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el borracho

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Everything posted by el borracho

  1. The Sam Brown one brought this to mind featuring Ginger Baker
  2. It looks identical to the finish on one I had in the early/mid 80s.
  3. Queen - I actually used to quite like them & bought 2 or 3 albums in the 70s but.... i've just heard enough. I can't seem put the radio on without hearing them.
  4. A quick Google search on the image shows that it's Rosetti - didn't expect that one. https://eastmidlandsmusic.com/product/rosetti-ukulele-strings/
  5. There were two basses in 1982ish made a big impression on me, both white Precisions with tort scratchplates. Gerry McAvoy & John McCoy. I really wanted a white P bass with tort scratchplate. I never did get a white one! Probably quite uniquely on this thread, I could at the moment buy one of these basses. John McCoy's actual bass is up for sale (if I had £7.5k) although it has changed a bit assuming it's the same one.
  6. Haha - never tried it outdoors. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it!
  7. I asked this question a couple of months back and got some very helpful advice - cheers guys. After much thought I decided I didn't need the amp models so went for the Effects. I'm really happy with it & on a steep learning curve. My fears over being unable to read the displays were completely unfounded - I can see them no problem. As I had a gig coming up I initially set it up as 6 individual stomp boxes. Now that's out of the way it's time to start experimenting with the snapshots!
  8. Really glad I read this thread. About a month ago I suddenly developed bad tinnitus in my left ear. I've had high pitched ringing in both ears for years but this is much louder, lower in pitch and variable in volume. I've worn ear plugs for 25 years but assumed it was down to the band I've recently started rehearsing with - I've even been trying different ear plugs the last couple of weeks. I couldn't understand why the sudden inexplicable change. Then I read the above quote & a realisation came over me. I suffered a head injury last month when I split my forehead open by whacking it off a rock while walking in the Lakes (loads of blood/concussion/Ambulance/ A&E/ stitches etc) & that's when it started. It never occurred to me there was any link between tinnitus & head injuries.... you learn something every day!
  9. Another one who I believe was originally a guitarist was Jamie Stewart of The Cult. He actually played rhythm guitar on one of their mid 80s tours (they got Kid Chaos of Zodiac Mindwarp to fill in on bass).
  10. During lockdown I sold off all my effects as I hadn't needed them in years. Predictably I have now joined a band where I need effects & Line 6 looks like way to go. Got a problem though - I'm having issues at the minute with my vision - it's a passing phase until I probably need varifocals. I wear reading glasses & can see very little close up without them - distance is OK but between 3-5 feet it's pretty blurry - not good when using pedals!! Does anyone have similar experiences & could advise which is the best re clarity? The Stomp display looks to be a decent size whereas the Effects displays possibly too small. Most probably can't help as you can see them OK! The problem should be resolved when my next optician's visit is due but currently is a real pain. I can't even make out my amp settings & struggle seeing the fret dots on maple neck basses! I can't play with the reading glasses on as I can't see beyond 2-3 feet & they make the neck appear bent! Aarghh - hate getting old 😬
  11. I see my Precision as this
  12. Where does my MIM Fender with an early Hard Puncher neck complete with Tokai logo stand? A fake Tokai!
  13. Got our first one this week. I finally get to meet the new guitarist!
  14. First one I can recall hating was Supertramp. Dreamer used to drive me mad. Fast forward about 5 years & an about turn after buying Breakfast In America I ended up buying Crime of the Century complete with Dreamer. I still love the album & song now. Also from the late 70s I couldn't bear anything by Madness. That was until I saw them at Glastonbury in 1986. It completely changed my view & I have seen them about 10 times since.
  15. The guy out of the Leningrad Cowboys
  16. Different one. Cheers anyway!
  17. Out of interest, what was the serial number? I bought one on here a couple of months ago which never got to me as it was lost by Hermes.
  18. Me too except I got close 20 years ago! In the late 90s I found a record I wanted on a stall at Tynemouth Market but they were doing 10 albums for something like £3 - so I randomly picked 9 I'd never heard of before - Lake's first album being one of them. Shortly afterwards I redecorated & the record player went in the loft never to be seen again - until last year. I dug the vinyl out & came across this Lake album still sealed in it's cellophane after 20+ years so I opened it & gave it a listen - it got me on the first song. Great stuff - especially some of the solos on the outro of Between The Lines. Another one I've discovered during lockdown is Max Webster (& Kim Mitchell's solo albums). I recall seeing their albums in the shops when I was 16 or so but had never heard them. A really good band.
  19. I started on bass (after an unsuccessful start on guitar) in early 80s but took up the drums in 1985. I was a drummer for the next 8 years although I regularly played the bass as well. Then a band I joined just wasn't working. We all played other instruments so advertised for guitar, bass, drums or keyboards. We got a drummer, so I went to bass, bass to guitar, guitar to keyboards & keyboards stuck to vocals. It gelled instantly. The next band I joined was on bass - for 20+ years - and I didn't play the drums again until about 5 years ago but I'm back on the bass again now.
  20. They were marketed by Fender below the Squiers - sub £100 if I remember rightly. I think they were made in India, possibly from the same factory as the similar era Encores. They didn't play too badly but the ones I tried were very heavy.
  21. I've got an early 80s Roadster which I love, but my biggest regret is selling the Blazer that preceded it when I got the Roadster in 1985. At the time I didn't have any idea the Blazer was a particularly good bass - bought & sold for £125. I'd just started playing & didn't like the colour (ie it wasn't black) so moved it on, but in retrospect...
  22. Yes it's a Roadster RS824
  23. I played one the same as this right through the 80s. Still got it but doesn't get much use these days.
  24. Roland G77
  25. Westone Rail
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