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Everything posted by HarryPotter

  1. Given your ages and possible appearances, why not something tongue in cheek like '[i][b]Middle age spread[/b][/i]'. I am allowed to say this as a 33yo BFG (Big Fat Git).
  2. I did try a Rockbass the other week and the neck was so slim it's like a pencil.
  3. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='82752' date='Nov 2 2007, 01:27 PM']I made a fretless precision and a telecaster using brandoni parts. The body & neck are very good quality. Much better than a Squier; more like an MIJ Fender. The pickups are very good, but I didn't use the bridge and tuners as they were cheap generic ones and the pickguard had different hole positions & shape to a fender.[/quote] Do you have any pics of your handywork please?
  4. I can get the body finished for free, so that's not an issue, I know about the cheaper kits, it's the Jap quality that appeals (if it's true).
  5. [url="http://www.brandoniguitars.co.uk/kits.asp"]http://www.brandoniguitars.co.uk/kits.asp[/url] TIA
  6. I'd be surprised if it's the fault of the magnets unless (as suggested) they were duffers to start with. The magnets disintergrating over time is part of the reason why old guitars sound better, it makes them sound sweeter and more mellow.
  7. Try a Cort Curbow, that's one of the slimmest easiest playing necks I have found, that's why I bought one.
  8. I actually wonder if one of these: [url="http://www.guitars.co.uk/acatalog/Fender_Active_P_Bass_Special_.html"]http://www.guitars.co.uk/acatalog/Fender_A...s_Special_.html[/url] with a maple neck would be more cost effective? Anybody know much about them?
  9. Cheers guys, I have no problem with using Japanese parts. Given the might of the pound at the moment I guess going across the pond for bits has never made more sense.
  10. I want to build a bass to my liking using off the shelf parts:- PJ body Maple Jazz neck Nothing else special. So where's a good place to be looking for bits? TIA
  11. I am almost certain to take the big muff pi. Just trying to get hold of me bro to confirm he still wants one.
  12. I have only been playing bass for 8 weeks in total, but have found the hard (and expensive) way that it's a must to try out instruments as they all feel different (to me) - I am talking guitars here, not basses.
  13. [quote name='King Tut' post='81082' date='Oct 29 2007, 11:56 PM']Pleeeease don't buy mail order - you gotta try the actual one you're buying first![/quote] Couldn't agree more, unless it's cheap enough to take a risk on. They're all different to play.
  14. [quote name='jwbassman' post='80946' date='Oct 29 2007, 07:14 PM']There are one or two candidates on ebay at the moment... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Guitar-Precision-Bass-Special-Deluxe_W0QQitemZ150175637262QQihZ005QQcategoryZ33039QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Black MIM[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-PRECISION-BASS_W0QQitemZ180174604239QQihZ008QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Is this the one to which you refer?[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1975-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS_W0QQitemZ180174232338QQihZ008QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]or was it this one?[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Precision-Bass-Guitar-1976-USA_W0QQitemZ110185899259QQihZ001QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]It's not black but it is 1976 - no feedback and over £1000 - if money were no object and I could afford to take a chance on it then maybe [/url] Guess this should really be in ebay links but there you go [/quote] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1981-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-NECK-on-a-P-BASS-BODY_W0QQitemZ180174608236QQihZ008QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1981-FENDER-JAZZ-BAS...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] With an action so low, there is no room for strings...
  15. I just find jazz necks more comfy, so personal preference I suppose. There is almost the perfect thing on the bay at the moment, but it's from everybody's favorite trader in the Fatherland.
  16. I'm kind of expecting that, but if you don;t ask... I'd like a bass from the year of my birth.
  17. Was that at Dudley Castle?
  18. Deffo interested, can I see some pics please - been on the lookout for an interesting project for a few weeks now.
  19. 1974 'fully loaded' Fender Precision, no bridge, orig pickguard and pickups. £550 Pictures please. TIA
  20. Because that's what Roger Waters is quite famous for using That's why I want one, but with a Jazz neck.
  21. BTTT. I'd also consider swaps / PX's against a good bass (I like jazzers). Oh and a price drop to an absolute gift of £300 collected.
  22. Time for a bump for an absolute bargain, these things fetch much much more than this on 'that' auction site.
  23. Right been wondering about this, most people hold the precision style bass in very high esteem and I was wondering why this was. Could it be because: a ) Leo hit the nail on the head first time and came up with a bass that could only be improved upon in minor ways if at all. or b ) It was used so prolifically in the pioneering days of modern music (50's, 60's & 70's) that you can't help but think that that's how bass is [i]supposed[/i] to sound. What do you guys think?
  24. To be honest mate I wouldn't use any of them. Thanks for the offers though.
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