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el borracho

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Everything posted by el borracho

  1. RE Waterfront I played a gig supporting Four Good Men a few years ago (ex Simple Minds/Big Country etc). Derek Forbes did indeed play the main bass line on a looper and then played (different line) over the top of it.
  2. They can cause neck dive - it depends on the bass. The same Hipshot makes my (well balanced) Jazz neck heavy but has no noticeable effect on two Precisions. Presumably the Jazz is right on the tipping point already. A friend has one his Jazz without problems.
  3. Until now! E,G,D,A of course... Why I've no idea but I've been doing it that way for 35 years. Got a feeling someone told me to to it that way - maybe?? 😃
  4. After my "doom & gloom" post yesterday I actually picked up a bass today and just played for a few minutes. Maybe writing about it made something click in my head - need to keep going with it 😁
  5. After playing pretty much every day for the last 35 years (I couldn't pass the bass without picking it up for a minute for a long time) I don't think I've picked up a bass since before I last went on holiday in early October. My band drifted into the ether after the last gig in April and I have gradually stopped playing. I'm still looking for another band but it seems that without the need to practice or learn songs I don't have the motivation to play. I think about buskers nights sometimes but they're always on school nights and I don't have much desire to play Mustang Sally or Rockin in the Free World!
  6. I was reading this thread and "Ken" came immediately to mind before I read your post 😁
  7. That's pretty similar to mine. I wasn't aware it was a custom colour - I just liked it!
  8. Stop The Cavalry itself - it wasn't written as a xmas song
  9. Cheap Trick. They were supporting Def Leppard but we didn't hang around for them. Last time I saw them, in 1986, they were supporting Motley Crue but I didn't hang around for them either 😆 Last night I saw Dan Baird & Homemade Sin. The support was Joe Blanton backed by DB & HMS, so they played 45 mins then after a 15 minute break came on and did another 2 hours.
  10. Presumably with only one bass player...
  11. Of course - saw them at err... somewhere! I just know I saw them.
  12. Came across this on Youtube - a band called Deaf School. I can't remember them at all but unusually they have two bass players. Anyone know of any more (apart from Spinal Tap obviously!!) EDIT Just realised they haven't - it was a banjo headstock 😂😂
  13. Had a few strange ones over the years that I might have related before. Singer who didn't sing anything - he kept going to the mic, taking a breath then bottling it Drummer who did no fills whatsoever for an entire rehearsal, just an occasional cymbal. His timekeeping was spot on mind! Keyboard player who forgot his keyboard. Another keyboard player who was struggling with a song intro. The drummer showed him how to play it. He pressed some buttons & asked the drummer to repeat it. Turned out he had recorded what the drummer had played. When we were ready to start the song he simply pressed play then stood back and folded his arms 😂
  14. Rod Clements is back in the band again I believe. I was taught to play the bass by one of their bass players from the 70s, a guy called Tommy Duffy.
  15. I used an early 70s Marshall Artiste guitar head for a couple of years in the early 90s. It had loads of bottom end. I put it through an old White 4x12 with 25 watt Celestions. They don't seem to have suffered because they live on to this day - now fitted to a friend's Marshall 4x12.
  16. One of The Buggles follow up singles - Clean, Clean - had also previously been released as a Bruce Woolley single.
  17. Had one a few years back where we (badly) busked 30 seconds of a chart song someone kept shouting for (which we didnt do and had never played.) Of course it ended up on Youtube and got slated! Lesson learned...
  18. I've been listening to the first Lake album recently and I'm impressed. I bought it in the mid 90s as part of a job lot - ten albums for £5 and I only wanted one of them (not the Lake one) so I picked 9 random albums. Shortly after I ditched the record player and stopped listening to vinyl. Earlier this year I set it back up and dug all the old records out. The Lake album was still sealed so I thought I'd give it a spin. Still listening to it now.
  19. You could be right there. The only one of my P basses with neck dive is the 95 MIJ 62 reissue, complete with basswood body. The neck makes a difference as well. My Tokai now has a USA neck & balances fine. With the original (admittedly rather chunky) Tokai neck it dived quite badly. In fact I don't know why I still refer to it as a Tokai as it has no surviving Tokai parts 😁 - Triggers broom! I also once found that a Hipshot Detuner induced neck dive in a previously well balanced bass, so yes lightweight tuners could help.
  20. I'm listening to this album which I've wanted for nearly 40 years! It was on my 'to buy' list when I was 16 but I never got it - I finally picked up a copy. You can't see it in the link - it's the London RnB Sessions album recorded live at the Hope & Anchor.
  21. In the 80s I had a jacket exactly like that - the 50s ones that is , not Mr Byrne's! I got it at a shop that stocked vintage 50s American clothes. It never really occurred to me what the background to it was or it's history.
  22. I also saw it at the cinema when it came out. They had late night double bills after the pubs had closed (10.30 in those days kids!) and this was one of them. You're exactly right - the audience reacted ad if it were a live gig. I've watched it on DVD (might even have been VHS actually) but it was never the same.
  23. Another two - Martin Ace from Man (and of course the legendary Hope & Anchor House Band!) Justin Currie from Del Amitri Not sure how the quote box has appeared
  24. Slade On Stage which was recorded at Newcastle City Hall in December 1981. Great gig!
  25. An Ibanez Blazer which I sold in 1985. I don't think I had any concept at the time that it was actually a very good bass. - I just didn't like the colour. My current goto bitsa is fitted with brass Blazer knobs and bridge. I suspect I know who has the Blazer - maybe one day I'll try and buy it back!
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