']There is no soul in an electric drum kit.[/quote] This reminds me of a journalist friend of mine who wrote, many years ago, that "no-one will ever be able to coax soul out of a drum machine". Three weeks later "Sexual healing" was released...
  22. Can I suggest deferring any discussion about whether X player studied theory or not, and focus on providing information and experience of theory courses and exams. I completed grade 8 ABRSM theory many years ago and found it a wholly enlightening experience, and my playing of any instrument (both in terms of skill and enjoyment) have increased as a result. The ABRSM workbooks and sample papers are cheap and excellent. My 9 year old recently did the grade 1 exam, scoring 98%! It has reactivated his interest in the piano. I'd say do it, and I thoroughly recommend the Associated Board. Get a teacher if you need one, but read the books and do the sample papers yourself first. And feel free to PM me with any questions. Martin.
  23. You can also do grade exams in theory - very worthwhile in my opinion.
  24. I contacted Medicine for the Meek but apparently I'm too old. At 45. For an [i]Americana band[/i]! Bastards.
  25. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='282837' date='Sep 12 2008, 06:47 PM']hows this fella getting on?[/quote] I've had no acknowledgement from GuyL since I posted it to him on 17th July. Martin
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