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Posts posted by gs_triumph

  1. I bought some branded velcro with extra strong adhesive and attached it directly to the foam. It seems to be holding. Only time will tell.

    Like I said, if you use the pedals on the floor they are very stable and don't move at all on carpet or smooth flooring... But it is a pain when using them on a pedal board.

    Good to see they've switched to rubber feet on the newer pedals

  2. Hey guys,

    I'm sure EBS has the best backing on pedals in terms of them being used stand alone on the floor but they are a pain on pedal board.

    I bought most of my pedals used off here so most had Velcro already attached, and the foam already removed. However I have had a reshuffle and am left with a selection of pedals without Velcro that need attaching to my pedal train board.

    Any one got any tips for removing the foam off the back of EBS pedals in order to attach Velcro?

  3. I agree. The scooped modes are pretty useless to me but I have a bright amp and it just doesn't seem to agree. However in normal mode it's superb.

  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1494889776' post='3299414']
    I reread that and it sounded like I was saying put 2 straplocks on the bass. . . what I meant was keep the button on the bass (in the usual place) and put 2 locks on the strap.

    cheers, I was thinking along those lines :D

    I'm going to give the longer strap a shot before any further strap locks are applied

  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1494868813' post='3299197']
    If you put 2 Dunlop strap locks on a long strap, at the bridge end of the bass, at the required places for pick and fingers, you could easily switch from one to the other with very little fuss.
    Great idea! Might give that a bash

  6. I've had a half hour playing with a longer strap, bass at buckle height. Felt odd playing with fingers but I guess that's just a case of getting used to it. Much more comfortable on the pick tho.

    I suffer with carpol tunnel syndrome so I guess it won't be long before I'll know if things aren't right.

    Thanks guys

  7. Guys,

    Until now i have generally played with fingers, resisting the pick out of pure snobbery and a desire to learn to play the bass "properly".

    I am beginning to appreciate the sounds produced using a pick and am now trying some of the songs we play with a pick where i have previously used fingers... With some very positive results!

    Now my problem is that when playing with fingers I generally have the bass up quite high, just touching my chest. However with a pick I am far more comfortable with the bass hanging lower, near my waist. Where I previously used a pick for one song in our set list, and was happy to just suffer the bass being in the 'wrong' position. Now I am using a pick more often I am finding i'd prefer to have the bass lower for these songs.

    How do you guys cope when switching between pick and fingers? Change straps during the set? Change basses?

  8. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1494496416' post='3296451']
    Told you it was awesome :) glad you like

    Turns out you were right! Cheers lad.

  9. Thanks,
    Had a rehearsal last night. This pedal sounds awesome.
    Does lovely bassy grind through to a proper sizzle and the blend knob keeps it in check.

    Well impressed!

  10. Looking for my first fuzz pedal and stumbled across the EBS fuzzmo at a very attractive price... £55 new.

    Can't really seem to find much info about it. Few clips on the tube make it sound good to my ears but I don't have any experience with fuzz and I'm worried it will disappear when playing with the rest of the band. Has a blend which would appear to be a go-to feature on a fuzz.

    Any love for this pedal?

    Or should I just go with the flow get a big muff deluxe?

  11. Guys,
    Looking for some guidance.

    I bought a used RH750 that came with the RS4 footswitch but only a two metre cable.

    I ordered one of these from Amazon Designacable 5 m Belden Midi Lead Cable - Black https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01F57I298/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_G4p7yb1B4YK4A
    It arrived today but it doesn't work.

    Is it the wrong cable? (Wired incorrectly?) Or is it faulty?

    The description stated this if it helps -

    Quote "The plugs are metal REAN 5 pin dins, male to male, wired PIN 2 to 2, PIN 4 to 4 and PIN 5 to 5."

    Can you recommend a cable of at least 5m that will work? (Preferably from Amazon because ideally I need it tomorrow and i have prime)



  12. Hi,

    I am selling a few pedals on gumtree. Someone contacted me suggesting they might like to rent one of them.
    They suggested using a website called fatlama.com.
    Has anyone used it either from the point of view of offering rental or renting equipment?

  13. Yip... The exactly the same email today.

    I guess they are scanning cookies or something to send you something relevant to browsing history?

    They try to get you to click the link to a site that looks like the site they posing as where you then enter your username and password.

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