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Everything posted by HarryPotter

  1. And remember: [b]If it looks too good to be true then it probably is.[/b]
  2. You're kinda linkin' parky kind of stuff. Pretty bloody good as well
  3. Basically chaps any tips for finishing the neck (it's unsealed / unfinished), I'd like a vintage fnish if possible. Likewise for the body - it's going to be black, I jsut need to seal it. Also where can I get decals from? TIA
  4. Kit arrived today, the wood is of excellent quality, 3 piece alder body (basically one big lump and small wings), neck is excellent with lovely medium to vintage frets (I dont care for jumbos, I like to feel the wood under my fingers). Communication was excellent, postage was 24hr, and they gave me exactly what I asked for, a PJ body, maple Jazz neck and black scratchplate with the holes for neck & bridge pre-frilled into the body. Can't ask for more that that. I know I am going to enjoy building and playing this one.
  5. I was also thinking of 'the face' from the wall.
  6. That was certainly high on the list of options Also tempted by the Pulse Cover.
  7. The decision for me is the body finish, being a huge Pink Floyd fan my first inclination was the black body / black pickguard / maple neck. But I have now being thinking about a themed paint finish (I am pretty hand at paint jobs etc.) so was thinking about a painted design a la Pink Floyd. Any suggestions? TIA
  8. Just ordered a PJ body with a Jazz neck (Maple) and all the gubbins from Brandoni. Acording to them the wood bits are made in the Fender factory in Japan, not sure how true this is but as long as the quality is half way to the other Jap guitars I have / have had (Tokais) then I am gonna be one happy bunny. I'll probably replace most of the hardware, it's more decent wood I was interested in (ooh-err missus!). Now, how to finish the body.....
  9. Lets not forget Mr Waters if we are discussing picked P's please.
  10. I was kind of hoping a NIgerian Scammer had bought it, that's just a win win situation. Sort of
  11. Right guys, finally spoken to my friend last night about the straps John_the_bass - strap to your spec would be £40 or less (depends upon the cost of the buckle) plus a few £ for P&P. Lead time would be about 3 weeks from you saying yes. He can do black or the saddle leather colour (kind of a dark tan). Odub, a strap to your spec would be £35 (= a few £ P&P) lead time and colour options as per john_the_bass above. If you want to go for it then let me know. Cheers.
  12. Cort Curbow, very light, fret markers on the edge of the fretboard (where you need them if standing up) and the easiest playing neck I have found so far. Oh, and they look cool.
  13. Tried one of these in sh!te control the other week, I thought teh neck was fantastic, never actually realised it was closer to jazzer dimensions than I realised, which kind of explains why I liked it so much.
  14. Guys, I didn't see the chap yesterday (he is a fireman and was on duty) so It looks like being Saturday (curry night).
  15. Sorry to be a pain but do you have any dimensions for teh neck at the nut and say the 5th fret? I tried one of the telecaster headstock precisions recently and really liked that neck, just cant get along with the current precisions.
  16. Whats the neck like? It's the kind of bass I want but I struggle with Precision necks (more of a jazzer). I live in Leek so popping over isn't too much of a problem. TIA.
  17. [quote name='odub' post='88996' date='Nov 15 2007, 04:11 PM']Oh I was looking at getting a leather strap, but the custom made type things all need importing. So yeah, details.[/quote] Can you give me an idea of colour, how long, how wide and decoration (embossing etc.) and I'll find out. He makes holsters and things for guns, I have had 2 rifle slings off of him and they were nice. TIA
  18. I have a friend that works leather if anybody is interested in a custom made strap.
  19. Do not strip the old finsih off if you want to spray it up, you would be effectively unsealing the grain again which makes for bloody hard work when spraying it. Just a handy tip there born from experience.
  20. Well all the girls crave 9. Apparently
  21. I thought it looks rather more suitable as a makeshift aircraft carrier, tell me, does it float?
  22. That has to be one of the coolest looking ironing boards ever.
  23. Not quite. What I want to hear myself playing is Fenders honest tone, that's what makes me happy. Because that's me and that's what I am. If I play with a group of musicians it's likely that my tone will fit in with theirs (i.e. simple and honest) because birds of a feather et al. I doubt I will ever want a Gilmour sized effects rack. For the same reasons I doubt I will ever play jazz style music, because it isn't me.
  24. [quote name='MB1' post='83605' date='Nov 4 2007, 05:43 PM']MB1. +1 By jove! Harry gets my vote! Why would anybody want to play a Trouser Press? [/quote] I now have a vision of Alan Partridge phoning a help desk because he has just taken his 12 string bass apart out of 'boredom'.
  25. [quote name='thumb4bob' post='83583' date='Nov 4 2007, 05:06 PM']well im a philosophy student so I saw this topic and had to post something But Im not sure Descartes or Rousseau had an opinion on P bass basses. Sooooooo i think it depends wheather your defining the P bass as THE electric bass (because it was the first) or as the electric fender P bass. As the first ever mass produced electric bass guitar it has been vastly improved on in my opinion, but then if it hadn't in over 50 years it would be a sad state of affairs. I don't personally think these high end companies make a better P than if you bought an old school fender model simply because nothing can be a better P bass than a P bass. If you make it sound "better" (cleaner, more modern) than you don't have a fender P bass you have something else. All these companies really do is make modern instruments in the shape of the P and Jazz because people are still atracted to those shapes but want a modern tone. Having said that I can understand people wanting the fender shapes especially people older than me simply becuse there was a good bet most of your favourate bassists played one. If some watches all there heroes playing these instruments it goes into their subconscious and when it becomes time for them to pick up an istrument and they want to play like jaco, obvious mental link buy a fender jazz! I would bet money on this happening less and less as the generations go by and fender has more and more competition in the market. Phew [/quote] There is merit in what you say, but as we get older we will also have an epiphany moment where we come to realise that we don't need 12 string basses with supercomuter standard effects. We simply need a simple honest tone, and then once you have seen the light, you reach for one of Leo's finest. It has happened to me, it's finally happening to my brother (what a relief) - He now plays an '84 Tokai Strat through an Orange valve amp, you don't need more.
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