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Everything posted by HarryPotter

  1. Santa got me an Epi one of Xmas. Lovely thing to play if you have pigs tits for fingers (big hands but short fingers), a swine to set up right. I'm not overly struck on the strings though, I like flats or half flats so do you guys have any opinions on what to try? If it starts sounding to muddy when I get it through my proper base rig (Ashdown ABM) I may be looking at a pup change as well (and rewire according to the original Gibson schematics) so just as a thought is anything obvious for the swop? TIA
  2. As title really. My bros band had a major fall out with their bass player and now need a replacement pronto. They are a 'serious' outfit with record labels sniffing around them as we speak (they just left a local indie label cause they are a bunch of w**kers). Style wise they are very much 'Brit Rock' think Brit Pop cranked up a few notches. Got gigs booked all over the show (London, Manchester and somewhere in Yorkshire next month for starters). Make no mistake this is not a job for bedroom widdlers or wannabees this is the real deal, you'll need your own kit, transport would help and above all serious levels of comittment and a desire to turn pro. Musically they're after a thumping engine room to drive the band, not somebody who thinks they should be the musical focus of the band, if that's your gig please look elsewhere - on the plus side you don't need to be a Jaco or a Billy Sheehan but you do need to be musically competent and able to pick up on established songs fairly quickly, you know the kind of ability I mean. Image is important, these are not your a typical teens with tight jeans and pointy shoes brigade, these are working class nutters who love what they do - think of guys in their mid 20's that grew up on a diet of Oasis and classic 70's rock. As for personailty well you need to be serious about the music but enjoy a good, crude laugh - these guys can out party the motley crue (I sh*t you not). Check them out on [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=433685724"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=433685724[/url] Right that should have scared the cr@p out of most people, so if you're still interested get in touch asap please, I'll be checking back on a regular bassis For the right person this is a stunning opportunity.
  3. [url="http://www.dawsons.co.uk/acatalog/stagg_bc300_3_4_size_black.html"]http://www.dawsons.co.uk/acatalog/stagg_bc...size_black.html[/url] Just wondered if they are any good? I'm not expecting miracles at that price just a viable alternative to a Squier Bronco to satisfy my gas for a cheapo 30" bass. I can get one for £80 new. TIA.
  4. [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/grb1kcpp.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/grb1kcpp.html[/url] Tempted by one of those myself, and I'm a bloke (allegedly)
  5. A good Westone Thunder Very P in feel, built like a tank and with some great tone (tried it in anger through an ABM 2X10, a Peavey 15" brick and a Crate 12" doo dahh). It's great through them all with a bit of fiddling and has a lot of flexibility if you get the active version. And you're gonna like the price - an extremely underated (and undervalued) bass
  6. Likewise Very pleased with everything, the bass, the deal, communications the whole shebang, top stuff
  7. Got it today exactly as promised, great bass, great deal. Cheers Eastwind
  8. I'm really looking forward to it once the deal goes through. I'm a big fan of early 80's Japanese instruments, my fave being an '84 Tokai Goldstar Sound Strat with a neck that was like playing warm butter mmmmmmmmmmmm. Then I came to my senses and decided to ditch 2 strings
  9. I'll take it, been after a cheapo precision alike for a while (sound wise) this seems that and so much more Now just to face the wrath of swmbo Can you PM me payment details, I can do BACS or Cheque, or if u inisit P****l Cheers, Ayns.
  10. Tried to pop in after work yesterday and it wasn't open (before 5p.m.) Anybody know whats going on - it'd be a shame if the fellas are out of a job now.
  11. Nice one dudes, I had almost forgot about this request, then I found my Frankie Valli CD the other day Hope your nerves gets better Mr Mac.
  12. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='199480' date='May 15 2008, 12:31 PM']if they bought stuff on sale or return, in theory they could have returned all of their unsold stock and they wouldn't be in the position they are in[/quote] Going off the state of the Stoke SC they are very light on stock, so I'm assuming it was recalled by the supplier or returned by SC. Either that or they have had a cracking week of selling stuff.
  13. It's a bit hawkish I know, but I was wondering if there might be some genuine bargains available in the near future?
  14. So what do you uys think it is - basically I'm after a 'leave it lying around' bass and I want it to be a precision style, but of reasonable quality. Does such a thing exist? TIA.
  15. I spent a while being very careful to get the input level at what I deemed to be the correct level - a decent strength of signal with the occasioanl excursion into the red, I also adjusted the 3 band on board EQ to make sure that it was a fairly even response across all the strings. Tried running the amp at 100% on the knob and while it didnt seem to be struggling or breaking up etc. I just wasn't overly happy doing it (old habits and all). I think a 2 X 10 is the way to go for me, I do love the tone of the 2X10 built into the combo, and I am more of a mids man than an epic low bass man.
  16. Mostly we only play venues these days with their own (serious) in house PA. This was a charity do at a local pub, it's become a bit of a regular event. It's currently a 2 X 10 combo. An extra 3dB (if the maths in my head is right) would be pretty much spot on for our needs, any more and its DI to the desk time.
  17. Used my new amp in anger for the first time yesterday. Very very impressed by how tight it sounded, despite being used with the master volume at about 3 o'clock. That was my only gripe, I'd like a bit more volume from it so I can back of the volume (a little). It was competing with a 50W Orange Valve Amp, a 50W Marshall Valve Head, a drummer who hits drums so hard he moves them across the stage and a PA system that was being given death. Oh and about 300 Stoke fans celebrating going up. My question is how much more 'volume' does adding an extra cab give? And would you go an additional 2 X 10 route (love the tone - it's toyt, loyk a toyger) or a 1 X15 - I only use 4 string basses so don't need an epic bottom end - ooh err missus. TIA.
  18. Didn't know about it as I couldn't find it on their website. Either way I'm well chuffed, lovely bit of kit for £26 a month.
  19. I am tempted to oil finish my Jazz all maple neck to ge that slinky smooth fell. But I also want to put a decal on the headstock afterwards, can it be done?
  20. Picked it up today. And it's true about SC. Much to my suprise they got my order wrong. I know own the Evo III Combo and not the Evo II And very very nice it is too
  21. Thanks very much amigo, it's an absolute thumper of a tune
  22. I'll tell you when I actually get it - I didn't want the one in the store as it had been somewhat 'used'. Looking forward to letting loose with it now I finally have something to give those orange valve amp powered g*******ts something to contend with (cue maniacal laughter).
  23. Ok, finally getting around to my Brandoni P/J build. I have been hunting for the materials to do a Nitrocellulose finish but it's tough to find all the liquids I will need at a sensible price. I want a black body with a vintage tint to the maple neck. Is it worth just going the Polyurethane route? If so where is the best places to go for this? Are there other options I should be considering?
  24. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='185500' date='Apr 25 2008, 06:43 PM']There's the rub. We all moan about having to try stuff with some spotty kid playing Smoke on the Water on thin strings, it gives you a much better idea of real world sound than playing on your own in some tiny booth.[/quote] Went back again today, it was playin in the pantry that changed the sound so much. Given that I tend to play in churches and halls etc. the Ashdown won out when it had some space to breathe. That and the oodles of power it had
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