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Everything posted by gs_triumph

  1. Sounds like 'fun'... Seriously 😀
  2. Greg duilli of the afghan whigs has on two occasions that I've seen stopped the gig due to flashes going off and people filming. I applaud him for it! Hie many of these videos are ever watched again... Even once!?!? I get people taking the odd snap as a momento but the videos are so bad. The sound is also awful and I would say that sound was the main reason for attending gigs.
  3. One of the best things I ever saw was someone filming gaslight anthem on an I pad - really!? - in Edinburgh. Someone behind them reached forward under the I pad and slapped it back launching it through the air. Needles to say a scuffle ensued but there was a massive cheer!
  4. I just got an email back from him this morning advising it will be delivered next week. There was a delay in him receiving foot switches. I understand that delays in themselves are often unavoidable but they can be communicated better.
  5. Hi, Just curious if anyone else has ordered from. Cog lately? And how long it took to get their pedals? I placed an order on 3rd October for a Rogue One and was told it would be a 10-12 week build time. It is now very nearly 17 weeks and still no pedal. The only time I hear anything from Tom is when I email him, there is no proactive communication from him at all advising of delays etc. Feeling a bit let down and just wondering if anyone else is experiencing same issues?
  6. Ahem... A judge AND an interpretor 😉
  7. That's not a disability tho is it? maybe an inability. I'm really torn on this issue. Part of me thinks its crazy. Part of me sees the issue from the participants point of view that she just wants to join in with her daughter. But here has to be a line. As suggested earlier about the blind student being advised to take a film and media course, requiring a full time assistant... bonkers! any way you look at it. I knew a person years ago who was numerically dyslexic, and quite severe too, struggling with basic arithmetic. Despite failing Maths at school he was accepted on an accountancy degree course but required significant support and was provided with resources such as laptops free of charge, extra tuition and had course fees paid for due to his "disability". The thing that annoyed me about this was he was from a fairly privileged back ground with both parents in well paying jobs - GP and lawyer - who could easily have afforded to support him. He struggled constantly through the two and half years of the course, didn't enjoy it at all, before bailing out to pursue a career in retail.
  8. I thought about posting this this morning but thought it wouldnt be received well. Glad it's not just me who thinks its a bit PC gone mad. I agree the promoter did make a fair offer to allow them to bring their own interpreter but the law states they have to make the experience as close to the full experience an 'able' person would receive. I guess an interpreter can get the emotion / rhythm across better than written words. Where does it go for smaller acts/venues? Will you need to find somewhere in the budget for a signer next time you play the dog & duck?
  9. Is this on the back of the radiohead/Lana del rey debacle? 🤔😁
  10. This should be interesting (given my band has never gigged yet...)
  11. Good choice sir! Got my eye on a panerai... Cannae see it happening
  12. I've tried a couple of cheaper mini tuners... Ebay style things. They perform pretty well but I got a polytune mini and have to say it is more accurate and just feels better built.
  13. It's a subjective term that you can't nail them down on if it turns out it's a lemon. A well worded advert for used items can leave a lot of ambiguity.
  14. I had a rRodenberg GAS 728B... Tubescreamer based with a mid-forward sound. Can be had as a stand alone drive pedal in the 808b guise. Great sounding pedal. Well worth a look.
  15. Thought I was the only person who's ever seen this film 😁 Gold hardware does not look pretty to me.
  16. I have received my Sdrum pedal but have had very little time with it so far. Maybe around an hour spent mucking around with it. First of all is is quite intuitive to get started. The strumming feature doesn't work very well on bass. Kick drum works pretty well on the muted E string but the muted G results in a lot kick/snare combos rather than just snare. Might have to work on my technique. I've tried both fingers and pick and get pretty much the same result after recalibration. Using the drum pads on the pedal works just fine for me anyway. I doubt it'll ever get used live. Very much a practice and song writing tool for me. The auto generated chorus works fairly well. You can create your own too. Same with the bridge part tho it doesn't auto generate without intervention. Im quite tempted to get a Jamman Solo XT now...
  17. Great drive pedal. Very adaptable. Does everything from mild tube grit up to mild distortion. Not the best at anything but very good at everything it does.
  18. Standard insurance practice really. You claim off your own insurance first in a car accident. It's your insurance company who claims from 'their' insurance company.
  19. Sounds the same as the one I got. Best left in the ignore bin!
  20. Kinda got my GAS surge out of the way in 16/17. Just waiting for the Digitech Sdrum pedal ive ordered... Should be at home waiting for me getting home from a new year break. ... And the cog rogue one that was ordered a wee while back... I'm hoping that will arrive before the end of Jan. Then I'm all done 😊
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