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Posts posted by gs_triumph

  1. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1470338920' post='3105337']
    I'm certainly holding off on any major purchases until I know what's going on, and it sounds like many others are doing the same.

    And that's exactly what's going to stagnate the used prices. Used prices won't increase along with the increased price of new instruments because people need to believe they have that kind of cash to blow.

  2. I too was a remain voter but that horse has bolted...
    One good thing I think can come of it is that home produced goods will become more attractively priced versus their imported (tariffed) counterparts.
    People might decide to buy a UK produced custom bass over a US built example.

  3. I had a Zoom b3 and sold it because I found it too fiddly and overwhelming to get set up as a first time effects user. Too many options... Laptop needed for set up. I think I'd get a lot more out of one now I have gone down the single pedals route and I have a bit more experience in general with effects. ... Still no going back there.

  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1469893297' post='3101848']

    Again. It depends what you're using it for.

    Normally it's part of your pre-amp so it goes before the FX loop.

    Unless you're using pedal effects when it would then be after them.

    Unless you're using a compressor pedal in which case it goes before your pedal FXs.
    Yes, it's a pedal... EBS multicomp

    So you think it should be first in line after the bass?

  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1469865778' post='3101539']
    It is funny how a popular opinion or trend gets picked up on here and comes back completely different after a while.
    It happens quite a lot here and this is one of those subjects.
    Never used it, never needed to.
    In studio and out front are places that the engr will likely address, but I don't see any point for backline.

    Where do you put it in the signal chain?

    Exactly what I'm pondering just now. Got ale bass preamp with an effects loop and can't decide where it should go.
    Originally has it after my octave but moved it to before as this helped the octaver. Then I tried it last in chain just before the amp and it sounded better for general playing (don't really use the octave anyway)... However since getting the le bass I can't decide if it should go in the effects loop of after the preamp... Complicated business this 😜

  6. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1469809334' post='3101267']
    Hello, my name is Bri...... i have been a pedal addict for 30 years now


    And wow! You really do have too much time on your hands :)

  7. This probably wouldn't be so bad if we didn't jam on Wed evening and I just happened to hit upon an awesome tone that was really busting through the mix. Plenty low end and nough grit and mids to really shine. Chuffed to bits.

    .. My two new pedals arrived today 😯

  8. I started from that place... And was there for the 20 lax years I've played, off and on.
    As soon as I decide to take it a bit more seriously I get involved in this underworld of dirt and grime.

    ... And multiple overdrive pedals

  9. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1469646188' post='3100060']

    Now you're getting used to using pedals, time to experiment with another Zoom B3, or maybe an MS-60B.

    You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

    No no and thrice no! 🙂

  10. I seem to be on a slippery slope.

    This time last year I had no effects what do ever. Not even a tuner pedal... Built in tune in amp.

    I bought a Zoom b3 as an experiment last year... Couldn't get on with it. Too fiddly. So I bought a tuner, EBS multicomp and a multidrive from the for sale section of the forum. I enjoyed them so I bought a unichorus. I was offered a dha bass valvedrive so took it. Liked that for a while. Worked well in the house but not in the rehearsal room. Sold that. Bought a BassIQ envelope filter. No idea why!? Just fancied it. Only ever use it for playing Sir psycho sexy in the house as we don't play it in the band. In fact... I don't really use effects in the band at all other than a bit of light overdrive and use Chorus on one song . Which is why I have now bought a Two Notes Le Bass from the sale section??? And another boutique drive pedal off the 'Bay.

    I need stopping!

    I used to wonder why folks bothered with bass effects. They are a bit like musical heroin!
    Is there some kind of rehab subforum? I might need barred from the classified section 😉

  11. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1469539676' post='3099145']
    A current doubler is what you want, like these:



    Although you might find that the Artec can power it without one, worth a try!

    I'll give it a bash without it but 300 to 500 seems a big step up, no?
    I take it neither will get damaged if it's not enough?

    Thanks DannyB

  12. Have moved the comp to first after tuner, before the octaver... cha-ching! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?&app=forums&module=extras&section=legends#"]:sun_bespectacled:[/url] it tracks better at the lower end now.

    Got a BassIQ today... have popped it in after the octave for now as we are jamming tonight. Will hopefully get the chance to have a play around with pedal order at the weekend. And I've shifted the DHA on... liked it a lot in my home set up but it got really lost when at rehearsal rooms with the rest of the band. - as an aside, does anyone else find the TC BH500 to sound very muddy? :unsure:

    Will probably have a look for another drive pedal soon enough... Bass Soul Food maybes

  13. Normally I play 3 or 4 times a week... Mainly cos I really need the practice 😀 However due to unfortunate circumstances my girlfriends hobby took up a lot less of her time than normal for the last three or four months. Obviously the knock on effect is that I have to donate all of my time to 'quality time'.
    New ponies arrived last week so I am looking forward to some 'me' time 😉

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