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el borracho

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Everything posted by el borracho

  1. He actually sold that on here a few years ago. I was going to put a link on but the pictures have gone - blame Photobucket. I first saw it in a magazine article in the early 90s and at one time looked at building a similar one but I couldn't get the proportions right with a long scale P body . Pre internet I didn't have much to refer to.
  2. I was going to see Reverend Horton Heat on Monday - been put back a year. I was really looking forward to that. Next up was The Legendary Shack Shakers - also put back a year
  3. Not sure if I posted on this 8 years ago but here goes again if I did - probably with a variation on the facts as it was longer ago! I used a 70s rig in the mid 90s for about 18 months. It was a 1971 Marshall Artiste 100W guitar head through an early 70s White 4x12 . It was very loud and had a lot of low end. Actually there wasn't much else. I played a lot of gigs with it (we were playing about 100 a year at that point) and only stopped using it as my brother, who owned the head, wanted it back. I replaced it with a Peavey MkVI & 1x15 which got some abuse but took it all. Earlier I had a Stingray head in the mid 80s through the same White 4x12 and was quite happy with it. Incredibly the speakers out of the White (25W Celestions) are still going strong to this day in a friend's Marshall 4x12!
  4. Got a Hohner L60 (Korean Samick made). I would take a picture but I can't remember where it is! It's the same as this one I would like a Tele but can't justify as I never really play the guitar - maybe I'll build one one day.
  5. It was these two for me - John McCoy & Gerry McAvoy - I aspired to a white/tort Precision & they both played them. At the time I wouldn't have believed I would never get to own one - a white one anyway 😀 Still it's never too late...
  6. New music - well new to me - Max Webster
  7. Just had a flashback to one of my earliest examples of GAS. I had just started playing in 1982 and bought a US guitar magazine with this ad in it. It obviously made an impression as 38 years later I instantly thought of it!
  8. Surprisingly I can't see that anyone has mentioned Dusty Hill. I then just randomly picked this as a live video & realised I can see myself on it - I'm in the crowd!!
  9. Me too. I'd just got myself playing again after a 2 year hiatus with learning a full set of songs for a dep that's looking increasingly unlikely to happen. Then I wanted to find myself a new band. Got a new amp 3 weeks ago and haven't been able to try it out properly yet!
  10. Gerry & John McCoy were the two bass players I saw at 16/17 that inspired me to take up the bass!!
  11. First concert - T Rex Newcastle City Hall though technically the first band I saw was the support - The Damned (see below for relevance) Last concert - The Sweet Dec 2019 Gateshead Sage Best concert - Status Quo Frantic Four Glasgow O2 2013 Worst concert - Wrathchild Newcastle Riverside 1985ish Loudest concert - Kiss Newcastle City Hall 1985ish Seen the most - Either The Damned or Dan Baird & Homemade Sin (sadly never again ☹️) Most surprising - The Stranglers Tyne Theatre early 2000s - I didn't want to go! Next concert - Legendary Shack Shakers Wish I would have seen - Boxer or Patto (I first heard of them when Tommy Vance played an old session as an obituary to Mike Patto) Wish I could see again - Frantic Four
  12. I bought one of these new in 1984 for (I think) £195. It was my first proper bass amp - up to that point I was using a 50 watt WEM guitar amp. I was quite happy with it and general concencus at the time was that Carlsbro was something to aspire to if you couldn't afford Peavey or Laney which were the only brands widely available in the local shops when I was looking. They were certainly recommended to me by more experienced players than myself. After about a year I sold it and got a 150 watt Stingray head with a homebuilt (by somebody) 1x15 & a White 4x12 (the speakers of which are still going strong in a friend's Marshall cab) I found the amp plenty loud enough for 150 watts and I don't recall being unhappy with the sound. Also, remember in those days the average pub band PA was a 150 watt mixer head with a pair of 100 watt 1x12s and nobody ever seemed to bother micing anything up so the quality of the sound was probably pretty irrelevant 😁
  13. None ☹️ - for the first time since 1983 Not for lack of trying though. At the beginning of the year I was still in a band but despite my best efforts it fell apart. I have applied for a few positions but haven't even managed one audition. Three times I had them arranged then the existing bass player decided not to leave - the others either messed me around or never even bothered replying. I did join the house band at a local buskers for a few weeks in the summer but got replaced by a previous incumbent who wanted to return - until 3 weeks later when he left again! I never went back. Got two dep gigs lined up for this year so off to a better start.
  14. I played a gig with a band Derek Forbes was in a few years ago. He played the D on a looper then played over the top of it.
  15. IMO House of Fun by Madness. I have always loved the instrumental bits and verses but find the chorus really weak. I heard it only yesterday and thought the same thing.
  16. I liked this one - Barenaked Ladies - Barenaked for the Holidays
  17. Adam Ant - surprisingly good!
  18. Summerfields were Newcastle and Gateshead based and were the Ibanez importers in the 70s/80s. I think the company still exits in some form. My first ever guitar was a CSL Strat
  19. Just seen this thread. I was about to say that I thought it was a Mighty Mite neck as I have one that looks identical. Can't help with the body though.
  20. John McCoy (if you can't guess!). Also from around the same time Gerry McAvoy and Chris Glen.
  21. He's called Michael O'Leary. The Ryan Air founder was Tony Ryan who died about 10 years ago. I've made the same mistake before!!
  22. My current 3 (I'm getting very intolerant as I get older and could make a much longer list!) would be Summer of 69 - never liked it much Hotel California - just heard it way too many times Sweet Child o Mine - on my first listen of the album I commented that I didn't like that song much - 30 odd years later I still hear the damn thing every few days...aarrrgghh
  23. I have various things i have owned since the early 80s - a couple of pedals - a Shin-Ei fuzz box & a 60s Vox Wah Swell a Tama Flexi Flyer which is still my go to pedal whenever I get behind the kit Two brass knobs off a 1980ish Ibanez Blazer 6 string which have been on my bitsa P for the last few years
  24. They probably got away with the name as well, claiming it stood for Epsom Mad Funkers but the B side of Unbelievable was called EMF and featured the lyrics E Ecstacy, M Mot***f**ers, F From us to you, or something along those lines. I still hear Unbelievable on the radio now - they still haven't noticed !!
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