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Posts posted by gs_triumph

  1. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1467542810' post='3084362']

    I thought I might try one, they are £4 each and got all the way to check-out, and was amazed to see that the postage is £3.99.

    I happily splash out on all kinds of things, but come on, £3.99 to post one little plectrum which would fit in an envelope? :(

    Typical of Amazon these days. I'd order when ordering something else that qualifies for free postage.

  2. I use these ebony picks with the hole in the middle.
    Easy to grip. Love em.

  3. thanks guys, some great feedback there.

    I'll definitely try compressor in front of the octaver and see how that works for me.

    Likewise, once I get the envelope filter i'll experiment a bit. I'm kinda sold on the EBS as I like the simplicity of operating them however I will check out the MXR.

    In the mean time i'm going to move the DHA to after the chorus as Trevor suggests... just coz I've never tried it!

  4. Hi,

    I have a wee selection of effects now and was just wanting to gauge opinion on the order. I've read a fair few threads and there seems to be many differing opinions! Which is leading to my curiosity to just check with you guys.

    I currently have in this order :

    Bass >
    Dean Markley tuner
    Ebs octabass
    Ebs multicomp
    Ebs multidrive
    Dha valvetone bass
    Ebs unichorus
    > Amp

    I am looking to add an envelope filter, probably an ebs bassiq - I do like their simple two knob design!

    What would you change in the above order and where would you drop the envelope filter in?



  5. I guess cheap is all in the eye of the individual.... an £800 fender might be cheap to some folks budgets.

    I sold my Ibby ATK200 to buy an ATK800... the 800 is light years ahead of the 200 in terms of sound and playability... and should be, it cost three times as much new.

    however, I am still hankering for the Ibby Jet King I tried when I was trying out basses and took the ATK200 home.. doh! bad decision. Regretted it ever since.

  6. Hi,

    I am new to recording having only just ordered a multitrack recorder - Zoom R24

    This seems like a dumb question but what cable do i need to order to connect the DI out on my amp - Ampeg BA115HP - to my new recorder... when It arrives?

    I know its XLR but I am not sure about balanced vs unbalanced etc.

    Cheers in advance for any guidance

  7. I use Schaller copies but only because they make removing and attaching the strap easier.... Something I have to do when taking my bass out and back into its case. Saves the eyelet on the strap from getting stretched out.

    If i never had to take the strap off I'd just stick with grolsch washers.

  8. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1462796656' post='3045676']

    Yeah, this is the one


    I still have that onVHS somewhere... Just don't have the means to play it 🙁

  9. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1462621332' post='3044437']
    Did the same thing recently. Good idea. Is strange playing a guitar after bass - feels like a kids toy but get used to it after a while.

    The strings do feel very toy don't they!

  10. Last weekend I was selling a generator on gum tree. After a number of the usual gumtree random texts asking 'What's your best price?' I got a call from guy desperate for the generator but lacking in the necessary funds to buy it. He asked ifi was interested in swaps, I said not really but try me.
    After offering several power tools and his wife's bike and me declining he mentioned a guitar. I asked for more detail on the guitar and he told me or was a no name thing... A Westwood. I thought Westfield. So I asked home to bring it over for a look.

    He brought this little beaut over...

    Eastwood Wandre... Delighted. Deal done!

    That'll do nicely for a bit of song writing.

    Not played guitar for around twenty years so taking a bit of getting used to. Don't expect I'll be playing like Hendrix any time soon!

    Loving it!

  11. I prefer playing with fingers as that's what I'm used to but my band mates prefer I play with a pick due to the attack and the fact it cuts through the wall of guitar fuzz the lead guitarist creates.

    I don't mind playing witha pick - and I agree with the guitarist to certain degree about cutting through - but he could easily turn the f**k down instead ☺

  12. I still have my first bass - '81 Ibanez blazer. Still have it. Love it. Currently got it strung with flats.

    I paid £100 for it from a second hand shop at the top of Leith Walk, twenty years ago. Had no idea what was buying. Had never even picked a bass up before that day!
    I have no intention of ever selling it.

  13. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1461004047' post='3030579']
    I tend to go with http://www.designacable.com. Neutrik jack plugs, Van Damme cables and lots of lovely colours if you want. Decent price too.

    +1 for designacable

    I like the neutrik with sommers braided cables

  14. It's a chorus (pre-true bypass), compressor and octabass.

    Will have a look at the into you suggested.

    Edit: That's expensive! Bit beyond my budget for now with having just payed for the pedals. Will keep it in mind for future tho. Good find.

  15. Hi guys,

    I am putting together my first pedal board since moving on from multieffects and am now looking for a power solution.

    I have a DHA VT2 Ovedrive, 3x EBS pedals plus a tuner.

    Most of the lower end power bricks will cope easily with the EBS pedals and the tuner but none seem to have the output required to run the DHA which requires a minimum .5A @ 12v but 1.2A @ 12v is recommended. It's looking like I might buy this (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/391244862919?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT) and continue with the DHA on its own supply

    Any suggestions?

  16. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1460134859' post='3023007']
    I did at one point think of getting a YOB bass, but I don't like P Basses that much, 1965 J Basses are pretty expensive and the gibsons are pretty awful around that time.
    In the end I played a 1965 P Bass, and thought that you are paying for something just due to its date, that with the same money you could get something fantastic (which it wasn't) so it didn't really make much sense.
    You could relate that to Classic cars. You are buying style/rarilty over function. Similar type of market.

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