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Everything posted by gapiro

  1. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1435532177' post='2809854'] Slightly annoyed that the beeb didn't show the whole set (I'm assuming that they'll have played for more than slightly over an hour). Although I suppose that it is possible that the Who, for whatever reason, didn't want the whole thing broadcast. I seem to recall that's what Mick & Keef stipulated when the Rolling Stones headlined. [/quote] I'm listening now and will try and fill the gaps.... http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-who/2015/worthy-farm-pilton-england-23c9546f.html has the full set list. Muse did the same when they played Reading/Leeds and played the entire of Origin of Symettry, then BBC didn't play half the rare songs. Much to the despair of us Muse fans! Luckily, Muse are very keen / dont seem to mind (to the extent the muse.mu forum has a bootleg forum) bootleg dvd's etc from fan recordings, so it is all available through various phone shots etc, and in pretty good quality.
  2. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1435524683' post='2809740'] Karaoke arrives at Glasto... [/quote] OR, as twitter trended it, #kanyeoke
  3. Does sleeping with your sister qualify you? (obviously I'm not.... Honest)
  4. Still want. Still want you to not be so bloody far away
  5. Can I add a point of - Even worse than sunburst.... is sunburst with tortoiseshell pickguard? absolutely HATE tortoiseshell pickguards.....
  6. I have to add this: Michael Jackson : Way you make me feel This song just annoys me. It just wears me out!
  7. I thoguht I had reached the point of 0 GAS. I have had my two laklands, running through the Harley Benton Amp into a Barefaced midget for ~ 3 years now and haven't bought anything since. The last purchase I made was some strings (half - rounds) and they have made my Lakland Owners Group bass even better. Unfortunately I have recently been playing the EUB a fair amount recently for a Rockabilly band, and kind of decided now I want to get a DB and learn properly. This sounds like a bad idea for me money wise!
  8. Very tempted. No idea how transport is though... Bit of trek for me!
  9. I know we're not allowed to post requests for valuations, so this isn't one - more a question - how do you work out the value of a bass? Normally I would hunt around on ebay/basschat/other bass forums for similar/same ones sold, but the bass i'm trying to value does not seem to have many that are close/the same around (I was donated it by a relative , from a death of a little known relative). Also struggling to find any sort of specialised forum (eg I know there are forums for Rick's etc)
  10. I think the answer is no, but are there such things as real books with basslines in dot form? I can only ever find the real books in bass clef but with melodies.
  11. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1420550777' post='2650497'] But not without sax ? [/quote] I play in a trio that does it with the sax parts on guitar... Sacrelidgeous maybe but it does sound awesome.
  12. Baker Street can be done without vox!
  13. I was just wondering who Mike Leads was
  14. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1419931057' post='2643982'] Pitcher and piano ? [/quote] Assuming so.... Let us know how Uptown funk goes - its on our setlist for next gig. Still having fun trying to get a perfect sound for the bass.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419965763' post='2644451'] Begs the question of what fees bands are setting for NYE. I understand that it is a very expensive night all round, but I would want way more than the bar staff earned that night to consider it worth doing..and I accept that pubs just can't go to that sort of money. I don't think I'd want to do a function either..unless it was a dep gig and I just turned up but the hours would be 'critical' [/quote] Depends on the location... the venue in question is a village pub that attracts 100+ whenever there is an event on. There is no other pubs in the village and its verty much a community spirit where everyone goes out together. We've done other gigs in the village at a couples house and had the same sort of turn out as the pub - 100+ people.
  16. We had one at a community pub here, well paid, good venue, done it last year too... usually put on a marquee etc. Very much a village atmosphere and everyone goes out. Rang a couple of weeks ago to check up on it and turns out the manager had been "removed". The new manager then proceeded to laugh at us down the phone when we told them about our booking (£800 for a 4 piece) and offered us under 1/4 of that claiming they couldn't make the £2k they would need in a night to make it worthwhile. (last year the pub took over double that), so they were politely told to eff off.
  17. [quote name='lowendgalore' timestamp='1416862565' post='2614523'] Responding to the few that said about walking around a venue to check the sound - yes if im on a small gig and we are maybe doing sound ourselves i will do this, and im usually pretty happy with where we get things sitting. Generally speaking, the smaller gigs where the band do they sound themselves i usually find the bass experience fairly good generally! Its big gigs/proffesional gigs 1000+ to arena tours that disapoint me. Theres one company that when i look and ask them about some of there eq-ing they boost nothing, they only take out... So i might i ask whell hows my bass sitting guys and they will say something like "took out 62hz, it was a bit heavy there" and im like ahhh:( thats where id be wanting them to boost it;) haha Cool to hear your thoughts! [/quote] That is actually not necessarily a bad thing - it is one school of thought because boosting is a) more prone to clipping introducing artifical sound - you can remove but can't add. Bruno Mars I thought the bass sound was good, and Oddly, McBusted, with 2 bassists sounded pretty fine (saw them in nottingham, took the first song to get the sound right but sounded good)
  18. Alanis Morrisette - Stand in Pocket? Anyway I think the general consensus is - it depends on the situation. (Who'd have thunk it!) Personally, I have one gig where I rock up with a stand, get given an EXCEL spreadsheet with chords for 20 songs on a page, and i'm expected to use that. It works well, we never rehearse etc. I have another gig where the singer has (as per the picture above) a lyric screen in a monitor. Rarely looks at it except for the odd word. In that gig I never use a stand, but I have a very good memory and good ears so I can generally hear the changes. I also do theatre stuff, and reading from stands = essentially obligatory. If you need stands, and it doesn't cause issue with your personal bands circumstances, go for it. ps I'm Still standing - Elton John?
  19. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1417680232' post='2622895'] Sorry - I misread the thread title as "Who lives in Leeds?" And I don't even live in Leeds... [/quote] I read it as [b] "The Who live in Leeds"[/b] As in, they live , in leeds.
  20. My Entry! http://youtu.be/Is665CtmBUc
  21. Goddarnit, why make it so difficult! I'm stuck between 3
  22. He's referring to the coating on it surely....
  23. And apologies for replying to an old thread... I was trying to find the datasheet for i.... Jack sold it to me... and currently i'm using it to power a barefaced midget and have been pretty much non stop for the last 2 years. It is a great little amp and has held its own at everything I 've thrown at it.
  24. +1 - was really good and enjoyable.
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