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Everything posted by HarryPotter

  1. I'm a bit confused now - I was under the impression id bought the unused set, as per my original post?
  2. Hi John, Does that mean both sets are gone, I have a friend who may have been interested in the used set. No problems if they are, he needs to get himself a BC account for the future
  3. For the money you won't beat a Westone Thunder to cut your teeth on, and it'll match your ability for a fair while after this - built like a tank and of a very high standard of construction - 25 years old examples are still rock solid with easily another 25 years left in them. You can pick them up for very little money on here. Be warned though they have a 'precision' width (ish) neck but it is very very comfy to play and they are quite heavy compared to a lot of modern basses.
  4. I'll take the unused set please (I'm assuming it's the pair i.e. Fender part number 0992102000). Can you PM me some payment details, I'm good with cheque or bank transfer (BACS). As for shipping as long as it's going to get here undamaged I'm not bothered about time (I live near Stoke-on-Trent). Cheers
  5. When I get one like that I use the nearest sized TORX bit as it fits into the corners and I don't round the rod, I'm still careful even when I do this though.
  6. I have a MM IV and I love everything about it, except the electronics, the good thing is they're easy to change (when I get around to it :s)
  7. O:sops, I meant to put it in here to start with
  8. I love my Marcus MIller Jazz to play (it's that neck I tells ya) but find myself never using the active circuit (I'm not a slapper ) So I was thinking about swapping the PUPs out for something with a bit more lower mids and less upper mids and highs to balance the sound how I like it. I was also contemplating changing the active circuits for 2 vols, 2 tones and the switch for series / parralel wiring. Anybody done it and how did they find it? Any caveats? TIA
  9. Guys loving my MM Jazz IV bass but concerned about my gig bag - it's just not macho enough (and barely fits the Jazz) so I needs a new one. I doubt I could work with a hard case as it may not fit into my car but if it's cheap enough I'd consider it. I've read the instrument sticky before it's mentioned, I just cant afford the kind of money that the top end solutions require. So basically I'd consider affordable cases (if I'm happy they will fit in my car) or a decent gig bag. So what would you guys recommend? TIA.
  10. I have the Chinese ABM Evo III 2X10 combo and I love it, it was a toss up between that and an Ampeg 2X10 combo at the time. In a confined space the Ampeg sounded wonderful but in a more open environment the Ashdown simply blew the doors off of it. I use mine every week for over a year now and it's been fine reliability wise, that includes trips in my car (with hard sports suspension on the wonderful british roads).
  11. All gone now thanks.
  12. Full tropical set up, 1M tank, stand come cabinet, filter, heater etc. Basically complete and ready to go all you need is some fresh tubes (lights) and filter pads. Oh and fish, gravel, scenery etc. All cleaned up and ready to go. Free, but you gotta come and get it and I'm not splitting, you want it you take the lot. It's only going because my mrs needs the space for a desk for her degree course. It's in Leek (near Stoke-on-Trent).
  13. Didn't SC have the exclusive distribution rights to these before they went belly up? I tried one in there before it happened - just came over as another modern active bass - could have said anything on the headstock.
  14. Yeah the Labellas certainly seem to be the starting point, or maybe the TI Jazz flats. Have to see who has what available.
  15. A decent thump but not lose too much tone? I also like low tension strings if possible and I prefer the feel of flats. I don't have the dosh to try 3 or 4 sets of strings so I'd like to get it fairly close at the first attempt. The Jazz is a standard MM so passively the tones are redundant and I like a more muted tone than full on gives. It's currently strung with DR MM Signatures and I don't particularly care for them. I have Rotosound 88's on my EB-o and I love them to play, just dont care for the tone. TIA
  16. As per the title please folks, anybody know any good ways of polishing out very light scratches on a black Fender scratchplate? TIA
  17. Bought Rays MM Jazz from him, he even drove out of his way to deliver it. Great stuff.
  18. I tried one of them about a year ago - I liked that as well
  19. and rare - gerrit bought
  20. You have a PM
  21. A very old Telecaster Bass. The serial number started with a 3 , so 73ish? It had the 3 screw neck bolt type thingy. Now I struggle with full scale basses but this old bugger played like butter - it was wonderful. If I had the cash (it was for sale for 'about a grand') I'd have had his arm off, just for that beaten up, wonderful playing old neck. Vintage bass, mmmmmmmmmmmm, yummy
  22. Yep, he bought my Curbow and the deal was an example of how it should be, despite my packaging :s
  23. Bummox, they sold it on saturday and wont be getting any more - back to the drawing board
  24. As a newbie to bass myself (15 months in) I have 2 snippets of advice for you; i) DO NOT SUCCUMB TO THE EVIL THAT IS TAB!!! (TAB has it's place but it will help you in the long run if you learn the 'proper' notes and notation) ii) Find some guys to jam with, you will learn so much faster that way (and Bassists are always in demand) Good luck it's great
  25. And thank you JLP, the last of the pre global meltdown priced mustangs is on its way to me I ain't bothered about the colour, my brother is a pro paint sprayer, so if I get fed up with it .....
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